



诗歌选集(全本诗词)  编辑说明(缘由和历程)



001 阿爸父神我们拜祢God, our Father, we adore Thee!

002 全能君王我神Come, Thou Almighty King

003 圣哉、圣哉、圣哉Holy, Holy, Holy

004 亲爱天父,我感谢祢Heavenly Father, I appreciate you

005 父神,我敬拜祢Father, I adore you
006 赞美我神,万福源头Praise God, from whom all blessings flow

007 荣耀,荣耀归干圣父Glory, glory to the Father!


008 当我思念,我主O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder

009 父阿,我爱祢Father, we love You

010 神阿,祢为何故What was it, blessed God
011 神的大爱真是远超笔The love of God is greater far

012 颂赞归于我神Blessed be God, our God, Who gave for us

013 看哪,父神赐给我们Behold, what love, what boundless love

014 父神阿,祢在羔羊里O God! we see Thee in the Lamb

015 我们从前所有All that we were - our sin, our guilt, our death

016 父阿,久在创世之前Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us

017 神阿,祢是何等奇妙My God, how wonderful Thou art

018 神的怜悯何等深广There's a wideness in God's

019 在我里面的灵呼叫And the Spirit in my heart cries

020 父阿,久在创世之前Father, long before creation

021 主那坚定的爱The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases

022 父阿,在祢并无转动影儿Great is Thy faithfulness

023 神,我赞美祢We praise Thee O God

024 荣耀归于父神To God be the glory, great things He hath done

025 父神我今敬拜祢Gracious God, we worship Thee

026 荣耀父神,赞美祢We praise Thee, glorious Father

027 阿爸,父阿,我们现在"Abba, Father," we approach Thee

028 我们不会疲倦不唱We are never never weary of the grand old song

029 阿爸,我们来颂赞祢Abba, Father! we adore Thee

030 哦神,祢何等乐意O gracious God, Thy pleasure is in Thy Christ made known

031 哦神,是祢召我们来看By Thee, O God, invited, we look unto the Son

032 父阿,儿女称颂祢名Father, Thy name our souls would bless
033 快乐,快乐,Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee

034 父神,我们称颂祢We bless Thee, God and Father

035 慈爱父神,对于祢的大爱Our God and Father, we respond to Thee
036 宴筵方过,我们尚感甜美Father, Thy Son beloved leads our praise

037 靠着我们救主流血O God our Father, we would come to Thee

038 我父,我神,祢爱在子Our God and Father we respond anew

039 父阿,我们在祢面前Father, to Thee a joyful song we raise

040 仰看穹苍,浩瀚无辊The spacious firmament on high

041 不能朽,不能见Immortal, invisible, God only wise


042 祢乃是那永活的道Thou art the everlasting Word

043 当基督寄居在地时The living of Christ when He on earth

044 哦,何感人的故事O soul-inspiring story

045 主对呼求衪名的人O how nigh the Lord is unto all who call on Him!
046 因耶稣的圣名In the Name of Jesus

047 高举主名!那荣耀名Lift that Name high! that glorious Name

048 祢名如同倒出香膏Thy name is as ointment poured forth

049 耶稣这名何其甘甜The name of Jesus is so sweet

050 主耶稣,我爱祢名Thy name we love. Lord Jesus

051 被杀羔羊,耶稣基督All praise to Him who reigns on high

052 衪名高过其他一切的名His name is higher than any other
053 汇集一切权能、智慧Join all the glorious names of wisdom

054 耶稣,远超过万名Jesus, name above all names

055 耶稣祢名何等芬芳Jesus! how much Thy name unfolds to every opened ear

056 我们何等爱这名 How we love the glorious name, The name of Jesus!

057 耶稣这名甜美芬芳 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear!

058 耶稣,我爱这名 Jesus! that name we love, Jesus, our Lord!

059 耶稣大名,荣耀、有能 Glorious, mighty Name of Jesus

060 耶稣这名超乎万名 Jesus, the name high over all,In hell, or earth, or sky

061 耶稣这名,至尊名Name of Jesus! highest Name!

062 赞美耶稣的名Praise the name of Jesus

063 耶稣,耶稣,耶稣Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Sweetest Name on earth
064 耶稣,祢是最甜美的名Jesus, You're the sweetest name of all

065 大地无名甜至如此There is no name so sweet on earth

066 曾听地上许多美好的名There have been names that I have loved to hear

067 普世欢腾!救主下降Joy to the world! The Lord is come

068 永活的故事,撇下荣耀Down from His glory, ever living story
069 温和而又君尊Meekness and majesty, manhood and Diety

070 哦来,蒙恩群众O come, all ye faithful

071 听阿,天使高声唱Hark! The herald angels sing

072 神爱子,自天降临Praise the Lord, God sent His Son

073 哦主,当我们想到祢O Lord! When we the path retrace
074 主,祢温柔所留印记How beauteous were the marks divine

075 主,接纳我们的诗歌Lord, accept our feeble song!

076 耶稣!永远生命之源Jesus! Source of life eternal!

077 我每静念那十字架When I survey the wondrous cross

078 哦,满了伤痕的头O Head once full of bruises

079 哦主,什么使祢头垂O Christ, what burdens bow'd our load was laid on Thee

080 主,我宝贵祢的行径Lord, we treasure with affection

081 阿利路亚,何等的死Oh, hallelujah, what a death!

082 神羔羊,纯洁又无疵Lamb of God so pure and spotless

083 无瑕救主为我舍命Behold! A spotless victim

084 我神竞离天上宝座God was born a human being

085 头戴荆冕钉十架Crowned with thorns upon the tree

086 祂不能救自己Himself He could not save
087 加略山巅,救主丧命On Calvary's brow my Savior died

088 看哪! 看哪! 神的羔羊Behold! Behold the Lamb of God

089 哎哟!救主真曾流血Alas! And did my Savior bleed?

090 没有血、没有坛No blood, no altar now

091 神的基督从天至" Man of Sorrows," what a name
092 此时何时!孤单之时O solemn hour! O hour alone

093 耶稣,罪人朋友Jesus, the sinner's Friend

094 这个真是何等甘美How sweet is the story of Christ's boundless love

095 古时祭坛所流Not all the blood of beasts,on Jewish altars slain

096 称颂曾受辱的耶稣Hail, Thou once despised Jesus!

097 颂赞声音何等难得How pleasant is the sound of praise!
098 听哪!怜悯、慈爱之声Hark! the voice of love and mercy

099 荣耀归于祢Thine be the glory, risen, conqu'ring Son

100 主已复活,死的审判The Lord is ris'n; and death's dark judgment

101 祂躺卧在坟墓Low in the grave He lay
102 救主基督已复活Christ the Lord is ris'n indeed

103 哦主,死的领土Thou, Lord, to death's domain didst go alone

104 基督复活!阿利路亚Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

105 得胜之名属祂His be the Victor's name

106 阿利路亚!颂赞耶稣Hallelujah! Sing to Jesus

107 幔子裂开!看哪The veil is rent: Lo!
108 从我们心的深处Our hearts are overflowing to speak a goodly thing

109 王后戴俄斐金The queen in gold of Ophir at Thy right hand

110 耶和华对我主说The Lord said unto to my Lord

111 主耶和华祢的圣名O Lord, our Lord, how excellent

112 神兴起,使仇敌四散God shall rise, His foes be scattered

113 哦主耶稣,我心喜乐O Jesus, Lord 'tis joy to know

114 救主已登宝座Far above all is our Savior enthroned

115 看哪,冠冕已给羊羔Behold the Lamb with glory crowned

116 看那胜者奏凯上升See the Conqu'ror mount in triumph

117 听哪,千万声音呼喊Hark! Ten thousand voices crying

118 全能的主神At Your feet we fall, mighty risen Lord

119 哦,我救主已得荣 O my Savior, glorified!
120 神的基督、荣耀的主Lord of glory, we adore Thee!
121 我们的灵伏着Gazing on the Lord in glory
122 何等权能!耶稣尊名All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
123 何筹权能!耶稣尊名All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
124 冠祂,万王之王Crown Him with many crowns
125 从前那戴荆棘的头Jesus, Thy head, once crown'd with thorns
126 看哪,何等荣耀情景Look, ye saints, the sight isglorious
127 祂是主,祂是主He is Lord, He is Lord
128 敬拜主,敬拜尊贵Majesty, worship His majesty
129 我主耶稣惟祢是配Jesus, Thou alone art worthy
130 神的儿子亲爱救主O blessed Savior, Son of God
131 日光照耀所到之强Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
132 听那美妙天来歌声Hark! Ten thousand heav'nly voices
133 快乐因主为王Rejoice, the Lord is King
134 主当我们漂旒旷野Lord, Thy love has sought and found us
135 永远之爱犹如海洋Eternal Love! Oh, mighty sea
136 深哉深哉耶稣的爱Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus
137 我对耶稣所给的大爱I stand all amazed at the loveJesus offers me
138 我在拿撒勒人耶稣I stand amazed in the presence
139 我的救主祢爱为何O blessed Savior, is Thy love so great!
140 我有一位奇妙救主I have a Friend, whose faithful love
141 主,我是否与祢为一Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee?
142 祢的大爱,过于人It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine
143 甜美登极救主额上Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
144 我今俯伏生命的王King of my life, I crown Thee now
145 赞美感恩之声With praise and thanks-giving
146 哦,愿我有千万O for a thousand tongues to sing
147 耶稣,奇妙救主Jesus, wondrous Savior!Christ
148 最美的耶稣Fairest Lord Jesus!
149 我们的心满是基督Our hearts are full of Christ
150 主耶稣,当我们想到Lord Jesus! When we think of Thee
151 恩主,祢是生命源O Christ, He is the fountain
152 荣耀归于我主Glory to Christ on high
153 听哪,这是教会凯歌'Tis the Church triumphant singing
154 恩主耶稣,阿利路亚Blessed Lord, our hallelujahs
155 哦主耶稣,我的心Jesus, our Lord, with what joy we adore Thee
156 我们当来同声欢呼Come, let us join our cheerfulsongs
157 荣耀归于爱我之主Glory be to Him who loved us
158 同来朝见基督We come, O Christ, to Thee
159 惟有耶稣是我题目Jesus only is our message
160 哦主,在祢名里聚集Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus
161 哦,主耶稣,我们在袮前聚集O Jesus Lord, when present at Thy table
162 主是我们的平安祭Lord, Thou art our peace off'ring
163 赞美!赞美!赞美耶稣Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
164 从我一生In my life, Lord
165 神的羔羊,我敬拜祢Lamb of God! Our souls adore Thee
166 哦来,欢欣敬拜祂O come, let us adore Him
167 千万感谢归耶稣)Ten thousand thanks to Jesus
168 颂赞与尊贵Blessing and honor and glory be Thine
169 晨光掠天而过When morning gilds the skies
170 主,我爱祢I love You, Lord, and I lift my voice


171 应当将此消息Oh, spread the tidings 'round
172 在旷野加低斯Fainting in the desert
173 喜乐涌流有如河海Joys are flowing like a river
174 生命活水的江诃Rivers of living water
175 有一生命江河There's a river of life flowing out thru me
176 主,求祢向我吹圣灵O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me
177 从蒙爱的子民院庭Praise waiteth Thee in Zion'sCourts
178 神赐衪的能力God sent His mighty pow'r to this poor
179 如今三一神Now the triune God has come to dwell
180 活神的圣灵Spirit of the Living God
181 让神儿子以祂圣灵O let the Son of God enfold you
182 何等荣耀What a glory! What a blessing!
183 赞美我神Praise the Lord, who firmly joined us
184 神的圣灵乃是印记The Holy Spirit is the seal
185 求主宝血洁净我Lord, may Thy blood now cleanse me a>
186 看哪,时代已转移"Seven Spirits" of our God See

187 生命之气O Breath of Life, come sweeping through us

188 出于圣灵Of the Spirit, born of Spirit

189 我们来,我们来We have come, we have come

190 主,当无人认识父时Lord, when the Father ne'er was known

191 主,祢所有一切工作In all thy work, O Lord

192 当祢住在肉身生命Lord, Thou didst know when in the flesh

193 哦,主耶稣当祢在地Oh, Jesus, Lord, when Thou on earth


194 我们喜爱这圣经We've come to love the Bible

195 我们爱主宝贵的话Oh, how we love the precious Word!

196 我心宝爱主的圣言Oh, how I love this blessed Book!

197 求主静中发言

198 主,祢有否一句为我Lord, hast Thou not one word for me

199 开启我眼,使我看见Open my eyes that I may see

200 我主请说;仆人敬听Master, speak! Thy servant heareth

201 愿主为我擘开生命的饼Break Thou the Bread of Life,dear Lord

202 神的话如丰富宝库Thy Word is like a storehouse, Lord

203 莫让我们贫乏悟性We limit not the truth of God

204 主正渴慕祂的新妇Jesus is longing for His Bride


205 求主教我如何祷告Teach us to pray

206 信徒当寻求不息Christian, seek not yet repose

207 我奉耶稣全能的名In the mighty Name of Jesus

208 凭信心求Ask in faith

209 我所有苦况必须告诉主I must tell Jesus all of my trials

210 何等朋友,我主耶稣What a Friend we have in Jesus

211 在祂同在的隐密处In the secret of His presence

212 坐在我主耶稣脚前Sitting at the feet of Jesus

213 这香要常焚烧Keep the incense burning

214 激动我心,主Stir me, oh, stir me, Lord

215 父阿,愿祢国降临Father, let Thy kingdom come

216 天上全都屏息等待All heaven waits with bated breath

217 复兴祢工作,主Revive Thy work, O Lord!

218 祷告之时Sweet hour of prayer

219 切莫急要去工作Don't you be in such a hurry


220 教会惟一的根基The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord

221 蒙爱被选神的教会Church of God, beloved and chosen

222 救恩稳固在于基督On Christ, salvation rests secure

223 何等大能Oh, what a might!

224 哦父神祢是生命之源Father God, Thou art the source of life

225 在神儿女中间Let party names no more the Christian world o'erspread

226 主里众圣!为何分裂 Saints in Christ! Why thus divided

227 耶稣是我奇妙牧人Jesus, our wonderful Shepherd

228 看哪,何等美善!Behold how good a thing it is to dwell in peace

229 教会生活,辉煌之至Splendid church life! His green garden!

230 基督祢是万福源Christ, from whom all blessings flow

231 爱主之人所显景象How sweet, how heav'nly is the sight

232 福哉!以爱联系Blest be the tie that binds

233 同来赞美我们救主All praise to our redeeming Lord

234 欢迎,欢迎你回家Welcome to the family

235 主,我今最迫切之需Lord, to know Thee as the Body

236 主,我爱祢国度I love Thy kingdom, Lord

237 哦,基督有一荣耀教会Oh, the church of Christ is glorious

238 圣经乃是神的话语The Bible is the Word of God

239 当周游锡安O walk about, walk about Zion

240 今从律法转向基督From ev'rything to Christ we've turned

241 建造神的圣殿的时候This is the time for building
242 记得大卫起誓Recall how David swore

243 看哪,在这黑夜See the golden lampstands

244 众教会今在地上The churches are the Body of Christ

245 神在启示录第一章In Revelation chapter one

246 在启示录第二、三章In Revelation two and three

247 非拉铁非,爱的教会
248 哦,我们主必要快临Oh, the Lord is quickly coming

249 愿神同在直至再相见God be with you till we meet again

250 主耶稣,我们聚集Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus

251 我今受浸,是祢旨意Is it Thy will that I should be buried

252 我们聚在一起来吃We gather together to eat

253 哦主,祢筵席何等荣耀Oh, how glorious is Thy table, Lord

254 主,我们是祢身体We're gathered here, O Lord

255 我们照祢恩惠话语According to Thy gracious word

256 主举爱旗遮盖我们Jesus spreads His banner over us

257 哦,主耶稣,在此桌Jesus, Lord, we know Thee present

258 主耶稣,当那晚间On that same night, Lord Jesus

259 神圣、爱的珍馐Sweet feast of love divine!

260 主在此我要与祢Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face

261 为着这饼和这杯For the bread and for the wine

262 祢自高天来降世From heav'n You came, helpless babe

263 使我成奴仆Make me a servant

264 我们有一最荣耀王We have a most glorious King

265 求主容我与祢同行O Master, let me walk with Thee

266 如果你想在神国里If you want to be great in God's kingdom

267 向我说话使我能将祢Lord, speak to me, that I may speak

268 祢是人的真光Shine Thou upon us, Lord

269 我已得蒙宝血洗净How I praise Thee, precious Savior

270 主,流过我Flow through me, Lord

271 旷野之中为着神In the wilderness for God!

272 工作,因白昼将临Work, for the day is coming

273 殷勤作工,费财费力Go labor on; spend, and be spent

274 让我们再从头Come let us anew our journey pursue

275 不是我们随意走Not where we elect to go

276 祝福赐下有如甘霖There shall be showers of blessing

277 哦,主祢大爱O perfect Love, all human thought transcending

278 爱的神阿,在祢座前O God of love to Thee we bow,and pray for these

279 一群热闹、不安的人She only touch'd the hem

280 赞美衪名,衪医冶我He healeth me, oh, bless His name


281 我有一友,何等之友I've found a Friend, oh, such a Friend!

282 永远的爱已爱我Loved with everlasting love

283 来与我同欢乐Come and rejoice with me!

284 主爱新稣又甘甜Of Jesus' love that sought me

285 耶稣我救主爱我Jesus my Lord will love me forever

286 我真希奇神竟是这样I am amazed that God could ever love me

287 我真欢乐因为天上父I am so glad that our Father in heaven

288 让我向你述说主耶稣I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus

289 宝血已将我罪洗净Cleansed in our Savior's precious Blood

290 救主流血所成救恩And can it be that I should gain

291 我魂今安息于羔羊On the Lamb our souls are resting

292 亲爱救主,祢救了我Precious Savior, Thou hast saved me

293 去吧 ! 今世Gone from my heart the world

294 神的基督是我的义Jesus, Thy blood andrighteousness

295 我的所有希望根基My hope is built on nothing less

296 我的希望是主My hope is in the Lord

297 深陷在暗牢In a low dungeon hope we had none

298 起来,我魂Arise, my soul, arise!

299 坦然无惧来到神前A mind at perfect peace with God

300 救赎之恩典我爱传述Redeemed-how I love to proclaim it!

301 我有一诗歌我爱唱I have a song I love to sing

302 我要歌颂我的救主I will sing of my Redeemer

303 哦主耶稣我们前来享受O Jesus Lord, we come to Thee

304 有福的确据,基督属我!Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine

305 我生命有何等奇妙What a wonderful change in my life

306 何等快乐日What a happy day

307 我知何时我的罪担全脱落I remember when my burdens rolled away

308 今日何日! 我意立定O happy day that fixed my choice 0n Thee

309 罪恶的锁链Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters

310 一切我所有Naught have I gotten but what I received

311 恩典美妙声音Grace! 'tis a charming sound

312 亲爱主,祢属我Dear Savior, Thou art mine

313 我有一友,祂是我一切) I've found a Friend who is all to me

314 我父独一、超越My Father is omnipotent

315 慈爱恰悯,衪夹寻我In loving kindness Jesus came

316 耶稣奇妙的救恩Wonderful grace of Jesus

317 惊人恩典Amazing grace

318 何等至贵!耶稣我救主So precious is Jesus

319 来阿,祢这万福泉源Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing

320 多年过着虚妄的生活Years I spent in vanity and pride

321 完全救恩!完全救恩Full salvation! full salvation!

322 多年疲惫,未能寻到Many weary years I vainly sought a spring

323 我曾听见耶稣说道I heard the voice of Jesus say

324 前在埃及为罪奴仆Far away the noise of strife

325 有平安在我心There's a peace in my heart

326 一生渴慕我能饮于All my life long I had panted

327 基督使我心中喜乐Since Christ my soul from sin set free

328 在我心中欢奏一音乐There's within my heart a melody,

329 我心中奏一甜美音乐I have a song that Jesus gave me

330 爱主的人都来Come, we that love the Lord

331 我不以认我主为耻I' m not ashamed to own my Lord

332 今有荣光照耀我魂间There is sunshine in my soul today

333 谁如耶稣使我心乐Who can cheer the heart like Jesus

334 我宁愿有耶稣I'd rather have Jesus

335 远在高天神宝座前Before the throne of God above

336 祢里完全,亲爱救主Complete in Thee!

337 我的信心安息之地My faith has found a resting place

338 交通何甜美What a fellowship

339 我真不知神的奇恩I know not why God's wondrous grace

340 你人生航程忽起大风暴Will your anchor hold in the storms of life

341 我听慈爱的话I hear the words of love

342 何等奇妙救主是耶稣A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord

343 我要唱那奇妙故事I will sing the wondrous story

344 为我受伤,为我受伤Wounded for me, wounded for me

345 稳固的根基,为信徒How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord

346 站在基督我王一切应许Standing on the promises of Christ my King

347 平安如水流When peace like a river attend my way


348 哦神祢的大爱Thy mighty love, O God

349 让我爱祢,因祢配得Let me love Thee, Thou art claiming

350 耶稣,耶稣,我的性命O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord

351 从衪庄严荣耀高处Down from His splendor in glory

352 我爱我主,但我无爱I love my Lord, but with no love of mine

353 耶稣祢的全胜的爱Jesus, Thine all victorious love

354 恩主,我爱祢Lord Jesus, I love Thee

355 主耶稣,我们爱祢Jesus, Lord, You're our first love

356 有一个名我爱听见There is a name I love to hear

357 谁能像我耶稣Oh, who's like our Jesus?

358 愿我爱祢更深! More love to Thee, O Christ

359 我在此时刻,要欢唱诗歌In moments like these

360 如鹿切慕溪水As the deer panteth for the water,

361 我如困鹿切慕溪水As pants the hart for cooling streams


362 我心所追求My goal is God Himself

363 我今承认I need Jesus

364 哦主,祢是人心之乐Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts

365 神圣之爱,远超众爱Love Divine, all loves excelling

366 光中之光,照进O Light of light, shine in!
367 祂为我死,我才能活He died for me that I might live

368 愿祢为大,哦主耶稣Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ

369 与我同住Abide with me!

370 我心与我救主Nothing between my soul and the Savior

371 我每时刻需祢I need Thee every hour

372 主阿,求祢来充满我Fill Thou my life, O Lord my God

373 没有间隔,主Nothing between, Lord

374 我心饥谒,疲乏,主I hunger and I thirst; Jesus

375 求主带我上到高山Savior, lead me up the mountain

376 天程旅客的粮食O Bread to pilgrims given

377 哦,父神,照祢心意O God, we seek Your pleasure

378 愿所见惟祢,主Fill all my vision, Savior,

379 哦,荣耀的父神O Father of glory

380 有一令我当遵A charge to keep I have

381 主耶稣,我惟一盼望Lord Jesus, Thou who only

382 我愿更多认识基督More about Jesus would I know

383 主耶稣,我羡慕Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live

384 愿主耶稣的美丽Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me

385 亲近,更亲近Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart

386 主阿,照祢旨意My Jesus, as Thou wilt!

387 救主,领我免迷途Savior, lead me, lest I stray

388 主是我的永远福分Thou my everlasting Portion

389 我本软弱主刚强I am weak, but Thou art strong

390 主,我是属祢I am Thine, O Lord

391 主,祢作我的领港Jesus, Savior, pilot me
392 哦主,求祢长在我心O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me

393 求主教我祷告Lord, teach us how to pray

394 非我意愿,乃祢旨Not my will but Thine be done

395 我今面向高处攀登I'm pressing on the upward way

396 !使我更爱祢More holiness give me

397 哦,我要像祢O to be like Thee!
398 从我活出祢的自己Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me

399 世上景色我已一阅Having seen the world's fair beauty

400 指示祢路,我主Teach me Thy way, O Lord

401 主耶稣我真羡慕能完全Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole

402 哦神,鉴察我心我行Search me, O God, my actions try

403 愿我全心颂赞我神Oh, for a heart to praise my God

404 清心的人有福Bless'd are the pure in heart

405 求主启示主自己Lord, reveal Thyself to me

406 主,祢知道所有干渴Lord, Thou knowest all the hunger

407 谦卑再谦卑Lower and lower, dear Lord

408 主阿,求祢将我看Jesus, cast a look on me

409 祢这神的隐藏的爱Thou hidden love of God, whose height

410 耶稣我救主Jesus, redeemer and my one Inspirer

411 我以信心仰望祢My faith looks up to Thee

412 神圣的爱,何其美甜O Love divine, how sweet Thou art

413 恩惠圣灵我导师Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

414 主阿,祢的无限大爱O Lord, Thy boundless love to me
415 恳求我主,鉴察我Search me, O God, and know my heart today

416 主,祢爱的光正在照耀Lord, the light of Your love is shining
417 平安作我心中主Prince of peace, control my will

418 当我凭着自己思想When I am in the natural man


419 我是属主I am the Lord's!

420 我主大爱长阔高深How vast, immense, and measureless

421 哦,那不肯放我之爱O Love, that wilt not let me go

422 主,祢得胜,我今服矣Lord, Thou hast won, at length

423 为你,我流宝血Thy Life was giv'n for me

424 你灵岂非已见祂过Hast thou heard Him

425 我将一切全献基督All to Jesus I surrender

426 你希望常平安You have longed for sweet peace

427 主,祢得着我一生Take my life, and let it be

428 主,祢曾为我受死What shall I give Thee, Master?

429 照祢企图,主Have Thine own way, Lord

430 勿对我谈属地享乐Tell me not of earthly pleasures

431 当这世界已变迁When this passing world is done

432 不再固执My stubborn will at last hath yielded

433 都归基督,都归基督All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
434 绝对分别出来Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost!

435 求主把我捆绑Make me a captive, Lord

436 我已转身背向俗世I've turned my back upon the world

437 我今愿跟随救主Down in the valley with my Savior I would go

438 我当如何爱我的主How shall I follow Him I serve?

439 活着为耶稣Living for Jesus a life that is true

440 我的荣耀、得胜君王My glorious Victor, Prince Divine

441 我今撇下一切事物Jesus, I my cross have taken

442 我今已定意跟随I have decided to follow Jesus

443 当人弃绝地的贿赂No mortal tongue can e'er describe

444 众人涌进主的国度Many crowd the Savior's kingdom

445 我是否要背负十架Am I a soldier of the cross

446 谁是在主这边Who is on the Lord's side?


447 与祢合一,恩主耶稣I am one with Thee, Lord Jesus

448 与祢合一永远之子One with Thee, Thou Son eternal

449 与基督同死Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine

450 与主同葬也一同复话Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too

451 主祢启示一个奥秘Lord, Thou hast shown the mystery

452 罪律辖制的囚徒Made free! Made free! 0 captive!

453 真美丽、真美丽Beautiful, beautiful, Jesus is beautiful

454 我本瞎眼不能看见Lord, I was blind; I could not see

455 以爱为旗在我以上His banner over me is love

456 耶稣在我灵里Nothing quite so precious

457 亲爱主!宝贝主Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus
458 我的心天天被吸引To Jesus every day I find my heart is closer drawn

459 耶稣只要一想到祢Jesus, the very thought of Thee

460 凉爽,祢像柔和微风I cannot breathe enough of Thee

461 耶稣我主祢是属我Jesus, my Savior! Thou art mine

462 在旧约圣经里面In the Testament of old

463 何等荣耀何等得胜What a victory! What a triumph!
464 浩大的能力Pow' r exceeding great

465 基督现在已经复活Christ is now in resurrection

466 前我死在罪中Once I was dead in sin

467 我所事奉复活主I serve a risen Savior

468 前远离神,死在罪中Once far from God and dead in sin

469 是否渴慕前来得着基督Art thou hung' ring for the fulness

470 荣耀中有一位There's a Man in the glory

471 这是我奇妙的诗章This is my wonderful story

472 赞美基督住在我心Sing praise to Christ Who lives in us

473 我主耶稣是生命源We're feeding on the living bread

474 生命树果,甘甜丰盈The tree of life, how sweet the fruit

475 前要的是祝福Once it was the blessing

476 我们看见基督是实际We have seen Christ is reality

477 我的旧人已经被废除My old person has been nullified

478 主,我们切求能认识祢Lord, to know Thee as our Person

479 我的旧人已经与主同钉My old man has been crucified with Him

480 哦,基督在衪荣耀Oh, Christ in all His glory

481 永远之神,我心已定My heart is fixed, eternal God

482 今世福乐没灭Fade, fade each earthly joy

483 耶稣,我救主Jesus, my Savior

484 主,我还有谁在天上Whom have I, Lord, in heav'n but Thee?

485 我已寻到宇宙至宝I've found the One of peerless worth

486 主,我感谢祢已指示I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast shown

487 以前我心苦楚悲伤O Christ, in Thee my soul hathfound

488 基督就是我的世界Jesus is all the world to me

489 主,祢已使祢的自已Lord, Thou hast made Thyself to me

490 是爱的神作我牧人The Lord's my Shepherd,I'll not want

491 主领我到青草地In God's green pastures feeding

492 必有恩惠surely goodness and mercy

493 是爱的神作我牧人The King of love my Shepherd is

494 劳力于基督,祂是真实Laboring on Jesus, the good land so real

495 主是包罗万有的地Jesus, the all inclusive land

496 当我不见基督容华How tedious and tasteless thehours

497 进入幔内Within the Veil

498 借祢裂开宝贵身体Through Thy precious body broken

499 哦,在荣耀里的基督Marvel not that Christ in glory

500 我已相信真事实I've believed the true report

501 我有一位好朋友I have a Friend so precious

502 恩主,我今凭信摸祢Savior, I by faith am touching Thee

503 我主,祢说祢是真树Thou hast said Thou art the Vine

504 住在祢里面,这是我心愿Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine

505 祢是葡萄树You are the vine

506 主是真树,我是枝子He's the vine and we're the branches

507 我已找到生活秘诀We've found the secret of living

508 在衪羽下Under His wings I am safely abiding

509 我已学会奇妙秘诀I have learned the wondrous secret

510 主是盘石容我藏躲The Lord's our Rock

511 哦,何等安息在高盘石Oh, safe to the Rock that is higher than I

512 信靠耶稣何其甘甜'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus

513 日日专心靠救主Simply trusting every day

514 祢的圣名称作耶稣Thou whose name is called Jesus

515 我知救主永活不已I know that my Redeemer lives

516 主,祢的应许I take Thy promise, Lord

517 人若相信耶稣的名All things are possible to him

518 耶稣!我今欢然安息Jesus! I am resting, resting in the joy of what Thou art

519 意志薄弱能力软弱My will is weak, my strength is frail

520 主,我心安息于祢On Thee my heart is resting

521 当我同主行动When we walk with the Lord
522 不论何处,耶稣同行Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go

523 祂带领我,此意何美He leadeth me! O blessed thought

524 神在天上有一宝贝God in heaven hath a treasure

525 非我惟主,被人高举Not I, but Christ be honored

526 神照祂形像造人In God's image we were made

527 主,我所盼望Lord, our earnest expectation

528 神照祂的形像造人When God created man on earth

529 每当我们享受恩主There is always something over

530 主耶稣乃是实际Jesus is reality

531 从黑暗、死亡和苦闷Out of the depths of darkness

532 主是恩Christ is grace


533 神是灵God is Spirit

534 我神我爱我的永分My God, my Portion, and my Love

535 永恒之光! Eternal Light!

536 我的居所乃是神的自己My home is God Himself

537 我心因神宁静平安My heart is resting, O my God

538 祢这神的甘美旨意Thou sweet, beloved will of God

539 从我灵里有一生命泉From my spirit within flows a fountain of life

540 神,祢自古是我帮助O God, our help in ages past


541 十字架永远得胜The cross it standeth fast

542 我们都在十架The cross-we all were there

543 在远山耸立着On a hill far away

544 主十字架是我夸耀In the cross of Christ I glory

545 我与基督已同钉死I am crucified with Christ

546 我与基督已同钉死Crucified with Christ my Savior

547 基督虽能千趟降生Though Christ a thousand times

548 后是膏油,先是宝血First the blood, and then the ointment

549 十字架的道路要牺牲The way of the Cross means sacrifice

550 如果我的道路If the path I travel Lead me to the cross

551 从伯利恒我们动身Via Bethlehem we journey

552 你怎无伤痕? Hast thou no scar?

553 祢若不压橄榄成渣Olives that have known no pressure

554 我今在地的喜乐'Tis my happiness below

555 我们现在都来默思Let us contemplate the grape vine

556 我若稍微偏离正路If from the right course I depart

557 我何喜欢能站立Beneath the cross of Jesus
558 求主使我近十架Jesus, keep me near the cross

559 由死而生,恩主Life out of death-dear Master


560 时常携带耶稣的名Take the name of Jesus with you

561 神阿,祢名何等广大Deep down into the depths of this Thy Name

562 非我所是,主阿Not what I am, O Lord

563 安稳在基督手臂Safe in the arms of Jesus

564 我必与你同在Fear not, I am with thee

565 神的行动奇妙God moves in a mysterious way

566 我常居住天爱中In heav'nly love abiding

567 在祂所定时刻In His time, in His time

568 听哪,天上有声喊说Hark! a voice from heav'n proclaiming

569 祂不误事,因祂是神He faileth not, for He is God

570 应当住在神的翅下Be not dismayed whate'er betide

571 我心,安静! Be still, my soul!

572 主顾念吗?当我心痛伤Does Jesus care when my heart is pained

573 无一朋友能像谦卑耶稣There's not a Friend like,the lowly Jesus

574 我是一个异乡旅客I'm a pilgrim and a stranger

575 一路我蒙救主引领All the way my Savior leads me

576 你这奔走天程客旅Precious promise God doth give thee

577 不在此时,许待那日Not now, but in the coming years

578 前途如何我不知I know not what awaits me

579 我心,安静!这些挂虑Be still, my heart! these anxious cares

580 当你经过试炼When upon life's billows

581 每一天所度过Day by day, and with each passing moment

582 历经人世诸多变故Through all the changing scenes of life

583 当我在路上正遇见When sorrows and storms are besetting my track

584 再唱信心的歌Keep up the song of faith

585 哦,让我们在主里面O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore

586 神的完全平安Like a river, glorious Is God's perfect peace

587 黑暗罪世,那有真正平安Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?

588 我要歌唱那奇妙应许I'll sing of the wonderful promise

589 神未曾应许;天色觉蓝) God hath not promised skiesalways blue

590 祂赐的十架虽然沉重The cross that He gave may be heavy

591 每当负担加垂He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater

592 我是一只笼中小乌A little bird I am,Shut from the fields of air

593 四围墙垣坚而固Strong are the walls around me

594 迫得太紧,迫得无处Pressed out of measure

595 祂的脸面,祂的天使His angels His countenance always behold

596 既有耶稣在我身旁Why should I fear the darkest hour

597 在主耶稣心头In the heart of Jesus

598 敬爱的主,美善无比How good is the God we adore

599 蒙恩群众,将主颂扬Praise the Savior, ye who know Him!

600 暗冲摸索,无一线光明O soul, are you weary andtroubled?

601 你这奔跑正路O eyes that are weary and hearts that are sore

602 亲爱基督精兵Soldier, soldier, fighting in the world's great strife

603 你当安息Be all at rest, my soul!

604 要思想耶稣Consider Him

605 用功追求圣洁Take time to be holy

606 你愿否常保纯良Would you live for Jesus
607 你们能否顺从Can you be obedient to the Lord of all

608 在主里喜乐Rejoice in the Lord!
609 何必耽心一握不释Share thy handful with the stranger

610 神的人哪,兴起Rise up, O men of God!

611 沉睡的人,醒起Ye sleeping souls, awake

612 我魂,兴起Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee

613 当向标竿力前On toward the goal!

614 向前直跑Press on, press on

615 我们有当跑的路There's a race for us to run

616 前进!是我囗号"Forward!" be our watchword


617 兴起,兴起,为基督Stand up! stand for Jesus!

618 前进!基督精兵Onward Christian soldiers!

619 我不敢稍微失败I dare not be defeated

620 竭尽全力,奋勇战争Fight the good fight with all thy might!

621 已经得胜且胜而又胜Conquering now and still to conquer

622 等到光明的早晨Tis easy when the morning appears

623 我对撒但总是说""To the foe my word is always, "No,"

624 安营依傍光明山冈Encamped along the hills of light

625 在祂得胜的名里In the overcomer's name

626 在主耶稣名里In the name of Jesus

627 安息于祢We rest on Thee, our shield and our Defender

628 神的儿子出战前方The Son of God goes forth to war

629 我神是我大能堡垒A mighty fortress is our God

630 当奉耶稣这名站住The name of Jesus is our stand

631 基督精兵!兴起Soldiers of Christ, arise

632 哦主,天天呼召O Lord, to conflict new

633 天上地上所有权柄With all the pow'r in heav'n and earth

634 今日战争凶猛Conflict today is fierce

635 阿利路亚,耶稣得胜Hallelujah! Christ is Victor

636 冲过,战士哪Charge, soldiers, charge in battle!


637 真是如此And is it so!

638 一点时候主就回来"A little while!" Our Lord shall come

639 耶稣要再从高天降临Jesus is coming to earth again

640 我主今被人弃绝Our Lord is now rejected

641 自伯大尼祢与我们分手Since long ago at Bethany we parted

642 自从当年檄榄山前Since Thy departure from Olivet's Mountain

643 我王必定快要再临My King will soon come back again

644 或许在清晨It may be at morn when the day is awaking

645 也许在清晨It may be at morn as the day we are greeting

646 主,祢将要显现Lord, Thou wilt soon appear

647 面对面见我的救主Face to face with Christ, my Savior

648 有日银链将要折断Someday the silver cord will break

649 我在黑暗、愁苦之中'Midst the darkness, storm, and sorrow

650 当我恩主降临时候When my blest Lord will come again

651 哦,我救主Thou art coming, O my Savior

652 颂赞受膏的基督Hail to the Lord's Anointed

653 快乐,快乐Rejoice! Rejoice! Our Bridegroom's coming

654 耶稣要来奖赏祂的仆人When Jesus comes to reward His servants

655 主快要来娶新妇Christ comes quickly for His Bride

656 我们向神的信心Our faith to God-ward must in these days

657 我们歌唱要来掌权Sing we the King who is coming to reign

658 看哪,世上的国Lo, the kingdom of the world

659 圣城同救主是我们目标Our goal-the holy city with the Lord

660 他等待一座城He looked for a city and lived in a tent

661 荣耀圣城必快降临Glorious things of thee are spoken

662 神为属祂的人How true it is no heart may comprehend

663 从神和羔羊的宝座There is a stream which issues forth

664 那日我神的宝贝No more in earthen vessels


665 奇妙的救主Christ has a full redemption made

666 耶稣我救主Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came

667 一日One day

668 至大医生可亲可近The Great Physician now is near

669 大喜信我已听见We have heard the joyful sound

670 这个荣耀信息何甜O how sweet the glorious message

671 哦爱奇妙之爱Oh, how dark the night that wrapt my spirit round!

672 我听救主声音I hear the Savior say

673 哎呀!救主真曾流血Alas, and did my Savior bleed?

674 我为什么忧惧Why should I worry, doubt and fear?

675 我重担已卸Free from the law-oh, happy condition!

676 罪人,无论大、小Nothing either great or small

677 耶稣我救主Christ our Redeemer died on the cross

678 今有一泉血流盈满There is a fountain filled with blood
679 曾否就主Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow'r?

680 何能洗去我污点What can wash away my sin?

681 你愿脱离良心的重担Would you be free from your burden of sin?
682 我今看见洗罪泉源O now I see the cleansing wave!

683 耶稣宝血珍贵无比Precious, precious blood of Jesus

684 祂是超乎万人之上One there is above all others

685 来,让我们唱Come let us sing of a wonderful love

686 主的爱永不诮减There is no love like the love of Jesus

687 恩主所赐奇妙的恩典Marvelous grace of our loving Lord

688 罪恶、烦扰的重担Under the burdens of guilt and care

689 救主为我死Oh, what a Savior that He died for me!

690 一再尝试,终归徒然I've tried in vain a thousand ways

691 整个世界被罪恶The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin

692 前有一官因见耶稣A ruler once came to Jesus by night

693 何等柔细、慈爱Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling

694 耶稣发慈声要召你回来Jesus is tenderly calling thee home

695 被罪压害人人请来Come, every soul by sin oppressed

696 无论何人愿意Whosoever heareth!

697 你心有空房为主吗Have you any room for Jesus

698 你若愿意脱离罪的苦情If you are tired of the load of your sin

699 听阿,救主叩门Hark, the Savior's knocking, knocking

700 几乎要听劝Almost persuaded

701 飘渺人生何短暂Life at best is very brief,

702 照我本相Just as I am
703 脱离捆绑、忧愁Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night

704 祢的欢迎声昔I hear Thy welcome voice

705 谁在流荡远离天父I've wandered far away from God

706 各样都齐备All thing are ready

707 耶稣,灵魂的爱人Jesus, lover of my soul

708 永永盘石为我开Rock of Ages

709 祢曾离天庭Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy Kingly crown

710 来进入我心Come into my heart

711 我今信靠祢I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus

712 耶稣,我信靠祢Jesus, I will trust Thee

713 我爱述说这故事I love to tell the story

714 救我恩何等丰满O how great His salvation!

715 在十字架我救主舍命Down at the cross where my Savior died

716 我主耶稣竟然甘心There was One who was willing to die in my stead

717 当我疲困罪恶境In tenderness He sought me

718 前我坠入罪海中I was sinking deep in sin

719 主耶稣接纳罪人Sinners Jesus will receive

720 九十九只圈中躺卧There were ninety and nine

721 请対我讲主福音Tell me the old, old story

722 若尽得世界If I gained the world


723 我们从信主直到如今Ours is a fellowship in the gospel

724 晌起福音的号声Sound ye the trumpet-call

725 信徒赶快遵命出去Christians, make haste, your mission high fulfilling

726 衪曾戴荆棘冠冕He shall reign o'er all the earth

727 速兴起传福音Rescue the perishing, care for the dying

728 在那远处黑暗异教徒Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwelling

729 每日都有千万灵魂A hundred thousand souls a day are passing

730 哦主,遍地满是罪人Send Thou, 0 Lord, to every place swift messengers

731 耶稣,到底是否可能Jesus and shall it ever be?

732 多人在黑暗Out in the darkness, shadowed by sin

733 我岂可去,双手空空Must I go, and empty-handed


734 主是我的产业The Lord is the portion of my inheritance

735 至于我,我必在义中As for me, I will behold Thy face in righteousness

736 我要求告耶和华I will call upon the Lord

737 耶和华的律法全备The law of the Lord is perfect
738 我的恩主阿,我的心Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul

739 祢已经将我的哀哭变Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me

740 主本为大Great is the Lord

741 主阿,我照常与祢同在Lord, I am continually with Thee

742 我要唱耶和华的大慈爱I will sing of the mercies of the Lord

743 我的心称颂神Bless the Lord, O my soul

744 我拿什么来报答神What shall I give unto the Lord

745 当主将那些被掳的带回When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion

746 我已拣选了锡安This is My rest forever

747 看哪!弟兄姊妹们Behold how good and how pleasant

748 要赞美神Praise ye the Lord

749 以马内利Emmanuel

750 所以你们从救恩泉源Therefore with joy shall ye draw water

751 祂的名是奇妙His Name is Wonderful

752 凡坚心倚赖祢的人Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace

753 耶和华所救赎的民Therefore the redeemed of the Lord

754 他们将要来到锡安Therefore, they shall come and sing in the height of Zion

755 你们要先求祂的国Seek ye first the Kingdom of God

756 我将平安赐给你My peace I give unto you

757 因为神爱世人For God so loved the world

758 主赐给我们一条新命令A new commandment I give unto you

759 但他们的心几时归向主Whenever the heart shall turn to the Lord

760 愿神在教会中得荣耀Unto Him be glory in the Church

761 神是光,在祂里面God is light, and in Him

762 看哪,父赐给我们Behold, what manner of love

763 神的救恩、能力Now is come salvation and strength

764 阿利路亚,因主我们神Hallelujah, for the Lord our God


765 祢爱所给虽然甚多Of all the gifts Thy love bestows

766 阿爸父神

767 阿爸,我们进前来

768 亲爱父神,我们向祢O God and Father, we our praises bring

769 祂在地上所有行径What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone around

770 赞美不尽赞美Praise Him forevermore

771 耶稣已经出墓来

772 但愿尊贵、荣耀Glory, honor, praise and power

773 耶稣我主荣耀王

774 我今俯伏主面前

775 哦主耶稣每想到祢Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet

776 我今举手向祢请Come, Lord, as the Spirit come

777 我今如此为主争战While fighting for my Savior here

778 求主光照

779 弟兄和睦同居

780 我们呼吸天上空气

781 借水得救

782 基督死葬我随同In death's waters I am buried

783 主,当我们借着这水Lord, when by baptism we confess

784 已经死了!已经葬了Already dead! And buried too!

785 咒诅祂受,祝福我享

786 不可等候,一直梦想

787 现今时候已不多

788 赶紧工作,夜快临Work, for the night is coming

789 主阿,我们聚集祢前

790 坦然无惧来到神前A mind a perfect peace with God

791 我今在基督里面

792 前在罪中为罪奴仆

793 恩主为我舍弃尊贵

794 美哉、善哉,羔羊的新歌Wonderful grand new song of the Lamb

795 爱主的人都来Come, ye that love the Lord

796 祢若取去我的心爱If Thou shouldst take my love away

797 求祢拣选我道路Thy way, not mine, O Lord

798 我无能力,我的主

799 有人已离主,别行他途

800 父,我知道我的一生Father, I know that all my life

801 主阿,求祢将我看Jesus, cast a look on me

802 你的灵岂非已见衪过Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him?

803 从前我亦曾热心

804 我岂可再冷该淡退后How can I ever stay away and grieve

805 主,我今背十架Lord, here I take my cross now to follow Thee

806 祂是一切最亲He is most dear to me

807 宁舍世界而要基督Give up the world, Christ to obtain

808 我已拣选主耶稣

809 是爱的神作我牧者The King of love my shepherd is

810 祢名似膏香Thy name is sweet as ointment poured forth

811 救主耶稣我的太阳Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear

812 住在主里面

813 跟主行走'Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus

814 一想到神,就受吸引Oh, how the though of God attracts

815 神,祢正在重排

816 我若认识复活大能If I 'd know Christ's risen power

817 主阿,即或尽是黑暗

818 当我遇见试炼灾殃Amid the trials that I meet

819 当我信心失效能When I fear my faith will fail

820 神的应许不能废去

821 人若倚靠耶和华

822 你曾觉得父爱心Have you felt the Father's love?
823 新鲜如同清晨甘露Fresh as the dew of the morning

824 活在生命光中Live in the light of life

825 靠着恩主全能神

826 撒但早已定规

827 当你苦受撒但试探

828 荣耀的盼望O hope of glory, our Christ will return!

829 我能否忘快来的主

830 主耶稣,主耶稣

831 我主,我正等候祢再临

832 主耶稣,我正等待

833 主必亲自从天降临

834 哦主,撒冷是祢所建设

835 当我跑尽应跑道路When I've run the race before me
836 怜悯、慈爱、宽恕Merciful and loving

837 耶稣爱我从天降临Christ has become one with sinners

838 耶稣恩主是人惟一需要Christ the Savior is just the One you need

839 爱何奇妙,恩何深广

840 一百只羊,少了一口

841 我听我的救主吩咐I hear my risen Savior say

842 失迷的羊

843 你堕落罪恶境

844 耶稣今留步Jesus lingers still

845 哦,不要弃绝主恩道O do not let the word depart

846 罪恶途中多年流荡

847 早晨我们播种Sowing in the morning

848 我有一救主I have a Savior