箴言全書綜合拾穗 【總論全書的中心意義】箴言是實際的倫理學,是真人生哲學,根本於“敬畏耶和華是智慧的開端,認識至聖者便是聰明”(九10)。因為“敬畏耶和華,就是生命的泉源”。“敬畏耶和華的,得著生命,他必恒久知足,不遭禍患”(十九23)。其中心意義,即把從天上來的智慧,實驗在地上的人生裡;把歷代的箴規;都集中在日常生活裡。雖是特別側重在現世的生活,但其視線,卻常影射到來世的生活。全書綱領即以“神為人生的中心”。——賈玉銘《箴言要義》 【箴言與古代近東文獻的應和】好幾篇埃及和美索不達米亞的智慧文學都包括了與箴言對應的段落(包括語言上、風格上、內容上的對應之處)。來自埃及的包括了(按時間先後次序):《蒲他霍特普的教訓》(約主前2500年)、《善辯之農夫的故事》(約主前2000年)、《阿曼尼摩比的教誨》(約主前1200年)、《安肖桑基的教誨》(約主前200年)。此外《孟斐斯創世神學》(Memphite Theology of Creation)(約主前2200年)和《自殺論辯》(約主前2000年)亦有與箴言應和之處。亞述的《阿希卡爾的言詞》(約主前700年)和烏加列的《巴力與亞拿特》和《阿赫特》兩篇史詩(約主前1400年),亦包含了類似的箴言性話語。這些智慧文學著作的相似之處,大部分都可以歸因於智慧話語的普世性,此外,抄襲他人語句、意象、箴言,甚至整個譬喻或故事,也是極之普遍的作法。──《舊約聖經背景注釋》 【箴言的應用】古代的箴言和現代的交談一樣,都是用口語方式傳達論點的方法。古今皆然,被視為古代智慧的話,值得人認真思考(見:撒上二十四13)。因此當人引用「省得一文等於賺得一文」的諺語時,他是以個人節儉為智慧。同樣,先知以西結引用「母親怎樣,女兒也怎樣」(結十六)的諺語時,他也是譴責耶路撒冷跟隨「母親」撒瑪利亞走上邪路的行為(參較:耶三6~11;該處經文使用「姊妹」關係,來表達同樣的主題)。以西結更用箴言來表示政策或命運的改變。例如在以西結書十八2~3,先知引用的諺語表面看來只是承認看見別人吃酸東西,自己口中也會覺得酸這個人所共知的事實。然而在以色列,這句諺語卻用來表達團體性責任的法律概念:兒子要為父親的罪負責(見:出二十5)。但如今以西結卻宣稱人受懲罰只會是因為自己的罪,不再會是因為別人的罪。因此,「在以色列中,必不再有用這俗語的因由。」 箴言的效力當然完全在乎引用時的上文下理。是以箴言書的作者指出:「瘸子的腳,空存無用;箴言在愚昧人的口中也是如此」(箴二十六7)。其他智慧文學也有同樣的說法。例如:《安肖桑基的教誨》警告說:「愚昧人不能分辨教訓和侮辱」;而《阿曼尼摩比的教誨》則指出不當「聽從愚昧人的忠告」,因為他們的說話「如暴風吹過」,沒有實質。因此,箴言不是供人背誦,人人都能理解的句子。其教訓只有睿智的師傅才能分析闡明。它就如學校課程一樣,假定要透過老師,才能成就其目標。──《舊約聖經背景注釋》 【箴言是通則性真理】箴言所載的智慧雖然有放諸四海皆准的特色,其中很多的話語都是當時近東文化和集體常識的表現。但必須留意的一點,是「遵守我的命令,就得存活」(箴七2),「耶和華不使義人受饑餓」(箴十3)等話,都不是直接的的應許,也不是普世性的真理。聖經世界的價值觀未必一定能夠原封不動地轉移到現代來。此外,貧窮、需要和渴求等現實,也不一定與公義不足有關,可能不過是經濟問題、心理缺陷,或社會弊病的表現而已。 因此理解現代箴言的準則,亦可應用於古代箴言之上(聖經和經外的都包括在內)。它們並不是絕對真理的表現,而是對於人生境遇的真確觀點。「四月陣雨帶來五月花開」不是應許,也不是保證。惡未必一定有惡報。有時同一個問題可以有完全相反的解決辦法,證明了上述現代箴言的特點,亦可見於聖經箴言之中。箴言二十六4忠告人不要照愚昧人的愚妄話回答他,但下一節聖經卻又鼓勵人要照愚昧人的愚妄話回答他。事實上在某些情況之下,第4節是合宜的方針,在其他的情況下,則應依從第5節。應當依從哪個忠告,往往得視當時的情況而定,智慧人知道應當採取什麼行動。現代的箴言其實也有同樣的「矛盾」傾向。例如:「猶豫者錯失良機」,但要「三思而後行」;或「物以類聚」,但「異性相吸」。──《舊約聖經背景注釋》 【箴言重要主題】
――《靈修版聖經註釋》 【理解箴言】 箴言最常用對偶的方式寫成(按:由於翻譯的問題,中文譯本可有不同,有的將之略去),常見的有三種。
――《靈修版聖經註釋》 【聖經稱為有智慧的人】 聖經中有十二位重要人物被稱為有智慧,他們可以成為我們追求智慧的榜樣。
――《靈修版聖經註釋》 【智慧:實用的真理】 箴言講到許多有智慧的人,以及他們從中所得的益處
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【有意義生活的策略】
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【神所恨惡的人和事】 箴言列出神所恨惡的十四種人和事。願這些成為我們的鑒戒,不作這樣的人,不做這樣的事!
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【對於錢財的忠告】 箴言提出一些善用金錢的實用教導,不過有時我們會覺得這些箴言很逆耳。人總覺得繼續我行我素比智慧地使用金錢更自在。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【教導與學習】 美好的教導,由殷勤學習而來──箴言對學習者的教導,比對教師的多。這卷書說到學習智慧。對於學習智慧,箴言講得非常清楚,人別無他選,我們如不學習智慧,就是拒絕學習的愚妄失敗者。箴言鼓勵我們作正確的選擇。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【智慧人與愚妄人】 在箴言中智慧人與愚妄人常有強烈的對比。只要追求智慧是我們的目標,這兩種人各自的特質、名聲和結果就值得我們認識了。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【箴言中所描述的神】 箴言一書旨在教人過有智慧的生活,集中提到人對智慧之源──神,所應有的態度和回應。有許多箴言指出神的屬性。認識神,幫助我們走上智慧之道。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【驕傲與謙卑】 箴言直接而強烈地反對驕傲。在神恨惡的七件事中,驕傲名列榜首(6:16-17)。驕傲所造成的傷害和謙卑帶來的好處,常成為強烈的對比。
【怎樣成為神眼中成功的人】 箴言說到智慧人生的兩種副產品,就是成功和美名。也有好幾節箴言指出了失敗和惡名的原因。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【義人與惡人】 箴言中常常將惡人與義人的生活方式作出對比,指出義人生活方式的長處,和惡人生活方式的短處,並強調要依照神的樣式生活。我們決定要成為哪一種人,會影響我們生活的各方面。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【四種言語】 我們所講的話,可能比我們的行為影響的人更多。所以箴言特別論及人說話及話語的作用。箴言描述四種一般性的言語。我們應當效法前面兩種;避免後面兩種。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【殷勤與懶惰】 箴言清楚指出殷勤是智慧生活的重要部分。殷勤就是甘願勤勞地工作,凡交託給自己的事,都盡力去做,並做到最好。雖然我們殷勤工作,或許可使我們名成利就,受人尊敬,但我們殷勤工作絕不為此,而是在我們一生中盡力事奉神。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【論領袖】 由於許多箴言是所羅門王寫的,所以他自然而然地關注作領袖之人。
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 【誠實與欺詐】 箴言清楚地告訴我們,神鄙視一切的欺詐形式。不單神恨惡欺詐的人,聖經也告訴我們,欺詐損害我們──別人不再相信我們,我們甚至不能享受欺詐而得的利益。所以作誠實人更為聰明,因為“義人必脫離患難。”(箴12:13)
──《靈修版聖經註釋》 智慧的七柱 英譯:達秘譯本 智慧七柱:公義Righteousness 10:2 不義之財毫無益處,惟有公義能救人脫離死亡。 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing;but righteous- ness delivereth from
death. 10:3 耶和華不使義人受饑餓,惡人所欲的,祂必推開。 Jehovah suffereth not the soul of the righteous [man] to
famish;but he repelleth the craving of the
wicked. 10:6 福祉臨到義人的頭,強暴蒙蔽惡人的口。 Blessings are upon the head of a righteous [man];but the mouth of the wicked covereth
violence. 10:7 義人的紀念被稱讚;惡人的名字必朽爛。 The memory of the righteous [man] shall be blessed;but the name of the wicked shall
rot. 10:11 義人的口是生命的泉源,強暴蒙蔽惡人的口。 The mouth of a righteous [man] is a fountain of life;but the mouth of the wicked covereth
violence. 10:16 義人的勤勞致生;惡人的進項致死。〔死原文作罪〕 The labour of a righteous [man] [tendeth] to life;the revenue of a wicked [man],to sin. 10:20 義人的舌乃〔似〕高銀;惡人的心所直無幾。 The tongue of the righteous [man] is [as] choice silver,the heart of the wicked is little
worth. 10:21 義人的口教養多人,愚昧人因無知而死亡。 The lips of a righteous [man] feed many;but fools die for want of
understanding. 10:24 惡人所怕的必臨到他,義人所願的必蒙應允。 The fear of a wicked [man],it shall come upon him;but the desire of the righteous shall be granted.
10:25 暴風一過,惡人歸於無有,義人的根基卻是永久。 As a whirlwind passeth,so is the wicked no [more];but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.
10:27 敬畏耶和華使人日子加多,但惡人的年歲必被減少。 The fear of Jehovah prolongeth days;but the years of the wicked shall be
shortened. 10:28 義人的盼望〔必得〕喜樂;惡人的指望,必致滅沒。 The hope of the righteous is joy;but the expectation of the wicked
shall perish. 10:30 義人永不挪移;惡人不得住在地上。 The righteous [man] shall never be moved;but the wicked shall not inhabit the
land. 10:31 義人的口滋生智慧;乖謬的舌必被割斷。 The mouth of a righteous [man] putteth forth wisdom;but the froward tongue shall be cut
out. 10:32 義人的嘴能令人喜悅,惡人的口〔說}乖謬的話。
The lips of a righteous [man] know what is acceptable;but the mouth of the wicked is
frowardness. 11:4 發怒的日子,資財無益,惟有公義能救人脫離死亡。 Wealth profiteth not in the day of wrath;but righteou- sness delivereth from
death. 11:5 完全人的義必指引他的路;但惡人必因自己的惡跌倒。 The righteousness of the perfect maketh plain his way;but the wicked falleth by his own
wickedness. 11:6 正直人的義必拯救自己,奸詐人必陷在自己的罪孽中。 The righteousness of the upright delivereth them;but the treacherous are taken in
their own craving. 11:7 惡人一死,他的指望必滅絕,罪人的盼望,也必滅沒。 When a wicked man dieth,[his] expectation shall perish;and the hope of evil [men]
perisheth. 11:8 義人得脫離患難,有惡人來代替他。 The righteous is delivered out of trouble,and the wicked cometh in his stead.
11:9 不虔敬的人用口敗壞鄰舍,義人卻因知識得救。 With his mouth a hypocrite destroyeth his neighbour,but through knowledge are the
righteous delivered. 11:10 義人享福,合城喜樂;惡人滅亡,人都歡呼。 When it goeth well with the righteous,the city rejoice- th;and when the wicked perish,there is shouting.
11:18 惡人經營,得虛浮的工價;撒義種的,得實在的果效。 The wicked worketh a deceitful work;but he that soweth righteousness
hath a sure reward. 11:19 恒心為義的,〔必得〕生命;追求邪惡,〔必致〕死亡。 As rihgteousness [tendeth] to life,so he that pursueth evil [doeth it]
to his own death. 11:21 惡人〔雖然〕聯手,必不免受罰;義人的後裔,必得拯救。 Hand for hand! an evil [man] shall not be held innocent;but the seed of the righteous shall
be delivered. 11:23 義人的心願盡得好處,惡人的指望致幹忿怒。 The desire of the righteous is only good;the expecta- tion of the wicked is
wrath. 11:27 懇切求善的,就求得恩惠,惟獨求惡的,惡必臨到他身。 He that is earnest after good seeketh favour,but he that searcheth for mischief,it shall come upon him.
11:28 倚仗自己財物的,必跌倒,義人必發旺如青葉。 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall;but the righte- ous shall flourish
as a leaf. 11:30 義人所結的果子就是生命樹,有智慧的必能得人。 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life;and the wise winneth souls.
11:31 看哪,義人在世尚且受報,何況惡人和罪人呢? Behold,the
righteous shall be requited on the earth how much more the wicked and the
sinner. 12:3 人靠惡行不能堅立,義人的根必不動搖。 A man shall not be established by wickedness;but the root of the righteous shall
not be moved. 12:5 義人的思念是公平,惡人的計謀是詭詐。 The thoughts of the righteous are right;the counsels of the wicked are
deceit. 12:7 惡人傾覆,歸與無有;義人的家,必站得住。 Overthrow the wicked,and
they are no [more];but
the house of the righteous shall stand. 12:10 義人顧惜他牲畜的命;惡人的憐憫也是殘忍。 A righteous man is concerned for the life of his beast;but the tender mercies of the wicked
are cruel. 12:12 惡人想得壞人的網羅,義人的根得以結實。 The wicked desireth the net of evil [men];but the root of the righteous
yieldeth [fruit]. 12:13 惡人嘴中的過錯,是自己的網羅,但義人必脫離患難。 In the transgression of the lips is an evil snare;but a righteous [man] shall go forth
out of trouble. 12:21 義人不遭災害,惡人滿受禍患。 There shall no evil happen to a righteous [man];but the wicked shall be filled with
mischief. 12:26 義人引導他的鄰舍,惡人的道叫人失迷。 The righteous guideth his neighbour,but the way of the wicked misleadeth
them. 12:28 在公義的道上有生命,其路之中並無死亡。 In the path of righteousness is life,and in the pathway thereof there is
no death. 13:5 義人恨惡謊言,惡人有臭名,且致慚愧。 A righteous [man] hateth lying;but the wicked maketh himself odious
and cometh to shame. 13:6 行為正直的,有公義保守,犯罪的,被邪惡傾覆。 Righteousness preserveth him that is perfect in the way;but wickedness overthroweth the
sinner. 13:9 義人的光明亮〔明亮原文作歡喜〕;惡人的燈要熄滅。 The light of the righteous rejoiceth;but the lamp of the wicked shall be
put out. 13:21 禍患追趕罪人,義人必得善報。 Evil pursueth sinners;but to the righteous good shall be repaid.
13:22 善人給子孫遺留產業;罪人為義人積存資財。 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's
children;but the wealth of the sinner is laid
up for the righteous [man]. 13:23 窮人耕種多得糧食,但因不義,有消滅的。 Much food is in the tillage of the poor;but there is that is lost for want
of judgment. 13:25 義人吃得飽足,惡人肚腹缺糧。 The ringhteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul;but the belly of the wicked shall
want. 14:19 壞人俯伏在善人面前;惡人俯伏在義人門口。 The evil bow before the good,and the wicked at the gates of the
righteous [man]. 14:22 謀惡的,豈非走入迷途嗎?謀善的,〔必得〕慈愛和誠實。 Do they not err that devise evil? but loving-kindness and
truth are for those that devise good. 14:32 惡人在所行的惡上必被推倒,義人臨死,有所投靠。 The wicked is driven away by his evil-doing;but the righteous trusteth, [even] in his death.
14:34 公義使邦國高舉,罪惡是人民的羞辱。 Righteousness exalteth a nation;but sin is a reproach to peoples.
15:6 義人家中多有財寶;惡人得利反受擾害。 In the house of a righteous [man] is much treasure;but in the revenue of a wicked [man]
is disturbance. 15:9 惡人的道路,為耶和華所憎惡;追求公義的,為祂所喜愛。 The way of a wicked [man] is an abomination to Jehovah;but him that pursueth righteousness
he loveth. 15:26 惡謀為耶和華所憎惡;良言乃為純淨。 The thoughts of the evil [man] are an abomination to
Jehovah;but pure words are pleasant.
15:28 義人的心,思量如何回答,惡人的口,吐出惡言。 The heart of a righteous [man] studieth to answer,but the mouth of the wicked poureth
out evil things. 15:29 耶和華遠離惡人,卻聽義人的禱告。 Jehovah is far from the wicked;but he heareth the prayer of the
righteous. 16:6 因憐憫誠實,罪孽得贖,敬畏耶和華的,遠離惡事。 By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is atoned for;and by the fear of Jehovah [men]
depart from evil. 16:8 多有財利,行事不義,不如少有財利,行事公義。 Better is a little with righteousness,than great revenues without right.
16:11 公道的天平和秤都屬耶和華,囊中一切砝碼都為祂所定。 The just balance and scales are Jehovah's;all the weights of the bag are his
work. 16:12 作惡,為王憎惡,因國位是靠公義堅立。 It is an abomination to kings to conunit wickedness;for the throne is established by
righteousness. 16:13 公義的嘴為王所喜悅,說正直話的,為王所喜愛。 Righteous lips are the delight of kings,and they love him that speaketh
aright. 16:27 匪徒圖謀奸惡,嘴上仿佛有燒焦的火。 A man of Belial diggeth up eval,and on hislips there is as a
scorching fire. 16:31 白髮的榮耀的冠冕,在公義的道上,必能得著。 The hoary head is a crown of glory,[if] it is found in the way of
righteousness. 17:11 惡人只尋背叛,所以必有嚴厲的使者,奉差攻擊他。 An evil [man] seeketh only rebellion;but a cruel messenger shall be sent
against him. 17:13 以惡報善的,禍患必不離他的家。 Whoso rewardeth evil for good,evil shall not depart from his
house. 17:15 定惡人為義的,定義人為惡的,這都為耶和華所憎惡。 He that justifieth the wicked,and he that condemneth the righteous,even they both are abomination to Jehovah.
17:26 刑罰義人為不善;責打君子為不義。 To punish a righteous [man] is not good,nor to strike nobles because of
[their] uprightness. 18:3 惡人來,藐視隨來;羞恥到,辱駡同到。 When the wicked cometh,there cometh also contempt,and with ignominy reproach. 18:5 瞻徇惡人的情面,偏斷義人案件,都為不善。 It is not good to accept the person of the wicked,to wrong the righteous in judgment.
18:10 耶和華的名是堅固台,義人奔入,便得安穩。 The name of Jehovah is a strong tower:the righteous
runneth into it,and is safe. 19:28 匪徒作見證戲笑公平,惡人的口吞下罪孽. A witness of Belial scorneth judgment,and the mouth of the wicked
swalloweth down inipuity. 20:7 行為純正的義人,他的子孫是有福的。 The righteous walketh in his integrity: blessed are his
children after him! 20:8 王坐在審判的位上,以眼目驅散諸惡。 A king sitting on the throne ofjudgment scattereth away
all evil with his eyes. 20:9 誰能說,我潔淨了我的心,我脫淨了我的罪? Who can say,I
have made my heart clean,I
am pure from my sin? 21:3 行仁義公平,比獻祭更蒙耶和華悅納。 To exercise justice and judgment is more acceptable to
Jehovah than sacrifice. 21:12 義人思想惡人的家,知道惡人傾倒,必至滅亡。 One that is righteous wisely considereth the house of the
wicked: he overthroweth the wicked to [their] min. 21:15 秉公行義使義人喜樂,使作孽的人敗壞。 It is joy to a righteous [man] to do what is right;but it is ruin for the workers of
iniquity. 21:18 惡人作了義人的贖價,奸詐人代替正直人。 The wicked is a ransom for the righteous,and a treache- rous [man] in the
stead of the upright. 21:21 追求公義仁慈的,就尋得生命、公義和尊榮。 He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth
life,righteousness,and honour. 21:26 有終日貪得無厭的。義人施捨而不吝惜。 He coveteth greedily all the day long;but the righteous giveth and spareth
not. 21:27 惡人的祭物是可憎的,何況他存惡意來獻呢? The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much more
when they bring it with a wicked purpose! 智慧七柱:殷勤Diligence 10:4 手懶的,要受貧窮;手勤的,卻要富足。 He cometh to want that dealeth with a slack hand;but the hand of the diligent maketh
rich. 10:5 夏天聚斂的,是智慧之子;收割時沉睡的,是貽羞之子。 He that gathereth in summer is a wise son;he that sleepeth in harvest is a son
that causeth shame. 10:26 懶惰人叫差他的人,如醋倒牙,如煙熏目。 As vinegar to the teeth,and as smoke to the eyes,so is the sluggard to them that send him.
12:11 耕種自己田地的,必得飽食,追隨虛浮的,卻的無知。 He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread;but he that followeth the worthless
is void of understanding. 12:24 殷勤人的手必掌權;懶惰的人必服苦。 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule;but the slothful [hand] shall be
under tribute. 12:27 懶惰的人不烤打獵所得的;殷勤的人卻得寶貴的財物。 The slothful roasteth not what he took in hunting;but man's precious substance is to
the diligent. 13:4 懶惰人羡慕,卻無所得,殷勤人必得豐裕。 Wealth ]gotten] by vanity diminisheth;but he that gathereth
bymanual-labour shall increase [it]. 13:11 不勞而得之財必然消耗;勤勞積蓄的必見加增。 Wealth [gotten] by vanity diminisheth;but he that gathereth by
manual-labour shall increase [it]. 14:4 家裡無牛,槽頭乾淨,土產加多,乃憑牛力。 Where no oxen are,the
crib is clean;but much increase is by the strength
of the ox. 14:23 諸般動勞都有益處,嘴上多言乃至窮乏。 In all labour there is profit;but the talk of the lips [tendeth]
only to want. 15:19 懶惰人的道,像荊棘的籬笆;正直人的路;是平坦的大道。 The way of the sluggard is as a hedge of thorns;but the path of the upright is made
plain. 18:9 做工懈怠的,與浪費人為弟兄。 He also who is indolent in his work is brother of the
destroyer. 19:15 懶惰使人沉睡,懈怠的人必受饑餓。 Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep,and the idle soul shall suffer
hunger. 19:24 懶惰人放手在盤子裡,就是向口撤回,他也不肯。 A sluggard burieth his hand in the dish, and will not
even bringit to his mouth again. 20:4 懶惰人因冬寒不肯耕種,到收割的時候,他必討飯而無所得。 The sluggard will not plough by reason of the winter,he shall beg in harvest,and have nothing.
20:13 不要貪睡,免致貧窮;眼要睜開,你就吃飽。 Love not sleep,lest
thou come to poverty;open
thine eyes,[and] thou shalt be satisfied with
bread. 21:5 殷勤策劃的,足致豐裕;行事急噪的,都必缺乏。 The thoughts of the diligent [tend] only to plenteous-
ness;but of every one that is hasty,only to want.
21:25 懶惰人的心願將他殺害,因為他手不肯做工。 The desire of the sluggard killeth hIm;for his hands refuse to work.
10:9 行正直路的,步步安穩;走彎曲道的,必致敗露。 He that walketh in integrity walketh securely;but he that perverteth his ways
shall be known. 10:29 耶和華的道是正直人的保障,卻成了作孽人的敗壞。 The way of Jehovah is strength to the perfect [man],but destruction to the workers of
iniquity. 11:3 正直人的純正必引導自己;奸詐人的乖僻必毀滅自己。 The integrity of the upright guideth them;but the crookedness of the
unfaithful destroyeth them. 11:11 城因正直人祝福便高舉,卻因邪惡人的口就傾覆。 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted;but it is overthrown by the mouth of
the wicked. 11:20 心中乖僻的,為耶和華所憎惡,行事完全的;為祂所喜悅。 The perverse in heart are abomination to Jehovah;but they that are perfect in [their]
way are his delight. 12:2 善人必蒙耶和華的恩惠,設詭計的人,耶和華必定他的罪。 A good [man] obtaineth favour of Jehovah;but a man of mischievous devices
will he condemn. 12:6 惡人的言論是埋伏流人的血,正直人的口必拯救人。 The words of the wicked are a lying-in-wait for blood;but the mouth of the upright shall
deliver them. 12:8 人必按自己的智慧被稱頌,心中乖謬的,必被藐視。 A man is commended according to his wisdom;but he that is of a perverted heart
shall be despised. 12:20 圖謀惡事的,心存詭詐,勸人和睦的,便得喜樂。 Deceit in the heart of them that devise evil;but to the counsellors of peace is
joy. 13:2 人因口所結的果子,必享美福,奸詐人〔必遭〕強暴。 A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth;but the soul of the treacherous,violence. 13:6 行為正直的,有公義保守,犯罪的,被邪惡傾覆。 Righteousness preserveth him that is perfect in the way;but wickedness overthroweth the
sinner. 13:15 美好的聰明,使人蒙恩,奸詐人的道路,崎嶇難行。
Good understanding procureth favour;but the way of the treacherous is
hard. 14:2 行動正直的,敬畏耶和華,行事乖僻的,卻藐視祂。 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth Jehovah;but he that is perverted in his ways
despiseth him. 14:8 通達人的智慧,在乎明自己道,愚昧人的愚妄,乃是詭詐。 The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way;but the folly of the foolish is
deceit. 14:9 愚妄人犯罪,以為戲耍(或作“贖愆祭愚弄愚妄人”〕;正直人互相喜悅。 Fools make a mock at trespass;but for the uptight there is favour.
14:11 奸惡人的房屋必傾倒;正直人的帳棚必興盛。 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown;but the tent of the upright shall
flourish. 14:17 輕易發怒的,行事愚妄;設立詭計的,被人恨惡。 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly,and a man of mischievous devices is
hated. 15:8 惡人獻祭,為耶和華所憎惡;正直人祈禱,為祂所喜悅。 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to Jehovah;but the prayer of the upright is his
delight. 15:19 懶惰人的道,像荊棘的籬笆;正直人的路,是平坦的大道。
The way of the sluggard is as a hedge of thorns;but the path of the upright is made
plain. 15:21 無知的人以愚妄為樂;聰明的人按正直行。 Folly is joy to him that is void of sense;but a man of understanding
regulateth his walk. 15:26 惡謀為耶和華所憎惡,良言乃為純淨。 The thoughts of the evil [man] are an abomination to
Jehovah;but pure words are pleasant.
15:27 貪戀財利的,擾害己家;恨惡賄賂的,必得存活。 He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house;but he that hateth gifts shall live.
16:10 王的嘴中有神語,審判之時,他的口必不差錯。 An oracle is on the lips of the king: his mouth will not
err in judgment. 16:13 公義的嘴為王所喜悅;說正直話的,為王所喜愛。 Righteous lips are the delight of kings,and they love him that speaketh
aright. 16:17 正直人的道,是遠離惡事;謹守己路的,是保全性命。 The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he
that taketh heed to his way keepeth his soul. 16:29 強暴人誘惑鄰舍,領他走不善之道。 A violent man enticeth his neighbour,and leadeth him into a way that is
not good. 17:8 賄賂在饋送的人眼中看為玉寶,隨處運動都得順利。 A gift is a precious stone in the eyes of the possessor:
whithersoever it turneth it prospereth. 17:20 心存邪僻的,尋不著好處;舌弄是非的,陷在禍患中。 He that hath a perverse heart findeth no good;and he that shifteth about with his
tongue falleth into evil. 17:23 惡人暗中受賄賂,為要顛倒判斷。 A wicked [man] taketh a gift out of the bosom,to pervert the paths of judgment.
19:1 行為純正的貧窮人,勝過乖謬愚妄的〔富足〕人。 Better is a poor [man] that walketh in his integrity,than he that is perverse in his lips,and is a fool.
20:7 行為純正的義人,他的子孫是有福的。 The righteous walketh in his integrity: blessed are his
children after him! 20:11 孩童的動作,是清潔、是正直,都顯明他的本性。 Even a child is known by his doings,whether his work be pure,and whether it be right.
21:7 惡人的強暴,必將自己掃除,因他們不肯按公平行事。 The devastation of the wicked sweepeth them away,because they refuse to do what is right.
21:8 負罪之人的路,甚是彎曲,至於清潔的人,他所行的乃是正直。 Very crooked is the way of a guilty man;but as for the pure,his work is upright.
21:18 惡人作了義人的贖價,奸詐人代替正直人。 The wicked is a rnsom for the righteous,and a treacher- ous [man] in the
stead of the upright. 21:29 惡人臉無羞恥,正直人行事堅定。 A wicked man hardeneth his face;but as for the upright,he establisheth his way.
智慧七柱:仁慈,憐憫Mercy(慈愛Love,恩典Grace) 10:12 恨,能挑啟爭端,愛,能遮掩一切過錯。 Hatred stirreth up strifes;but love covereth all trans- gressions.
11:16 恩德的婦女得尊榮;強暴的男子得資財。 A gracious woman retaineth honour;and the violent retain riches.
11:17 仁慈的人善待自己;殘忍的人擾害己身。 The merciful man doeth good to his own soul;but the cruel troubleth his own
flesh. 11:24 有施散的,卻更增添;有吝惜過度的,反致窮乏。 There is that scattereth,and yet increaseth;and
there is that withholdeth more than is right,but [it tendeth] only to want. 11:25 好施捨的,必得豐裕;滋潤人的,必得滋潤。 The liberal soul shall be made fat,and he that watereth shall be
watered also himself. 11:26 屯糧不賣的,民必詛咒他,情願出賣的,人必為他祝福。 He that withholdeth corn,the people curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head
of him that selleth it. 14:21 藐視鄰舍的,這人有罪;憐憫貧窮的,這人有福。 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth;but he that is gracious to the
afflicted,happy is he. 14:31 欺壓貧寒的,是辱沒造他的主;憐憫窮乏的,乃是尊敬主。 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker;but he that honoureth Him is
gracious to the needy. 15:4 溫良的舌是生命樹,乖謬的嘴使人心碎。 Gentleness of tongue is a tree of life;but crookedness therein is a
breaking of the spirit. 15:17 吃素菜,彼此相愛,強如吃肥牛,彼此相恨。 Better is a meal of herbs where love is,than a fatted ox and hatred
therewith. 16:6 因憐憫誠實,罪孽得贖;敬畏耶和華的,遠離惡事。 By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is atoned for,and by the fear of Jehovah [men]
depart from evil. 17:5 戲笑窮人的,是辱沒造他的主,幸災樂禍的,必不免受罰。 Whoso mocketh a poor [man] reproacheth his Maker;he that is glad at calamity shall
not be held innocent. 17:9 遮掩人過的,尋求人愛;屢次挑錯的,離間密友。 He that covereth transgression seeketh love;but he that bringeth a matter up
again separateth very friends. 17:17 朋友乃時常親愛;弟兄為患難而生。 The friend loveth at all tunes,and a brother is born for adversity.
18:19 弟兄結怨,〔勸他和好〕,比取堅固城還難,〔這樣的〕爭競,如同堅寨的門閂。
A brother offended is [harder to be won] than a strong
city;and contentions are as the bars of a
palace. 18:23 貧窮人說哀求的話,富足人用威嚇的話回答。 He that is poor speaketh with supplications,but the rich answereth roughly.
19:6 好施散的,有多人求他的恩情;愛送禮的,人都為他的朋友。 Many court the favour of a noble;and every one is friend to man that
giveth. 19:11 人有見識,就不輕易發怒;寬恕人的過失,便是自己的榮耀。 The discretion of a man maketh him slow to anger,and it is his glory to pass over a
transgression. 19:17 憐憫貧窮的,就是借給耶和華,他的善行,耶和華必償還。 He that is gracious to the poor lendeth unto Jehovah;and what he hath bestowed will he
repay unto him. 19:22 施行仁慈的,令人愛慕,窮人強如說謊言的。 The charm of a man is his kindness;and a poor [man] is better than a
liar. 20:28 王因仁慈和誠實,得以保全他的國位,也因仁慈立穩。 Mercy and truth preserve the king;and he upholdeth his throne by
mercy. 21:10 惡人的心,樂人受禍,他眼並不憐恤鄰舍。 The soul of the wicked desireth evil: his neighbour
findeth no favour in his eyes. 21:13 塞耳不聽窮人哀求的,他將來呼籲也不蒙應允。 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor,he also himself shall cry,and shall not be heard.
21:21 追求公義仁慈的,就尋得生命、公義,和尊榮。 He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth
life,righteousness,and honour. 智慧七柱:信實Faithfulness(誠實Truthfulness)
10:18 隱藏怨恨的,有說謊的嘴,口出讒謗的,是愚妄的人。 He that covereth hatred hath lying lips,and he that sendeth forth a slander
is a fool. 11:1 詭詐的天平為耶和華所憎惡;公平的砝碼為祂所喜悅。 A false balance is an abomination to Jehovah;but a just weight is his delight.
11:13 往來傳舌的,洩露密事;心中誠實的,遮隱事情。 He that goeth about talebearing revealeth secrets;but he that is of a faithful spirit
concealeth the matter. 12:17 說出真話的,顯明公義;作假見證的,顯出詭詐。 He that uttereth truth sheweth forth righteousness;but a false witness deceit.
12:19 口吐真言,永遠堅立;舌說謊話,只存片時。 The lip of truth shall be established forever;but a lying tongue is but for a
moment. 12:22 說謊言的嘴,為耶和華所憎惡;行事誠實的,為祂所喜悅。 Lying lips are an abomination to Jehovah;but they that deal truly are his
delight. 13:17 奸惡的使者必險在禍患裡;忠信的是使臣乃醫人的良藥。 A wicked messenger falleth into evil;but a faithful ambassador is health.
14:5 誠實見證人,不說謊話;假見證人,吐出謊言。 A faithful witness will not lie;but a false witness uttereth lies.
14:25 作真見證的,救人性命;吐出謊言的,〔施行〕詭詐。 A true witness delivereth souls;but deceit uttereth lies.
16:6 因憐憫誠實,罪孽得贖,敬畏耶和華的,遠離惡事。 By loving-kindness and truth iniquity is atoned for;and by the fear of Jehovah [man]
depart from evil. 16:28 乖僻人播散紛爭,傳舌的離間密友。 A false man soweth contention;and a talebearer separateth very
friends. 17:4 行惡的,留心聽奸詐之言;說謊的側耳聽邪惡之語。 The evil-doer giveth heed to iniquitous lips;the liar giveth ear to a mischievous
tongue. 17:7 愚頑人說美言本不相宜,何況君王說謊話呢? Excefcnt speech becometh not a vile [man];how much less do lying lips a noble!
18:8 傳舌人的語言,如同美食深入人的心腹。 The words of a talebearer are as dainty morsels,and they go down into the innermost
parts of the belly. 19:5 作假見證的,必不免受罰;吐出謊言的,終不能逃脫。 A false witness shall not be held innocent,and he that uttereth lies shall not
escape. 19:9 作假見證的,不免受罰;吐出謊言的,也必滅亡。 A false witness shall not be held innocent,and he that uttereth lies shall
perish. 19:22 施行仁慈的,令人愛慕,窮人強如說謊言的。 The charm of a man is his kindness;and a poor [man] is better than a
liar. 20:6 人多述說自己的仁慈,但忠信人誰能遇著呢? Most men will proclaim every one his own kindness;but a faithful man who shall find?
20:10 兩樣的砝碼、兩樣的升鬥,都為耶和華所憎惡。 Divers weights,divers
measures,even both of them are abomination to
Jehovah. 20:14 買物的說:“不好,不好!”;及至〔買〕去,他便自誇。 “Bad! bad!”saith
the buyer;but when he is gone his way,thenhe boasteth.
20:17 以虛謊而得的食物,人覺甘甜,但後來他的口必充滿塵沙。 Bread of falsehood is sweet to a man,but afterwards his mouth shall be
filled with gravel. 20:23 兩樣的砝碼,為耶和華所憎惡,詭詐的天平也為不善。 Divers weights are an abomination unto Jehovah;and a false balance is not good.
20:28 王因仁慈和誠實,得以保全他的國位,也因仁慈立穩。 Mercy and truth preserve the king;and he upholdeth his throne by
mercy. 21:6 用詭詐之求財的,就是自己取死,所得之財,乃是吹來吹去的浮雲。 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting
breath of them that seek death. 21:28 作假見證的必滅亡,惟有聽真情而言的,其言長存。 A lying witness shall perish;and a man that heareth shall speak
constantly. 智慧七柱:節制Self-control 10:19 多言多語難免有過,禁止嘴唇是有智慧。 In the multitude of words there wanteth not transgre-
ssion;but he that restraineth his lips
doeth wisely. 12:16 愚妄人的惱怒立時顯露,通達人能忍辱藏羞。 The vexation of the fool is presently known;but a prudent [man] covereth shame.
12:18 說話浮躁的,如刀刺人,智慧人的舌頭,卻為醫人的良藥。 There is that babbleth like the piercings of a sword;but the tongue of the wise is
health. 13:3 謹守口的,得保生命;大張嘴的,必致敗亡。 He that guardeth his mouth keepeth his soul;destruction shall be to him that
openeth wide his lips. 14:17 輕易發怒的,行事愚妄;設立詭計的,被人恨惡。 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly,and a man of mischievous devices is
hated. 14:23 諸般勤勞都有益處,嘴上多言乃致窮乏。 In all labour there is profit;but the talk of the lips [tendeth]
only to want. 14:29 不輕易發怒的,大有聰明;性情暴躁的,大顯明愚妄 He that is slow to anger is of great understanding;but he that is hasty of spirit
exalteth folly. 15:1 回答柔和,使怒消退;言語暴戾,觸動怒氣。 A soft answer turneth away fury;but a grievous word stirreth up
anger. 15:18 暴怒的人挑啟爭端;忍怒的人止息紛爭。 A furious man stirreth up contention;but he that is slow to anger
appeaseth strife. 16:32 不輕易發怒的,勝過勇士;治服己心的,強如取城。 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty,and he that ruleth his spirit than
he that taketh a city. 17:14 紛爭的起頭〔如〕水放開,所以在爭鬧之先,必當止息爭競。 The beginning of contention is [as] when one letteth out
water;therefore leave off strife before it
become vehement. 17:19 喜愛爭競的,是喜愛過犯;高立家門的,乃自取敗壞。 He loveth transgression that loveth a quarrel;he that maketh high his gate seeketh
destruction. 17:27 寡少言語的有知識;性情溫良的有聰明。 He that hath knowledge spareth his words;and a man of understanding is of a
cool spirit. 17:28 愚昧人若靜默不言,也可算為智慧,閉口不說,也可算為聰明。 Even a fool when he holdeth his peace is reckoned wise,[and] he that shutteth his lips,intelligent. 19:2 心無知識的,乃為不善;腳步急快的,難免犯罪。 Also that a person be without knowledge is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet
maketh false steps. 19:11 人有見識,就不輕易發怒,寬恕人的過失,便是自己的榮耀。
The discretion of a man maketh him slow to anger,and it is his glory to pass over a
transgression. 19:16 謹守戒命的,保全生命;輕忽己路的,必致死亡。 He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his soul;he that is careless of his ways
shall die. 19:19 暴怒的人必受刑罰,你若救他,必須再救。 A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment;for if thou deliver [him],yet thou must do it again.
20:1 酒能使人褻慢,濃酒使人喧嚷,凡因酒錯誤的,就無智慧。 Wine is a scorner,strong
drink is raging;and whoso erreth thereby is not
wise. 20:3 遠離紛爭,是人的尊榮;愚妄人都愛爭鬧。 It is an honour for a man to cease from strife;but every fool rusheth into it.
20:19 往來傳舌的洩漏密事,大張嘴的,不可與他結交。 He that goeth about talebearing revealeth secrets;therefore meddle not with him that
openeth his lips. 20:22 你不要說,我要以惡報惡。要等候耶和華,祂必拯救你。 Say not,I
will recompense evil: wait on Jehovah,and
he shall save thee. 20:25 人冒失說,〔這是〕聖物,許願之後才查問,就是自陷網羅。 It is a snare to a man rashly to say,It is hallowed,and after vows to make inquiry.
21:5 殷勤籌畫的,足致豐裕;行事急燥的,都必缺乏。 The thoughts of the diligent [tend] only to plenteousn-
ess;but of every one that is hasty,only to want.
21:17 愛宴樂的,必致窮乏;好酒,愛膏油的,必不富足。 He that loveth mirth shall be a poor man;he that loveth wine and oil shall
not be rich. 21:20 智慧人家中〔積蓄〕寶物膏油,愚昧人隨得來隨吞下。 There is costly store and oil in the dwelling of a wise
[man];but a foolish man swalloweth it up.
21:23 謹守口與舌的,就保守自己免受災難。 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul
from troubles. 智慧七柱:謙卑Humility 11:2 驕傲來,羞恥也來,謙遜人卻有智慧。 [When] pride cometh,then
cometh shame;but with the lowly is wisdom.
11:12 藐視鄰舍的,毫無智慧,明哲人卻靜默不言。 He that despiseth his neighbour is void of heart;but a man of understanding holdeth
his peace. 11:14 無智謀,民就敗落;謀士多,人便安居。 Where no advice is,the
people fall;but in the multitude of counsellors
there is safely. 12:1 喜愛管教的,就是喜愛知識;恨惡責備的,卻是畜類。 Whoso loveth discipline loveth knowledge,but he that hateth reproof is
brutish. 12:9 被人輕賤,卻有僕人,強如自尊,缺少食物。 Better is he that is lightly esteemed,and hath a servant,than he that honoureth himself,and lacketh hread.
12:15 愚妄人所行的,在自己眼中看為正直,惟智慧人肯聽人的勸教。 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes;but he that is wise hearkeneth unto
counsel. 13:1 智慧子〔聽〕父親的教訓,褻慢人不聽責備。 A wise son [heareth] his father's instruction;but a scorner heareth not rebuke.
13:10 驕傲只啟爭競,聽勸言的,卻有智慧。 By pride there only cometh contention;but with the well-advised is wisdom.
13:13 藐視訓言的,自取滅亡,敬畏誡命的,必得善報。 Whoso despiseth the word shall be held by it;but he that feareth the commandment
shall be rewarded. 13:18 棄絕管教的,〔必致〕貧受辱;領受責備的,必得尊榮。 Poverty and shame shall be [to] him that refuseth
instruction;but he that regardeth reproof shall
be honoured. 14:3 愚妄人口中驕傲,如杖責打己身;智慧人的嘴,必保守自己。 In the fool's mouth is a rod of pride;but the lips of the wise shall
preserve them. 14:6 褻慢人尋智慧,卻尋不著;聰明人易得知識。 A scorner seeketh wisdom,and there is none [for him];but knowledge is easy unto the intelligent.
14:16 智慧人懼怕,就遠離惡事;愚妄人卻狂傲自恃。 A wise [man] feareth and departeth from evil;but the foolish is overbearing and
confident. 15:5 愚妄人藐視父親的管教,領受責備的,得著見識。 A fool despiseth his father's instruction;but he that regardeth reproof
becometh prudent. 15:10 捨棄正路的,必受嚴刑;恨惡責備的,必致死亡。 Grievous correction is for him that forsaketh the path;he that hateth reproof shall die.
15:12 褻慢人不愛受責備,他也不就近智慧人。 A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him;he will not go unto the wise.
15:22 不先商議,所謀無效;謀士眾多,所謀乃成。 Without counsel purposes are disappointed;but in the multitude of counsellors they
are established 15:25 耶和華必拆毀驕傲人的家,卻要立定寡婦的地界。 Jehovah plucketh up the house of the proud;but he establisheth the boundary of
the widow. 15:31 聽從生命責備的,必常在智慧人中。 The ear that heareth the reproof of life shall abide
among thewlse. 15:32 棄絕管教的,輕看自己的生命,聽從責備的,卻得智慧。 He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul;but he that heareth reproof getteth
sense. 15:33 敬畏耶和華,是智慧的訓誨,尊榮以前,必有謙卑。 The fear of Jehovah is the discipline of wisdom,and before honour [goeth] humility.
16:5 凡心裡驕傲的,為耶和華所憎惡,〔雖然〕聯手,他必不免受罰。 Every proud heart is an abomination to Jehovah: hand for
hand,he shall not be held innocent.
16:18 驕傲在敗壞以先;狂心在跌倒之前。 Pride [goeth] before destruction,and a haughty spirit before a fall.
16:19 心裡謙卑與窮乏人來往,強如將擄物驕傲人同分。 Better is it to be of a humble spirit with the meek,than to divide the spoil with the
proud. 16:20 謹守訓言的,必得好處,倚靠耶和華的,便為有福。 He that giveth heed to the word shall find good;and whoso confideth in Jehovah,happy is he. 16:33 簽放在懷裡,定事由耶和華。 The lot is cast into the lap;but the whole decision is of
Jehovah. 17:10 一句責備的話深入聰明人的心,強如責打愚昧人一百下。 A reproof entereth more deeply into him that hath under-
standing than a hundred stripes into a fool. 17:19 喜愛爭競的,是喜愛過犯;高立家門的,乃自取敗壞。 He loveth transgression that loveth a quarrel;he that maketh high his gate seeketh
destruction. 18:1 與眾寡合的,獨自尋求心願,並惱恨一切真智慧。 He that separateth himself seeketh [his] pleasure,he is vehement against all sound
wisdom. 18:12 敗壞之先,人心驕傲;尊榮以前,必有謙卑。 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty;and before honour [goeth] humility.
18:13 未曾聽完先回答的,便是他的愚昧和羞辱。 He that giveth answer before he heareth,it is folly and shame unto him.
18:18 掣簽能止息爭競,也能解散強勝的人。 The lot causeth contentions to cease,and parteth between the might.
19:20 你要聽勸教、受訓誨,使你終久有智慧。 Hear counsel,and
receive instruction,that
thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. 19:25 鞭打褻慢人,愚蒙人必長見識;責備明哲人,他就明白知識。 Smite a scorner,and
the simple will beware;reprove
the intelligent,and he will understand knowledge.
21:4 惡人發達,眼高心傲,這乃是罪〔“發達”原文作“燈”〕。 Lofty eyes,and
a proud heart,the lamp of the wicked,is sin. 21:11 褻慢的人受刑罰,愚蒙的人就是得智慧。智慧人受訓誨,便得知識。 When the scorner is punished,the simple becometh wise;and when the wise is instructed,he receiveth knowledge.
21:24 心驕氣傲的人,名叫褻慢,他行事狂妄,都出於驕傲。 Proud,arrogant,scorner is his name who dealeth in
proud wrath. ──編輯:伍雷、吳浩 |