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John Chapter
I. Content of the Chapter
The Commitment and
Call of the Son of God the Savior
A. The Background of His Manifestation ----
they labored in vain (v.1-3) ---- the first sign
B. The Guidance of His Manifestation ---- the
abundant fish (v.4-6) ---- the second sign
C. The Preparation of His Manifestation ---- the provision of food (v.7-14) ---- the
third sign
D. The
E. The Call of His Manifestation:
1. To follow the way of the Lord ---- the way
of the cross (v.18-19).
2. The character of following the Lord ---- everyone
is individually guided by the Lord (v.20-23)
F. The Truth and Fullness of the Witness ----
the Epilogue to the Book (v.24-25).
II. Verse by Verse commentary
John. 21:1 “After these things Jesus
showed Himself again to the disciples at the
YLT: “After these
things did Jesus manifest himself again to the disciples on the
Meaning: “after these things”, “these things” ---- the disciples
escaped, and Peter thrice denied the Lord, and some disciples saw the Lord’s
crucifixion under the cross, and personally saw and experienced the Lord’s
resurrection (see chapter 18-20).
“Jesus at the
Meaning: at the end of the Book of John, chapter 20, it had
plainly drawn a completion to the whole book. However, the Holy Spirit inspired
John to add this chapter to this book so as to connect the Four Gospels with the
Book of Acts.
The Book of Gospel described the works of the Lord Jesus on the earth. The
Lord declared: “It is finished (see 19:30)”. Yes, as far as the incarnated
Jesus concerned, His works had been done, and there was nothing left for us to
make up.
The Book of Acts described that
“the corporate Jesus” (the church) continued His works on the earth. After the
Lord was
raised from the dead, He embarked on
another form of incarnation (see 1Tim 3:15-16) and started another form of
works ---- He gained a group of men to be His vessels to undertake the building
Therefore, the Lord was busy after His resurrection with retrieving the
disciples who were scattered, lost their faith and declined, and He confirmed
them. This chapter might be regarded as the successive appointment of the Lord
Jesus to His disciples.
Peter and other disciples in this chapter were the representatives and portraitures
of us. Their condition is our condition. We should learn the personal and seasonable
lessons from these situations. Therefore, the Lord’s commitment
that gave to Peter was also to us. Therefore, we should not read the Scripture
for others, but apply the Scripture to ourselves.
in the Word:
1) “These things” could represent the various triumphant and
failing experiences of believers. In our spiritual way, there should be always
ups and downs. However, no matter victory or failure, these experiences have
precious spiritual value. We should never ignore them.
2) Everything that we
have experienced has its significance. God even put our tears into His bottle and
in His book (see Ps 56:8).
John. 21:2 “Simon Peter, Thomas called
the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in
YLT: “There were
together Simon Peter, and Thomas who is called Didymus, and Nathanael from Cana
of Galilee, and the of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples.”
Meaning: there were seven
disciples listed here. “Seven” is a number symbolizing the perfectness in this
world. Therefore, the “seven disciples” stood for the whole disciples of the
Lord, including those who believed Him later.
John. 21:3 “Simon Peter said to them,
"I am going fishing." They said to him, "We are going with you
also." They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night
they caught nothing. ”
YLT: “Simon Peter
saith to them, `I go away to fish;' they say to him, `We go -- we also -- with
thee;' they went forth and entered into the boat immediately, and on that night
they caught nothing.”
Meaning: “I am going fishing.” ---- “Fishing”
was picking up one’s old job (see Matt 4:18-22). After the Lord’s resurrection,
He asked the disciples to remain in the city till they were clothed with power
from on high (see Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4). Therefore, when they went back
“That night they caught nothing.” ----
In the old times, the fishermen were
fond of fishing at night. It was said that night was the best time to fish. Peter was
an elder fisherman. He knew when and where to fish, but he even caught nothing
the whole night. Obviously, this was a sign that especially arranged by God for the purpose of teaching
in the Word:
1) Whatever spiritual or worldly work, we
should never rely on our natural ability but always the guidance and blessings
of God.
2) Peter represented the
leader, and other disciples represented the followers. If we follow men blindly
but not discern carefully, we will fall into poor spiritual situation.
3) It may be a good
thing for us to have some poor experiences, for it make us rely on the Lord
increasingly and sympathize more with the infirmity of others (see Heb 4:15).
4) There is always
good will in the adverse situation. Contrary, men may set aside the will of God
in the favorable situation.
5) Fishing is for the
sake of feeding oneself. That the seven disciples had troubles with fishing
indicated that those who were of the Lord had trouble in their life. In the
past two thousand years, there were many disciples who had been tried in the
matter of bread.
6) Before we were
saved, we struggled in the world through our natural strength, and we might
profit something. However, after being saved, if we leave the Lord again and go
to the world to seek personal gain, it will be of absolute vanity. We should wake
John. 21:4 “But when the morning had
now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was
YLT: “And morning
being now come, Jesus stood at the shore, yet indeed the disciples did not know
that it is Jesus;”
in the Word:
1) Thanks the Lord. The dark night will not be
too long. The Lord’s manifestation is our spiritual “morning”. Whenever we are
in the dark night, affliction and failure may that we are reminded to turn to
seek the Lord Himself and rely on the manifestation and presence of Him.
2) The disciples met
the Lord when fishing on the sea. It indicated that we could receive the
manifestation of the Lord even though we are not in the tranquil fellowship
with the Lord. Like
3) If a believer could
not receive the sympathy of the Lord in common works, they could not please the
Lord even in the fellowship with the Lord.
John. 21:5 “Then Jesus said to them,
"Children, have you any food?" They answered Him, "No." ”
YLT: “Jesus,
therefore, saith to them, `Lads, have ye any meat?'”
Meaning: “Children, have you any
food?” ---- “Children” is an intimate call, which has no meaning
of mocking. “Have
you any food?” ---- It meant
whether they had the fish that was ready to eat. The whole sentence indicated
the love-kindness of the Lord, who cared about our sorrow and affliction.
in the Word:
1) The disciples had fish to eat in the house
(see Luke 24:41-43), but now they had nothing to eat on the sea. It told us
that: what really accounted was not the environment, but the position that we
stood on.
2) Whenever we leave
the Lord and are not in His will, our efforts will be unto vanity.
3) When we find that we
have nothing to eat and nothing for the Lord to eat, we must have been walked in
the way outside the Lord’s way, and what we have done will be outside of the
ordained will of the Lord.
John. 21:6 “And He said to them,
"Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some."
So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude
of fish. ”
YLT: “they answered
him, `No;' and he said to them, `Cast the net at the right side of the boat,
and ye shall find;' they cast, therefore, and no longer were they able to draw
it, from the multitude of the fishes.”
in the Word:
1) There are abundant provisions in the words of
the Lord. However, when we believe and obey the Lord’s words, we will find the
real provision from the words of the Lord.
2) If one brings others
to the Lord through his own discernment and ability, it will turn out to be of
vanity no matter how toilsome he is. It has effects only when they cast the net
according to the guidance of the Lord.
John. 21:7 “Therefore that disciple
whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" Now when Simon
Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had
removed it), and plunged into the sea. ”
YLT: “That disciple,
therefore, whom Jesus was loving saith to Peter, `The Lord it is!' Simon Peter,
therefore, having heard that it is the Lord, did gird on the outer coat, (for
he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea;”
Meaning: “therefore that disciple whom
Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" ---- The disciples had experienced the same matter
(see Luke 5:5-6) ---- the inefficient works overnight first, and then the multitude of fish after hearing the command of the Lord. Therefore,
the Apostle John realized that the one who was on the shore was the Lord Jesus.
The two apostles John and Peter were both beloved by the Lord. ---- Each
of them had their own peculiarities. One was quiet, and the other was active.
The former was full of the spiritual wisdom, and the latter was bold to act.
Meaning: “Simon Peter had removed his outer garment”, it symbolized that on one
hand we were naked and lay bare to the Lord’s eyes. On the
other hand, we were of nothing, and boasted nothing.
John. 21:8 “But the other disciples
came in the little boat (for they were not far from land, but about two hundred
cubits), dragging the net with fish. ”
YLT: “and the other
disciples came by the little boat, for they were not far from the land, but as
it were about two hundred cubits off, dragging the net of the fishes;”
Meaning: “two hundred cubits”, “cubit” was a kind of linear measure. Every
cubit equaled to 18 inches. Therefore, there were about 180 meters away from
the shore.
John. 21:9 “Then, as soon as they had
come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread. ”
YLT: “when,
therefore, they came to the land, they behold a fire of coals lying, and a fish
lying on it, and bread.”
Meaning: “they saw a fire of coals
there”, note that the
fire on the land was contrary to the fire in the court (see 18:19). At that
night, Peter failed at the fire, but now the Lord provided him what he needed just
at the fire.
fish laid on it”, it indicated that
it was unnecessary for them to go fishing on the sea, for there was fish on the
Meaning: “and fish laid on it, and
bread.” ---- “Fish” stood
for the richness in the sea. “Bread” represented the richness on the land.
in the Word:
1) One should not be afraid of having no food
when he does work for the Lord. As long as one walks in the will of the Lord,
he will obtain food everywhere, and even on the land there lays fish. However,
if he does not walk in the will of the Lord, he could not obtain fish even on the
sea where is easiest to fish.
2) The workers should
not be worried about the livelihood, for the Lord must take care of us, and He
is the God who calls the things which be not as being (see Rom 4:17).
3) The biggest
temptation of the Lord’s workers is whether they can balance life with service.
To care for our own life instead of caring for serving the Lord is the biggest
failure of us.
4) The Lord was deeply aware of the
shortage of His disciples, so He provided them in good time. The Lord is our
blessing cup, portion, fullness and seasonable help.
John. 21:10 “Jesus said to them,
"Bring some of the fish which you have just caught." ”
YLT: “Jesus saith to
them, `Bring ye from the fishes that ye caught now;'”
in the Word:
1) Once Peter knew it was the Lord, he did not
care his boat and fish, but plunged
into the sea (see v.7) and dived
to the Lord. However, the Lord asked him to “bring some of the fish which he had just caught.” Although the Lord Himself was greatly precious,
every gracious provision was also precious.
2) “Bring some of the fish
which you have just caught.” ---- We should not
be proud of the past experiences and accomplishments, but seek the Lord
continually and obtain fresh provision form Him every day.
3) “Bring some of the fish
which you have just caught.” ---- The believers
should often have fresh testimonies. One should not always bear the repeated
and old witnesses, or else the audience will feel dull.
John. 21:11 “Simon Peter went up and
dragged the net to land, full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three; and
although there were so many, the net was not broken. ”
YLT: “Simon Peter
went up, and drew the net up on the land, full of great fishes, an hundred
fifty and three, and though they were so many, the net was not rent.”
Meaning: “although there were so
many, the net was not broken.” ---- It meant that
none of the fish was missed.
in the Word:
1) Believers, fishers of men, should not only
preach the glad tidings, but also note each of them lest that anyone should be
2) “Although there were so many,
the net was not broken.” ---- The grace of
life of the Lord can be inherited by the weak vessels of us (see 1Pet 3:7).
3) We should often
repair and confirm the spiritual “net” so as not to miss any “fish” or get half
the result with twice the effort without obtaining the expected results.
John. 21:12 “Jesus said to them,
"Come and eat breakfast." Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him,
"Who are You?"--knowing that it was the Lord. ”
YLT: “Jesus saith to
them, `Come ye, dine;' and none of the disciples was venturing to inquire of
him, `Who art thou?' knowing that it is the Lord;”
Meaning: “Yet none of the
disciples dared ask Him”, “ask”: “enquire”, “search”.
This verse was contradictory. “None of them dared ask” meant they
neither knew nor dared to ask because of fearfulness. However, it mentioned that
none of them dared ask who He was, and also mentioned “knowing it was the Lord”.
In other words, they did not know outwardly, but knew inwardly without reason.
Meaning: “Come and eat breakfast.” ---- “Eat” was a symbolic act in the New
Testament, which meant “fellowship” and “acceptance”.
John. 21:13 “Jesus then came and took
the bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish.”
YLT: “Jesus,
therefore, doth come and take the bread and give to them, and the fish in like
in the Word:
1) That the Lord provided bread and fish for
the disciples was not only for the sake of meeting their needs, but also for
His divine mission. The Lord brought new mission in His new provision.
2) All the religions in
the world only ask, but have no provision. Only our Lord not only asks, but
also provides. The Lord always provides first, and asks afterwards.
John. 21:14 “This is now the third time
Jesus showed Himself to His disciples after He was raised from the dead.”
YLT: “this now a
third time Jesus was manifested to his disciples, having been raised from the
Meaning: “This is now the third time”, it was possibly concluded from the record
of this book (see 20:19, 24). According to the New Testament, the details of
Lord’s manifestation to the disciples after He was raised
from the dead were as follows: (1) He manifested Himself to Mary (see
v.20:11-18; Mark 16:9-11); (2) He manifested Himself to the women (see Matt
28:9-10); (3) He manifested Himself to the two who went to Emmaus (see Mark
16:12-13; Luke 24:13-35); (4) He manifested Himself to Peter (see Luke 24:34;
1Cor 15:5); (5) He manifested Himself to the ten disciples except for Thomas
(see 20:19-23; Luke 24:36-43); (6) He manifested Himself to the eleven
disciples (see 20:24-29; Mark 16:14); (7) He manifested Himself in Galilee (see
Matt 28:16-20); (8) He manifested Himself at the Sea of Tiberias (see v.1-23);
(9) He manifested Himself for forty days in many places and for many times.
Then he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once. Then he appeared to
James; then to all the apostles (see Acts 1:3; 1Cor 15:6-7); (10) He manifested
Himself in the
John. 21:15 “So when they had eaten
breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of
Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes,
Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Feed
My lambs." ”
YLT: “When,
therefore, they dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, `Simon, of Jonas, dost thou
love me more than these?' he saith to him, `Yes, Lord; thou hast known that I
dearly love thee;' he saith to him, `Feed my lambs.'”
Meaning: “Simon, son of Jonah”, the Lord asked only Peter before all the
disciples in order to let all the disciples know that He would still make Peter
in the leading position, though he had ever failed.
“Do you love Me more
than these?” ---- If the word “these” was a subject term, it would mean “do
you love Me more than other disciples”? If the word “these” was an object term, there would be two meanings: (1) “do you
love Me more than these things (the boat, the net, the fish, the bread, the
fire and etc.)”? (2) “Do you love Me more than other disciples?”
Since Peter had boasted “If all shall be
offended in thee, I will never be offended (see Matt 26:33; Mark 14:29)”, showing that he loved the Lord
more than others. Therefore, the word “these” could possibly be interpreted as
a subject term. The Lord might intend to deal with the pride and self-conceit
of Peter.
However, the word “these” might also
refer to men, things or substances. It seemed that the Lord was saying Peter soundlessly
that: you denied Me in that night when I was judged. You brought others to fish but disregarded Me when I hid my physical presence. You were humiliated when you went to find
fire by yourself. You obtained nothing when you came to fish. Now I have
prepared the fire, the bread, the fish, and you need neither spare any effort
nor do anything. If you want to get warm, there is fire. If you want to eat,
there is bread and fish. However, I shall ask you: “do
you love Me more than these things?”
Lord; You know that I love You.” ---- The word “love”
in Peter’s answer was different from that in the Lord’s question. Peter might
think he was unworthy of loving the Lord in the divine love, so he only
answered he loved the Lord in the affective love.
My lambs.” ---- “Feeding” is the responsibility of a shepherd.
He should seek the good pastures for the flocks to supply sufficient provision
to them. “Lambs”: young sheep.
Meaning: “Simon, son of Jonah”, “Simon” was the old name before Peter was
saved (see 1:42). It typified that the Lord was dealing with His old man and
His nature.
My lambs.” ---- It meant
supplying young Christians with spiritual food (see 1Peter 2:2), what was most
important, bringing them to learn to be fed by the Lord directly.
in the Word:
1) “Do you love Me more
than these?” ---- We should not have high thoughts above what he should
think. But think so as to be wise, as God has dealt to each a measure of faith
(see Rom 12:3).
2) “Do you love Me
more than these?” ---- Many things in our life may take up our heart, such as the wealth, the status, the scholarship, the
health, the love, the family, the friendship, the success and etc. However, to
Christians who love the Lord, nothing can be compared with our Lord.
3) If the workers of
the Lord love other things more than the Lord, they shall not be used by the
4) Many times, the
Lord blesses the church and adds to the church such as should be saved, and we
shall be excited for this situation. At this time, the Lord will ask us: “do
you love Me more than these?” If we really love the Lord, we shall feed the
lambs diligently.
5) Sometimes, man
likes the work of fishing, for he can get many fish for a short while, and such
exciting occasion is spectacular. However, the feeding works of the shepherd
are soundless and spare more time and costs, which are much toilsome. However,
the Lord said: “you feed my lambs”. The Lord not only wants us to be the
fishers of men, but also the shepherds of believers.
6) If the fisherman
caught more than one hundred fishes, he might not care for losing or increasing
several ones, but would care the number of fish that remained. However, the
shepherd always cared for those who were lost. He did not care for those who
remained. Even though there were 99 ones remaining, he still felt insufficient
and would come to find back the lost one (see Matt 18:10-14).
7) Peter really
entered the burden of a shepherd. Therefore, he encouraged the fellow-elders to
shepherd the flock of God and to be models for the flock (see 1Peter 5:1-4).
8) To love the sheep
is to love the Lord. How to manifest our love to the Lord? There is none other
way but loving the Lord through loving His sheep and serving the Lord through
serving His sheep. He who sacrifices for the sheep is sacrificing for the Lord.
John. 21:16 “He said to him again a
second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" He said to Him,
"Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My sheep." ”
YLT: “He saith to him
again, a second time, `Simon, of Jonas, dost thou love me?' he saith to him,
`Yes, Lord; thou hast known that I dearly love thee;' he saith to him, `Tend my
of Words: “love”:
the divine love, the sacrificing love, the profound love (agapao ---- the word
used by the Lord in His question); the friendly love, the responsive love, the
affective love (phileo ---- the word used by Peter in His answer).
Meaning: “Tend My sheep.” ---- “Tend” is not only supplying food,
but also looking after, observing, guarding and protecting and etc. “Sheep” is
no longer lambs.
in the Word:
1) Christians need both to be fed and to be
shepherded, which requires looking after carefully.
2) We should never
think only pastors and elders are shepherds, and others are the flock who needs
to be shepherded. In the church, we should not divide the believers into two
sorts ---- one is shepherd, and the other is he who is shepherded by others. We
should shepherd each other.
3) We should have the
heart of shepherd to look after the brothers and sisters. It is not only the
little lambs that need to be fed, but also the aged
sheep. Everyone needs to be strengthened by prayers, and be provided by the
Lord’s words.
4) We should not ignore
the responsibility of shepherding those who have believed the Lord for many
years. It requires more wisdom and is more difficult to shepherd those who have
believed the Lord for many years than those who have just believed.
John. 21:17 “He said to him the third
time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?" Peter
was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?"
And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love
You." Jesus said to him, "Feed My sheep. ”
YLT: “He saith to him
the third time, `Simon, of Jonas, dost thou dearly love me?' Peter was grieved
that he said to him the third time, `Dost thou dearly love me?' and he said to
him, `Lord, thou hast known all things; thou dost know that I dearly love
thee.' Jesus saith to him, `Feed my sheep;”
of Words: “love”:
the friendly love, the responsive love, the affective love (phileo ---- the
word used by Peter in His answer). “Know”: the subjective consciousness; “Know”:
the objective consciousness;
Meaning: “Peter was grieved because
He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?"” ---- Some Bible exegetes thought the three
questions of the Lord hinted as to the failing experience of Peter who thrice
denied the Lord.
in the Word:
1) The third question of the Lord Jesus to Peter used
the “friendly love”, which indicated that the Lord did not mind with what kind
of love we love Him but that we love Him at all.
2) We need not analyze
whether our love to the Lord is the “divine love” or “friendly love”. The Lord
pleases that we take care of other believers actively instead of staying in self-consciousness.
3) In the three times’
questions, the Lord firstly asked Peter: “do you love Me?”, and then entrusted
Him: “feed my lambs”. The Lord’s word included two meanings: (1) feeding and
taking care of the Lord’s sheep are the manifestation of loving the Lord. (2)
Love is the very motivation and basis of feeding and taking care of the Lord.
4) The Lord may not
entrust His sheep to those who believe Him, but He must entrust His sheep to
those who believe and love Him. Love shortens the distance between the Lord and
us, thus we can enjoy the communion of heart in spirit.
5) How to feed the
lambs of the Lord? Love is enough. Peter Himself had nothing to eat (see v.5),
and it was the Lord that prepared everything for Him. We need merely care for
the Lord’s commitment, and the Lord will personally
prepare everything.
6) The Lord mentioned
thrice: “My sheep” or “My lambs” (see v.15-16). Note that believers are the
sheep of the Lord, not ours. Many times, we are entrusted with taking care of
the Lord’s sheep. However, as time passes, we may unconsciously take them as
our sheep, which is out of the question.
John. 21:18 “Most assuredly, I say to
you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked
where you wished; but when you are old, you will
stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do
not wish." ”
YLT: “verily, verily,
I say to thee, When thou wast younger, thou wast girding thyself and wast
walking whither thou didst will, but when thou mayest be old, thou shalt
stretch forth thy hands, and another will gird thee, and shall carry whither
thou dost not will;'”
Meaning: the Lord prophesied
the situation that Peter was arrested and martyred
when he was old (see v.19), and Peter kept it in mind (see 2Peter 1:14).
Meaning: “when you were younger, you
girded yourself and walked where you wished”, it typified that when our spiritual life was
young, we usually walked where we wished without restriction.
when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you
and carry you where you do not wish.”
---- It typified that when we had been grown up in spirit, we would be willing
to bear the restriction given by others.
in the Word:
1) One who has just been saved may walk freely
and do what as he wishes. However, when his spiritual life is increased and his
knowledge of the Lord is enlarged, he will be not so free, for God begins to
grid Him and carry him where he does not wish.
2) Believe should seek
to be grown up, for a mature life will manifest the mark of the cross, namely,
his self has been restricted and deprived. The more one has been deprived of, the
more he can supply others.
John. 21:19 “This He spoke, signifying
by what death he would glorify God. And when He had spoken this, He said to
him, "Follow Me." ”
YLT: “and this he
said, signifying by what death he shall glorify God; and having said this, he
saith to him, `Be following me.'”
Background: it is said that the
Apostle Peter was not only martyred for the Lord on the cross, but also he
asked the executioner to crucify him upside-down, for he thought he was
unworthy of dying in the same manner with the Lord.
Enlightenment in the
1) Those who
follow the Lord are the Lord’s,
whether they live or die. They not only live for the Lord, and even die for the
Lord (see Rom 14:7-8).
2) To follow the Lord
is to devote oneself unto the Lord. If we really love the Lord (see v.15-17),
we will surely devote ourselves unto the Lord. How much we love the Lord
depends on how much we have devoted to the Lord.
John. 21:20 “Then Peter, turning around,
saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast
at the supper, and said, "Lord, who is the one who betrays You?" ”
YLT: “And Peter
having turned about doth see the disciple whom Jesus was loving following, (who
also reclined in the supper on his breast, and said, `Sir, who is he who is
delivering thee up?')”
Meaning: please see chapter
13 (v. 23-25).
John. 21:21 “Peter, seeing him, said to
Jesus, "But Lord, what about this man?" ”
YLT: “Peter having
seen this one, saith to Jesus, `Lord, and what of this one?'”
in the Word:
1) We may easiest forget our own
responsibility, but interfere with others and plan for others.
2) According to our
natural character, we all like to meddle with others. It is the jealous heart
---- excepting others not as good as us ---- that haunts.
John. 21:22 “Jesus said to him, "If
I will that he remain till I come, what is that to
you? You follow Me." ”
YLT: “Jesus saith to
him, `If him I will to remain till I come, what -- to thee? be thou following
me.' This word, therefore, went forth to the brethren that that disciple doth
not die,”
Meaning: “till I come”, the Lord here had clearly stated that He
would come again.
is that to you? You follow
in the Word:
1) We believers should on one hand enjoy the
presence (no matter the manifest presence or hidden presence) of the Lord in
their life, and on the other hand, we should wait for His second coming.
2) Following and serving the Lord are personal
matters between the Lord and each of us. The situation of others has nothing to
do with ourselves. We are individually guided and entrusted by the Lord, so we
should never be influenced by the condition of others.
3) The fellow-workers
should not be concerned for the grace and future. Whenever we compare us with
others, we may be corrupted from simplicity as to the Christ, thus failing in
keeping up with the guidance of the Lord.
John. 21:23 “Then this saying went out
among the brethren that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to
him that he would not die, but, "If I will that he remain till I come,
what is that to you?" ”
YLT: “yet Jesus did
not say to him, that he doth not die, but, `If him I will to remain till I
come, what -- to thee?'”
Meaning: the last two
chapters of this book start from finding the Lord’s resurrection and then enjoy
the manifestation of the Lord and finally end in “till I come”. It tells us
that before the second coming of the Lord, we believers are confronted with two
great matters of life and service ---- our life should rely on the provision of
the Lord, and our service should keep up with the guidance of the Lord ----
live in faith till He comes.
John. 21:24 “This
is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things; and we
know that his testimony is true.”
YLT: “this is the
disciple who is testifying concerning these things, and he wrote these things,
and we have known that his testimony is true.”
Meaning: “this is the disciple who wrote these things”, “these things” refer to the content written in
this book. This sentence indicates that the Apostle John is the author of this
know that his testimony is true.”
---- “We” refers to those who are able to prove that the content of this book
is reliable, including the author therein.
John. 21:25 “And there are also many other things that Jesus
did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even
the world itself could not contain the books that
would be written. Amen”
YLT: “And there are
also many other things -- as many as Jesus did -- which, if they may be written
one by one, not even the world itself I think to have place for the books
written. Amen.”
Meaning: “there are also
many other things that Jesus did”, it obviously indicated that when John was
writing this book, he had made a selection from all the information in his
“I suppose that the books that would be written”, the word “I” undoubtedly
is the Apostle John himself.
“Even the world itself could not contain”,
it indicates that the Lord Jesus not only works in the flesh, but also works
after His resurrection continually. Everything that He does in believers is
beyond record.
III. Outlines of the Spiritual
Be Entrusted to Feed the Lambs
of the Lord
A. The Training Before Being
1. After these things (v
2. The disciples came back to the life in the
world (v.2
3. That night they caught
nothing (v.3b) ---- they
realized that they were unreliable.
4. When the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore (v.4) ---- the end of men is the beginning
of God.
B. The Provision Before Being Entrusted
1. Children, have you any
food? (v.5) ---- The Lord
cares for our poverty.
2. Cast the net on the right
side of the boat, and you will find some. (v.6) ---- He who wants to obtain the provision of
the Lord should keep His word.
3. When Simon Peter heard that
it was the Lord, he plunged into the sea (v.7). ---- He could not care for the fish
when the Lord came.
4. They saw a fire of coals
there, and fish laid on it, and bread (v.10). ---- The Lord’s provision is well
considered in every respect.
5. Jesus said to them,
"Bring some of the fish which you have just caught." (v.11) ---- Every gracious provision of the
Lord for us is precious.
6. The net was full of large fish (v.12-13). ---- The Lord’s provision is always
abundant and more than sufficient.
7. Although there were so
many, the net was not broken. (v.16) ---- The
Lord will surely keep what He has provided.
8. None of the disciples dared
ask Him, "Who are You?"--knowing that it was the Lord. ---- They could not outwardly confirm
whether it was the Lord’s provision, but inwardly they had surely known it was
the Lord’s provision.
C. The Lord Also Dealt With Men When He Was
Entrusting the Commitment to Them (v.15-17)
1. Simon, son of Jonah ---- The Lord dealt
with the old men and nature life.
you love Me more than these? (v.17b). ---- The
Lord dealt with the self-conceit and the heart of loving toward the world.
Lord; You know that I love You. (v.19, 21, 26) ----
The disciple confessed that his love was insufficient in the enlightenment of
the Lord.
My lambs and tend My sheep (v.20). ---- The Lord entrusted His sheep to
His disciples.
The Necessary
Knowledge of the Lord’s Commitment
1. When you were younger, you
girded yourself and walked where you wished (v.1, 11-16) ---- When our spiritual life is
immature, we are unwilling to let our “natural life” be dealt with.
when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you
and carry you where you do not wish
(v. 8-9). ---- The mark of the mature life is the “death of the nature life”.
Lord, what about this man? …what is that to you (v.20-22)? ---- Each disciple is personally guided and
entrusted by the Lord.
I come (v.24-29) ---- One
should be diligent till the Lord comes.
II.What the One Who Serves the Lord Should
A. He should never be worried about his life,
for the Lord will surely provide the daily necessities for him (v.3, 9-11).
B. The motivation of service is the love toward
the Lord (v.15-17).
C. He who loves the Lord will surely feed and
tend the Lord’s sheep (v.15-17).
D. One should take up his cross to follow the
Lord (v.18-19; Matt 16:24).
E. One should follow Him with his whole heart
instead of paying too much attention to the Lord’s arrangement for other
fellow-workmen (v.20-22).
F. One should not explain the Lord’s word at
will (v.23).
III. Signs in This
that night they caught nothing. (v.3) ---- The seasoned
fishermen even got nothing in the best time.
they cast according to the
Lord’s word,
and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish. (v.6) ---- The amazing effect of the Lord’s
saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread (v.9). ---- The Lord calls
the things which are not as being.
although there were so many, the net was not broken
(v.11). ---- The Lord Keeps what He has bestowed.
IV. The Fisherman, the
Shepherd, the Friend,
A. Peter should be fishermen first (v.3-11)
---- to preach the glad tidings
B. He was entrusted to be the shepherd
(v.15-17) ---- to shepherd the flock of the Lord.
C. To feed in the friendly “love” (v.17) ----
to be friends with each other in the church.
D. There is no fear or jealousy in “love”
V. One Should Be Fed by
the Lord First and Then Feed Others.
A. One has nothing. Everything is out of the
Lord’ provision and feeding (v.3-13).
B. One should be fed first and then is able to
feed others (v.15-17).
Caleb Huang《Christian Digest Bible
Commentary Series》
Translated by Mary Zhou