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John Chapter
I. Content of the Chapter
The Example and Teachings of the Son of God
the Savior Who Washed His Disciples’ Feet
A. The service of love ---- He washed the
disciples’ feet personally (v.1-11).
B. The teachings of love ---- He taught His disciples
that they should wash one another’s feet (v.12-17).
C. The treatment of love ---- reminded Judas
(v.18-30) ---- though his feet were washed, he still had no portion in the divine
D. The commandment of love ---- He gave the new
commandment of loving one another to the disciples (v.31-35).
E. Man did not know his love of himself ----
Peter boasted himself (v.36-38) ---- his feet were washed and he had partaken in
the fellowship, but he failed.
II. Verse by Verse commentary
John. 13:1 “Now before the Feast of the
Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from
this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved
them to the end. ”
YLT: “And before the
feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour hath come, that he may
remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own who in the world
-- to the end he loved them.”
of Words: “depart
from”: go, pass, remove; “love”: the divine love (agapao);
Meaning: “before the Feast of the
Passover”, the Feast of the Passover was near. According to the Jewish measure
of day, the
Passover started from the
dust of that day (see Ex12:6).
“His own who were in the world”, it referred to those who were given to Him by
God the Father and believed and received Him (see 17:2; 1:12-13).
“He loved them to the end.” ---- There are two meanings of the phrase of “to the end”: (1) to the end in regard to time, namely,
continually. (2) To the end concerning the degree, namely, to the utmost. So it
could also be translated into “to the utmost”. The love of the Lord Jesus embraces
the above-mentioned two meanings.
in the Word:
1) Although we believers
dwell in the world (see 17:11), we are not of the world (see 17:16), but of the
2) The Lord has bought
us with a great price, therefore we are no longer our own (1Cor 6:19-20) but of
the Lord.
3) For both if we
should live, to the Lord we live. And if we should die, to the Lord we die:
both if we should live then, and if we should die, we are the Lord's (Rom
4) The Lord Jesus
loves us so much that He even delivered Himself up for us (see Eph 5:25).
5) The Lord’s love to us is the love to the utmost. Once
He has lived us, He will love us for ever .
6) The Lord’s love is strong as death (see Song 8:6), so
nothing and nobody can separate us from the love of Christ (see Rom 8:35).
7) When we are zealous
and strong, it is easy to find that the Lord loves us. But when we are weak and
fallen, we may doubt that whether the Lord loves us or not, or even dare not
come to draw near the Lord. However, the Lord said “He loved us to the end”. We, regardless of our own conditions, can
approach therefore with boldness to draw near Him and enjoy Him through His utmost
John. 13:2 “And supper being ended, the
devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to
betray Him, ”
YLT: “And supper
being come, the devil already having put into the heart of Judas of Simon,
Iscariot, that he may deliver him up,”
of Words: “betray”:
deliver, entrust; “put”: throw; “heart”: thoughts, feeling;
Meaning: “And supper being” ---- when they ate the feast of the
Passover (see Matt 26:19-20; Mark 14:16-18; Luke 22:13-14).
devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to
betray Him.” ---- Before this
time, Judas was decided to betray the Lord Jesus (see Luke 22:3-6).
in the Word:
1) The devil always works in
men, scheming to destroy men’s
relation with the Lord Jesus: (1) if possible, it plots to prevent men from
becoming Christians. (2) Even though one has become a Christian, the devil
still tries to make him feel indifferent to the Lord or even forsake the Lord
(betray Jesus).
2) Before fully occupying a
man, the devil firstly gives him a thought, and then the thought changes his
will. Finally, he has turned to be a slave of the devil.
3) The devil usually shoots
an evil thought into man’s
heart. However, if he refuses it and does not follow its allure, the devil can
not cast man into sin (see James 4:7).
John. 13:3 “Jesus, knowing that the
Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and
was going to God, ”
YLT: “Jesus knowing
that all things the Father hath given to him -- into hands, and that from God
he came forth, and unto God he goeth,”
Meaning: “Jesus, knowing that the
Father had given all things into His hands”, “all things” refer to all the creature. Here
they specifically refer to “the disciples”, namely, those who are of Him (see
v.1). Jesus “knew” that the Father had given His disciples into His hands. This was the first reason that the Lord
washed the disciples’ feet (see v.4-5).
“And knew that He had come from God and was going
to God.” ---- This was the
second “knew”, as well as the second reason why the Lord washed the disciples’
feet. The Lord “came from the Father”, and declared God to His disciples
(see1:18), thus helping the disciples to establish a normal relationship of
fellowship with God. The Lord now “was going to God”
and left His disciples on the earth. Then how to keep a normal fellowship of
God with the disciples became an important matter before the Lord’s departure from
the world. Therefore, the Lord’s action of washing feet was exemplified as
follows, through which the Lord revealed the mystery of “keeping the fellowship
with God” to His disciples.
in the Word:
1) Thanks God! He has given
us to the Lord Jesus. No one can seize out of the hand of the Lord (see
2) The Book of John, from
chapter one to thirteen, described that the Lord Jesus “came from God” and how He made men know and obtain God in
the flesh. From chapter fourteen to twenty-one, it recorded that He “was going to God” and He brought men back to the presence of
God through His death and resurrection.
3) The Lord Jesus knew how
surpassing His authority was, how divine His origin was and how glorious the
place He would go was. However, He still humbled Himself. Today, how great is
the number of men who plainly know they are nothing, but are still puffed up.
4) If we can truly know our
status before God and know where we are from and where we will go, our
attitudes towards our life and service will be completely transformed and we
will also bear more in mind the interest of God and others.
John. 13:4 “rose from supper and laid
aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. ”
YLT: “doth rise from
the supper, and doth lay down his garments, and having taken a towel, he girded
of Words: “lay
aside”: kneel down, lay down, sink down;
Background: in the ancient
times, the Jews put on sandals without uppers when they went out of home, and took
off the sandals when they entered into their houses. One of the works of the
lowest bondmen was to loose the sandal straps, take off and carry the sandals,
and then pour
water into a basin to wash their feet.
When eating the feast of the Passover
(v.1-2), the Lord’s disciples had ever disputed that which of them should be
held to be greatest (see Luke 22:24). The reason of their strife was probably
that they wanted to obtain a conclusion ---- who was the least one? And the
least one would be the bondman of all, who should help all of them take off their
sandals and wash their feet.
Meaning: “rose from supper”, it indicated that the mind of the Lord
Jesus was totally distinct from His disciples ---- it was neither the greater
one that had the feast nor the least one that served, but the leader and the
greater one served others (see Luke 22:25-27). He “rose from supper” ---- He was prepared to do something on
the status of serving men.
“Took a towel”, “towel”: a "linen" cloth.
Meaning: “rose from supper”, “rose” symbolized departing from the
honorable status.
“And laid aside
His garments”, “garments” symbolized one’s walks. Laid aside His garments meant
removing His glorious outward appearance, namely, humbling and emptying
“Took a towel”, there were two symbolic
significances: (1) it showed that He bound on humility (see 1Pet 5:5). (2) It
typified that He had took a bondman's form (see Phil 2:7).
in the Word:
1) The prerequisite
condition of serving the Lord in the church is to get down from the throne of one’s own. He who seeks only the status and fame
of himself can not be a good servant of the Lord.
2) The proud looks down upon
others. No one is willing to receive help from a man who is supercilious.
3) Humility presents another
form of love. The proud man loves himself. Only the humble man is able to love
others. If we love ourselves more, we will be unable to love others. Therefore,
love is being humbled ---- being willing to deny, refuse and empty oneself.
4) The true great man is a
man who is able to lay down his own glory. The more honorable a man is, the
less his self will be. The more one “has”, the less he thinks of himself.
5) He, who does not serve
other for fearing of losing his own dignity, is proved to have no real dignity.
On the contrary, he who disregards his own dignity and takes delight in serving
others has received much more dignity.
6) Self is always a terrible
obstacle to the spiritual things. Here, the Lord was purposed to make His
disciples know their shortcomings and learn to be humble and love brothers more
than themselves.
7) “Took a towel and girded Himself”, we should grid ourselves, namely, lose the
liberty. The more we are willing to be restrained for the sake of others, the
more we are able to serve others.
John. 13:5 “After that, He poured water
into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the
towel with which He was girded. ”
YLT: “afterward he
putteth water into the basin, and began to wash the feet of his disciples, and
to wipe with the towel with which he was being girded.”
Meaning: “poured water into a basin”, “water” typifies: (1) the Holy Spirit
(see Titus 3:5); (2) Life (see 19:34); (3) God’s words (see 15:3; Eph 5:26).
“Into a
basin”, it typified Christ
poured out His life through His crucifixion (see Is 53:12).
the disciples' feet”, “feet” are the parts which touch the earth when walking. Christians may unavoidably
be defiled when walking in the earth. The Lord washed the disciples’ feet symbolized
that He washed our spirit through the regeneration of the spirit, the provision
of life and the water of God’s words, thus removing the earthly uncleanness from us.
“Wipe them with the towel with which He
was girded”, it typified the Lord’s meticulous
in the Word:
1) Today, the Lord also
often washes our feet. Every time we draw near Him, we will deeply find that
all the earthly defilement has immediately been washed away by the Lord’s life. Instantly, we feel relaxed and
refreshed, just as comfortable as having washed the feet.
2) In the Old Testament,
there was a laver between the altar and the tent of meeting. Every time when
believers came to God, their hands and feet should be firstly washed (see Ex
3) The hand of creating the
universe is also the hand that washes our uncleanness. On the contrary, the
hand that delights in washing men’s
feet is the most honorable hand in the universe. Beloved believers please do
not regard washing feet for others as a low thing.
4) No water, no washing. If
we want to wash others’
feet, we should “pour the water into
the basin” ---- Let the word
of the Christ dwell in us richly (see
5) Only providing the spirit
and life to others can remove the earthly defilement of others. The Focus of
washing feet is not getting rid of the negative aspect, but bringing about the
positive provision.
6) If one has not wiped the
feet with the towel after washing them, the task has not completed yet. We
should do any works of the Lord from start to finish.
John. 13:6 “Then He came to Simon
Peter. And Peter said to Him, "Lord, are You washing my feet?" ”
YLT: “He cometh,
therefore, unto Simon Peter, and that one saith to him, `Sir, thou -- dost thou
wash my feet?'”
Meaning: “Lord, are You washing my
feet?” ---- That you
washed my feet was so unsuitable, for I was not worthy and did not deserve it.
John. 13:7 “Jesus answered and said to
him, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after
this." ”
YLT: “Jesus answered
and said to him, `That which I do thou hast not known now, but thou shalt know
after these things;'”
Meaning: “you do not understand now”, “understand” here referred to the
subjective consciousness.
“But you
will know after this”, “after this”:
after His resurrection; “know”: the outwardly objective knowledge.
in the Word:
1) We may usually not
know why a certain matter comes to us. When it is over, we have learned
spiritual lessons from our experiences, thus being aware of the fact that all
things work together for good to us (see Rom 8:28).
2) Unfortunately, many
believers doubted and refused, for they did not know the Lord’s will at that time so that they could not
learn the necessary lessons but had suffered in vain, losing the grace of God.
3) We’d better not jump to conclusion concerning
many affairs in the church before truth about the matter has come to light (see
2Cor 4:2-5).
4) The Lord works
according to the will of God rather than the understanding of men. His works
can never been restricted by men.
John. 13:8 “Peter said to Him,
"You shall never wash my feet!" Jesus answered him, "If I do not
wash you, you have no part with Me." ”
YLT: “Peter saith to
him, `Thou mayest not wash my feet -- to the age.' Jesus answered him, `If I
may not wash thee, thou hast no part with me;'”
Meaning: “You shall never wash my feet!” ---- “You never”: “however, you can not”.
Peter said this for he
thought such matter was of high treason.
Meaning: “If I do not wash you, you
have no part with
no part with Me”, it does not refer
to partaking in the salvation, but the obstacle to spiritual fellowship,
namely, being not able to keep in union with each other.
in the Word:
Natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, and he cannot
know because they are spiritually discerned (see 1Cor 2:14).
2) Some of the unbelief thinks, according to their
natural concept, that the Lord’s salvation is so unreasonable ---- how can a sinner obtain free grace
---- that they are unwilling to receive it.
Admittedly, humility is a good virtue, but the natural humility can not only
bring spiritual profits to believers,
but also be harmful.
4) “If I do not wash you, you
have no part with
5) The more earthly
uncleanness in us has been cleansed, the smoother our fellowship with the Lord
will be, and the richer our enjoyment of life will be. Finally, when our
spiritual discernment has been increased, we will be more consecrated to the
6) We believers usually have
difficulties in our “feet” ---- walk according to man (see 1Cor 3:3),
therefore we should be “washed” by the Lord ---- walk according to the Lord
(see 1John 2:6).
John. 13:9 “Simon Peter said to Him,
"Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!" ”
YLT: “Simon Peter
saith to him, `Sir, not my feet only, but also the hands and the head.'”
Meaning: Peter’s reaction
run to another extremity. Just now he held closely that his feet should not be
washed by the Lord (see v.8). But now, he asked the Lord to wash his whole
body. Both the two reactions were wrong.
in the Word:
1) Believers should think
soberly in spiritual things (see Rom 12:3).
2) We should not add
something to or take away from the words of God (see Rev 22:18-19). We shall
neither add to words that God has not spoken, nor take away from the words that
God has spoken.
John. 13:10 “Jesus said to him, "He
who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are
clean, but not all of you."
YLT: “Jesus saith to
him, `He who hath been bathed hath no need save to wash his feet, but he is
clean altogether; and ye are clean, but not all;'”
The Background: “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is
completely clean.” ---- In the ancient times, if
the Jewish went to attend a banquet, they would have a bath at home and wash
the dust on their feet away when they had reached the host’s house, thus being
completely clean.
Meaning: “but not all of you”, it referred to Judas who was determined
to betray the Lord, so he was unclean and sinful (see v.11; Matt 27:4).
Meaning: “he who is bathed”, “bath” typifies the washing of
regeneration (see 3:5; Titus 3:5). The sins of believers had been washed by the
precious blood when we had been reborn from the above. Therefore “he who is bathed” refers to the one whose sins have been
forgiven by believing the Lord, namely, the one who has been saved and born
to wash his feet”, since believers
often walk on the earth, their feet may be unavoidably tainted with uncleanness
when touching the earth, so they have to wash their feet frequently. “Washing
feet” symbolizes that the living water of life has removed our failure,
infirmity and iniquity.
“But is
completely clean”, the word “completely” indicates that the whole man will be
clean, including the spirit, the soul and body. “Clean” means that one’s sins
have been forgiven, and all unrighteousness has been cleaned (see 1John 1:9).
in the Word:
1) In the experiences of
Christians’ life, they have
only one “bath” of the spiritual rebirth at first, but
there are many times of washing feet thereafter.
2) The bath for one time had
granted us the divine life. The frequent times of washing feet restore the
freshness of our life and make us be filled with life.
3) The washing of the blood
makes us stand before God. The washing of water enables us to be fresh, comfortable
and vigorous.
4) The fragmental dealing
with us (washing feet) must be based on the fundamental destruction of the
cross (bath). Instead of any artificial ways, one should firstly have the basic
knowledge of the cross and then come into the detailed dealing with the sin
---- only such way has the spiritual value.
5) When a believer has been
saved, all his sins in the past have been forgiven. If he committed any sin
later again, he would have to confess only that certain sin and repent instead
of keeping his sins in the past in mind constantly or confessing a certain sin
John. 13:11 “For He knew who would
betray Him; therefore He said, "You are not all clean." ”
YLT: “for he knew him
who is delivering him up; because of this he said, `Ye are not all clean.'”
Meaning: “He knew who would betray
Him”, the Lord knew who would betray Him at the outset (see 6:64, 70-71).
John. 13:12 “So when He had washed their
feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, "Do you
know what I have done to you? ”
YLT: “When,
therefore, he washed their feet, and took his garments, having reclined (at
meat) again, he said to them, `Do ye know what I have done to you?”
Meaning: “when He had washed their
feet”, “their feet” included the feet of Judas.
John. 13:13 “You call Me Teacher and
Lord, and you say well, for so I am.
YLT: “ye call me, The
Teacher and The Lord, and ye say well, for I am;”
Meaning: “you call Me Teacher and Lord”, “teacher” referred to the one who
instructed others. “Lord” referred to the one who had the authority to direct
and command others.
in the Word: Christ is our “teacher”,
we should observe, understand and receive His instructions. Christ is our “Lord”,
we should obey and keep His commandments.
John. 13:14 “If I then, your Lord and
Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet.”
YLT: “if then I did
wash your feet -- the Lord and the Teacher -- ye also ought to wash one
another's feet.”
Meaning: “If I then, your Lord and
Teacher, have washed your feet”, “then” indicated that we should also
follow His steps in like manner.
also ought to wash one another's feet.”
---- “wash one another's feet”, it sometimes refers
to the physical action according to the literal meaning.
Meaning: “You also ought to wash one
another's feet.” ---- This
commandment of the Lord may emphasize on the spiritual meaning symbolized by “washing
feet” (see the commentary of verse10). In the church, if we find any brother or
sister has been defiled by uncleanness, we should deal with it humbly in love
(see Matt 18:15).
Clarification: we have the
example, explanation, teaching and complementary illustration of the Lord Jesus
concerning the matter of “washing one another's feet” among the saints, which should be in reason
carried out well. However, according to the general history of the church in the
past 2000 years, such matter was even misapprehended or misapplied by many
religious sects and believers, turning into a truth which was most difficultly
to practice. There were reasons as below:
1) They regarded the “real matter” as “the vain ritual”, so they finally
had the action of “washing feet”, but no meaning of it.
2) The Lord Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, for He loved them “to the
end” (see v.1). If the washing is destitute of such “exceeding love”, there
will remain only the form, but lack the essence.
3) The example of the Lord’s washing feet for His disciples is from the “most
honorable” (see v.3) to the “humblest” (see v.4). He who is unwilling to get
off from his own throne in his heart will not practice it well.
4) There were problems in the “water” (see v
5) There were problems in the “actions” (see v.5b) in the washing: (1)
the one did not kneel down and refused to accommodate himself to men. (2) The
one muddled through his work and lacked carefulness.
6) One did not wipe the feet with the towel, or the feet were not dry
even man had wiped them (see v.5b) ---- it had not been accomplished to its
7) The purpose of washing feet is restoring one’s normal relationship
with the Lord (see v.8). However, a lot of men disliked having their feet
washed. Finally, washing feet even turned to be for the purpose of making one
feel enjoyable and comfortable.
8) The detailed part of washing is “feet” instead of “the whole body”
(see v.10). However, the range may be unconsciously enlarged into rebuking one’s
sins and disclosing one’s faults.
9) Strictly speaking, the washing feet in this chapter does not take the
sin as the main object, but life and power, aiming for restoring the freshness
of life.
10) “
11) From the examples of the two disciples whose feet were washed by the
Lord in this chapter, washing feet seemed to be of none profit for such two
states: (1) the man’s heart was occupied by Satan ---- Judas (see v.11, 18);
(2) the man’s natural life was strong ---- Peter (see v.38).
in the Word:
1) “You also ought to wash one another's feet.” ---- Washing
one another's feet is providing others
with life in the church. The service of washing feet should be continually
practiced in the church. In the association of Christians, there is nothing
more precious than washing one another’s
feet, and nothing more important than giving others life.
2) “You also ought to wash one another's feet.” ---- Washing feet is a mutual fellowship.
We should learn to provide others with life in the Lord, and also learn to
obtain life from others.
3) Generally speaking, men
like to be served by others, but dislike serving others. However, the Lord here
asked us to serve “one another”.
4) If we want to walk in
good condition before the Lord, we should have the experience that our feet have
been washed by others and we have ever washed feet for others.
5) The saints should often
gather, sing, pray and commune, thus let the living water of life flow out and
wash away the earthly uncleanness.
6) If we want to wash others’ feet, we should be fresh of ourselves. If
God has fresh works in us, we will often provide others in the fresh life.
7) If we live before the
Lord, we will touch the life. Every time when we meet others, we can provide
them with life. The water of life will unconsciously flow over others, and
their feet will be washed and the sweet fellowship will be restored among the
8) Brothers, if even a man
be taken in some fault, ye who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of
meekness, considering yourself lest (you) also be tempted (Gal 6:1).
John. 13:15 “For I have given you an
example, that you should do as I have done to you. ”
YLT: “`For an example
I gave to you, that, according as I did to you, ye also may do;”
Meaning: “for I have given you an
example”, “example” refers
to not only the work, but also the worker,especially the heart and attitude of
the worker.
you should do as I have done to you”,
the Lord here did not establish a ceremony of “washing feet” for us to keep.
John. 13:16 “Most assuredly, I say to
you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater
than he who sent him. ”
YLT: “verily, verily,
I say to you, a servant is not greater than his lord, nor an apostle greater
than he who sent him;”
of Words: “servant”: bondman; “he who is sent”: a massager;
in the Word:
1) We are bondmen of the Lord, so it is
reasonable for us to obey Him in everything.
2) The Lord’s path is an example for the Lord’s servants to follow. He who serves the Lord
should walk in the path of the cross, which is unavoidable.
John. 13:17 “If you know these things,
blessed are you if you do them. ”
YLT: “if these things
ye have known, happy are ye, if ye may do them;”
Meaning: note such an order in this verse: (1) know; (2) do; (3) be blessed.
in the Word:
1) “Knowing” the spiritual things of believers is for “walking”, and then there will be blessedness. The
one who “knows” the
Lord's will, but has not “prepared
nor done” his will, shall be
beaten with many (see Luke 12:47-48).
2) He who “knows” but is unable to “do”
does not know in fact. Knowledge which can be practiced is true knowledge.
3) The greatest blessedness
of a man is that “his actions follow his
knowledge closely”, which brings about
blessedness to others as well as himself.
John. 13:18 “"I do not speak
concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be
fulfilled, "He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.'”
YLT: “not concerning
you all do I speak; I have known whom I chose for myself; but that the Writing
may be fulfilled: He who is eating the bread with me, did lift up against me
his heel.”
of Words: “eat”:
gnaw or chew;
Background: “He who eats bread with Me
has lifted up his heel against
Meaning: “I do not speak concerning
all of you.” ---- “I speak”
referred to the words of verse 17. “Not concerning all of you”, it did not refer to all of you, i.e.
Judas was not included, for he could neither do it nor obtain such blessedness.
that the Scripture may be fulfilled”,
“the Scripture” referred to the Book of Psalm (41:9).
“He who
eats bread with Me”, i.e. the intimate
“He has
lifted up his heel against Me”, there were two explanations: (1) it likes an obstinate
and unruly horse, who lifts up its heel against men.
(2) A man who has hostility to others lifts up his heel to
shake off the dust from his feet (see Luke 9:5).
in the Word: do our “feet” be
used by the Lord to walk in the spiritual way, or be used by the devil to “heel
against the Lord or brothers and sisters”?
John. 13:19 “Now I tell you before it
comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He. ”
YLT: “`From this time
I tell you, before its coming to pass, that, when it may come to pass, ye may
believe that I am ;”
of Words: “now”:
from now on; “come to pass”: accomplish;
Meaning: “when it does come to pass”, “it” referred to the matter that Judas
betrayed Him.
“I tell
you before it comes, that you may…”, the Lord told the disciples beforehand,
for He bore in mind the interest of the disciples rather than Himself.
“You may believe that I am
He”, “believe that I am He”: “believe that Jesus is God”.
John. 13:20 “Most assuredly, I say to
you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me
receives Him who sent Me." ”
YLT: “verily, verily,
I say to you, he who is receiving whomsoever I may send, doth receive me; and
he who is receiving me, doth receive Him who sent me.'”
Meaning: when the disciples
truly believe and keep the Lord’s words, they can represent the Lord before
men. Men who receive the one who has been sent by the Lord receive the Lord
Himself. He who receives the Lord receives God.
in the Word: we believers have
on one hand been sent by the Lord ---- how honorable the status is ---- so we can
be received by others. On the other hand, we should learn to receive whomever
the Lord sends, for receiving them is receiving the Lord.
John. 13:21 “When Jesus had said these
things, He was troubled in spirit, and testified and said, "Most
assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me." ”
YLT: “These things
having said, Jesus was troubled in the spirit, and did testify, and said,
`Verily, verily, I say to you, that one of you will deliver me up;'”
of Words: “troubled”: agitated;
Meaning: “was troubled in spirit”, it indicated that the Lord was agaitated
for Judas.
in the Word:
1) We
should not grieve the Holy Spirit of God in our walking (see Eph 4:30).
2) The
Lord not only personally washed the feet for Judas, but also reminded him
repeatedly in His words (see v.10, 18). That the Lord pointed it out openly was
washing the feet of Judas. Today, in the church, hidden criticism is obvious,
but open true words in love is rarely seen (see Eph 4:15).
John. 13:22 “Then the disciples looked
at one another, perplexed about whom He spoke. ”
YLT: “the disciples
were looking, therefore, one at another, doubting concerning whom he speaketh.”
Meaning: “perplexed about whom He spoke”, it on one hand indicated that the
disciples were totally ignorant of the wickedness of men’s heart. On the other
hand, it showed that Judas was apt to be hypocrite to veil others’ eyes.
John. 13:23 “Now there was leaning on
Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. ”
YLT: “And there was
one of his disciples reclining (at meat) in the bosom of Jesus, whom Jesus was
Background: in the ancient
times, when the Jews had a feast, their gestures in the feast would be like
this: every man lay on his side, with his right elbow supporting the whole
body, with his head being near to the table, and with his legs stretching
toward the back.
Meaning: “one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved”, the Bible
exegetes generally believed this disciple whom Jesus loved was the Apostle
John. It did not mean the Lord did not love other disciples, but the Lord’s
love to John was special.
“Leaning on Jesus' bosom”, it revealed that John was lying slantingly
at the right hand of the Lord. When he removed his body backward, he seemed to
be leaning on the Lord’s
John. 13:24 “Simon Peter therefore
motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. ”
YLT: “Simon Peter,
then, doth beckon to this one, to inquire who he may be concerning whom he
Meaning: “motioned to him”, “motion”: nod (used a signal). It meant
“giving a sign” to him.
John. 13:25 “Then, leaning back on
Jesus' breast, he said to Him, "Lord, who is it?" ”
YLT: “and that one
having leant back on the breast of Jesus, respondeth to him, `Sir, who is it?'”
John. 13:26 “Jesus answered, "It is
he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it." And
having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. ”
YLT: “Jesus
answereth, `That one it is to whom I, having dipped the morsel, shall give it;'
and having dipped the morsel, he giveth to Judas of Simon, Iscariot.”
Background: “when I have dipped it”, in
the great feast of the Jewish Passover, they gathered together and enjoyed the flesh
of the lamb, bread, bitter herbs and etc. In
the feast, there would be a kind of flavoring sauce made from fruits and
vinegar. Everyone ate the bread with dipping the sauce (or with mutton clipped
Meaning: “to whom I shall give a piece
of bread when I have dipped it”, it was an
honorable and friendly action of giving a piece of dipped bread to others. The
Lord might make the final effort, expecting that Judas could understand His
great love and wake up to and avoid danger at the last moment.
in the Word:
1) The Lord had early known
that Judas would deliberately betray Him. However, the Lord did not reprove or
hate him. Instead, He was gracious to him till the end and washed his feet
(v.12) and gave a piece of dipped bread to him. It showed that Christ always
provided His enemies with full life (water and bread) even though He would be
faced with the death.
2) The Lord told it to
John only, not to others, for John would not walk hastily in flesh or even mess
it up. He to whom the Lord could speak something confidential is a quiet man
who can bridle himself.
John. 13:27 “Now after the piece of
bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, "What you do, do
quickly." ”
YLT: “And after the
morsel, then the Adversary entered into that one, Jesus, therefore, saith to
him, `What thou dost -- do quickly;'”
Meaning: “after the piece of bread,
Satan entered him.” ---- Judas received the bread given by the Lord Jesus, but
remained unmoved, thus being
entirely controlled by Satan thereafter.
“What you do, do quickly.” ---- The Lord’s
words indicated that He supervised everything. He was dead by His voluntary
counsel rather than the scheme of His opponents.
in the Word: Satan firstly put the scheme of betraying the Lord into the heart of Judas (see v.2), but now Satan itself entered him. If a man does not resist tempts of Satan,
he will be eventually controlled by Satan.
John. 13:28 “But no one at the table
knew for what reason He said this to him. ”
YLT: “and none of
those reclining at meat knew for what intent he said this to him,”
in the Word:
1) The Lord Jesus still saved
the face of Judas without telling other disciples when He reminded Judas. When
we reprove others, we shall also imitate the Lord’s attitude.
2) If any certain
brother sin against you, you should put yourself in his place. Do not publicize
everything that others have sinned against you (see Matt18:15).
John. 13:29 “For some thought, because
Judas had the money box, that Jesus had said to him, "Buy those things we
need for the feast," or that he should give something to the poor. ”
YLT: “for certain
were thinking, since Judas had the bag, that Jesus saith to him, `Buy what we
have need of for the feast;' or that he may give something to the poor;”
Meaning: “buy those things we need for
the feast”, it was the Feast of Passover at that time. After that, it came the feast
of unleavened bread for seven days (see Lev 23:5-6).
John. 13:30 “Having received the piece
of bread, he then went out immediately. And it was night. ”
YLT: “having
received, therefore, the morsel, that one immediately went forth, and it was
Meaning: “and it was night.” ---- This was a detailed description,
which not only mentioned the time, but also disclosed the darkness of the heart
of Judas ---- the darkness reigned over him and made him the son of darkness.
in the Word:
1) It is extremely dangerous
for us to depart the Lord. Whenever we leave the Lord, we will enter the
spiritual dark night.
2) He who follows the
Lord will not walk in darkness (see 8:12). Though we are usually unaware of our
future when we follow the Lord, we can still follow Him at ease, for He is the
light of the world.
John. 13:31 “So, when he had gone out,
Jesus said, "Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. ”
YLT: “When,
therefore, he went forth, Jesus saith, `Now was the Son of Man glorified, and
God was glorified in him;”
Meaning: “when he had gone out”, the tone in the original indicated that
he went out voluntarily.
the Son of Man is glorified”, “glory” referred
to the manifestation of God (see Ex 40:34). Here, it meant that the divine
nature had been manifested through death and resurrection. When the Lord said
it, He knew His suffering was impending ---- the prospect of death and
resurrection was before Him.
“God is
glorified in Him.” ---- It unveiled
that the glory of the Father was connected with the glory of the Son. God
Himself had been manifested through the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus.
in the Word:
1) Judas went out of
himself, and he cast himself out. God grants everyone the free will. Therefore,
anyone should not complain that God does not love him, if he falls or perishes.
2) Only the one who
sees the glory in the future can run the way of the cross with boldness. For
our momentary light affliction works for us in surpassing measure an eternal
weight of glory (see 2Cor 4:17).
John. 13:32 “If God is glorified in Him,
God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately. ”
YLT: “if God was
glorified in him, God also will glorify him in Himself; yea, immediately He
will glorify him.”
Meaning: “God is glorified in Him,
God will also glorify Him in Himself”,
it indicated that God Himself was glorified in Jesus, so the Son of God Jesus
partook in the glory of the Father in the heavens.
John. 13:33 “Little children, I shall be
with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews,
"Where I am going, you cannot come,' so now I say to you. ”
YLT: “`Little
children, yet a little am I with you; ye will seek me, and, according as I said
to the Jews -- Whither I go away, ye are not able to come, to you also I do say
Meaning: “little children”,
such a salutation carries an intimate, kind, merciful and careful meaning.
John. 13:34 “A new commandment I give to
you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one
YLT: “`A new
commandment I give to you, that ye love one another; according as I did love
you, that ye also love one another;”
of Words: “love”:
the divine love (agapao);
Meaning: “a new commandment I give to
you, that you love one another”, there is also the commandment of loving one
another in the Old Testament (see Lev 19:18). This commandment is new, because:
(1) new boundary ---- “one another” refers to the believers in the New
Testament. (2) New origin ---- “as I have loved you”, it refers to the Lord’s
love. (3) New extent ---- “that
you also love one another”, you shall love as
the Lord’s love. (4) New effect ---- “by this all will know that you are My
disciples” (v.35), such love
is a sign of believers in the New Testament.
There is another perspective in understanding this “commandment”: (1)
the origin of the commandment ---- given by the Lord. (2) The number of the
commandment ---- one. (3) The nature of the commandment ---- new. (4) The
content of the commandment ---- love one another. (5) The standard of the
commandment ---- as the love of the Lord. (6) The function of the commandment
---- “all will
know that you are My disciples” (v.35).
“As I
have loved you”, the word “as”
indicates the nature, measure, pattern and purpose of the love of Christ (see
15:12; 1John 4:11).
in the Word:
1) “Love one another” is “a new commandment” to us given by the Lord. We need neither
approve or support, nor search or analyze the commandment. Except for absolute
obedience, there is none other request. Therefore, if we can not love one
another, that is refusing the Lord’s
commandment and even rebelling the Lord.
2) The Lord beseeches
us to devote ourselves to God by the compassions of God (see Rom 12:1). The
Lord encourages us to love Him by His own love (see 2Cor 5:14). The Lord calls
us to follow Him and walk in the narrow path of the cross. He allows us to
choose and count the cost (see Luke 14:27-33). Only concerning the matter of “loving each other”, He neither beseeches, nor encourages or
let us choose freely. Instead, He tells us by a commandment. How important that
believers love one another is in the Lord’s eyes.
3) The Lord did not
give the disciples such a commandment of “loving one another” until His departure, which disclosed that
they had not learned it well. Therefore, the Lord showed them His example as
well as taught them patiently before His departure.
4) “As I have loved you, that you also love one
another.” ---- The divine
love of the Lord is the origin of our love.
5) “Love” in this verse is the divine love (agapao),
namely, the “sacrificing love”. The love among believers is not because
man deserves, but the Lord loves us at first and then we can love. The Lord
loves us so much that we shall also love each other.
6) We shall love each
other in the love of Christ rather than love of men. Men’s love is only given to the one who
deserves. A man loves only those who love him. However, the love of Christ is boundless,
which even accepts the enemy (see Matt 5:44).
John. 13:35 “By this all will know that
you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." ”
YLT: “in this shall
all know that ye are my disciples, if ye may have love one to another.'”
Meaning: “By this all will know that
you are My disciples”, it indicates that such love, being distinct from the
love of men, is the distinctive sign of Christians (see 1John3:23; 4:7-8,
11-12, 19-21).
in the Word:
1) “Loving for one another” is not only a “commandment” for us given by the Lord (see v.34), but
also a “witness” which is borne by the Lord and us. If we
Christians really “love one another”, men around us will know that we are
disciples of Christ and also desire to be Christians.
2) We should not only “confess” that we are Christians of ourselves (see
Rom 10:9-10), but also present the testimony of Christians through “loving one another”.
3) The essence of Christ is
love. When love is revealed, Christ is revealed thereafter. Therefore, Christ will
be manifested as long as we have “loved
one another”.
4) Christians are characterized
by loving other Christians from their heart rather than being adorned with a
decoration of cross in the neck or the collar.
5) Love is the best sign of
Christians. if a Christian has no love, it will be suspicious whether he has
been truly saved.
John. 13:36 “Simon Peter said to Him,
"Lord, where are You going?" Jesus answered him, "Where I am
going you cannot follow Me now, but you shall follow Me afterward." ”
YLT: “Simon Peter
saith to him, `Sir, whither dost thou go away?' Jesus answered him, `Whither I
go away, thou art not able now to follow me, but afterward thou shalt follow
Meaning: “where I am going you cannot
follow Me now”, “where I am going” refers to the way of entering the glory
through His death instead of the
you shall follow Me afterward”, it was said in early church that the Apostle
Peter had become a martyr when he was old (see 21:18-19). He was not only
crucified, and even inverted, namely, his feet upwards and head downwards.
in the Word: to be crucified with
the Lord may not be the experience for every believer. One’s life should grow
up to a certain degree, he may begin to learn to be dead with the Lord.
John. 13:37 “Peter said to Him,
"Lord, why can I not follow You now? I will lay down my life for Your
sake." ”
YLT: “Peter saith to
him, `Sir, wherefore am I not able to follow thee now? my life for thee I will
lay down;'”
of Words: “life”:
Meaning: “I will lay down my life for Your sake.” ---- Peter was
truly willing to be dead with the Lord. But he still did not know his weakness
so much that he said such irresponsible words.
in the Word:
1) Too much confidence tends
to be the origin of believers’
failure. For pride deceives us into neglecting defense.
2) Many times, the
spirit of us indeed is ready, but the flesh is weak. Therefore we should watch
and pray (see Mark 14:38).
3) “He
is willing yet unable.”
---- If one has the will but lacks the ability, he can still do nothing.
Believers should not trust in the boldness of flesh.
John. 13:38 “Jesus answered him,
"Will you lay down your life for My sake? Most assuredly, I say to you,
the rooster shall not crow till you have denied Me three times. ”
YLT: “Jesus answered
him, `Thy life for me thou wilt lay down! verily, verily, I say to thee, a cock
will not crow till thou mayest deny me thrice.'”
Meaning: “the rooster shall not crow”, before the third watch of this night (see
Mark 13:35).
in the Word:
1) The environment, the best tool of God,
usually reveals the real “self” of us. The Lord sometimes gives us a dark environment (“before the crowing of the
rooster”) and allows us to suffer from some frustrations and failures (“you have denied Me three
times”), thus helping us to know ourselves.
2) The
experience of failure may also edify us ---- it makes us confide in Him completely, daring not to trust in ourselves
(see 2Cor 1:9).
3) The
failure of Peter is our example. Let him that thinks that he stands take heed
lest he fall (see 1Cor10:12).
4) Man’s greatest wish and strongest will can still not bring him any power to
confront the suffering of the cross. Therefore, men should not be too confident
about themselves.
III. Outlines of the Spiritual
I. Three “Know”s Before
the Lord Washed the Disciples’ Feet
He knew that His hour had come
that He should depart from this world to the Father (v.1).
He knew
that the Father had given all things into His hands (v
He knew that He had come from God
and was going to God (v.3b)
II.The Example that the
Lord Jesus Washed the Feet for Disciples
The motivation of
washing feet
---- the love that “loved them to the end” (v.1).
The status of the
one who washed the disciples’ feet ---- “the Father had given all
things into His hands (v
The time of washing
feet ---- He “was going to God”
The attitude of
washing feet
---- “laid aside His garments
took a towel and girded Himself” (v.4) ---- humbled
The tool of washing
feet ---- “water (v
The object of
washing feet
---- “the disciples”
The function of
washing feet
---- one will have no part with the Lord if his feet have not been washed by
the Lord (v.8) ---- maintained the
fellowship of life.
The significance of
washing feet ----
“He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is
completely clean” (v.10) ---- removed the earthly uncleanness in the one
who had been reborn again.
III. The
Spiritual Meanings
of the Process that the Lord Washed the Disciples’
“He rose from supper” (v
laid aside His garments” (v.4b) ---- He emptied Himself (Phil 2:
took a towel and girded Himself.” (v
poured water into a basin.” (v.5) ---- He poured
out His life unto death (Phil 2:8).
had washed their feet, taken His garments” (v.12) ---- God highly exalted Him (Phil 2:9) and set Him
down at his right hand.
call Me Lord” (v.13) ---- Every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ Lord (Phil 2:11).
IV. The
Commandment of Washing One Another’s Feet
It is a commandment
given by the Lord
---- “you also ought to wash one
another's feet.” (v.14).
It is according to
the example of Him
---- “you should do as I have
done to you” (v.15).
Exalting oneself
will prevent us from keeping the commandment of the Lord (v.16).
Three steps of
keeping the Lord’s commandment ---- “know, do and be blessed” (v.17).
Washing one anther’s
feet is exactly loving one another (v
We should love in
the love of the Lord (v.34b).
All will know that we are the disciples of Christ (v.35).
V. The
Track of the Corruption
of Judas:
The devil had already put the
scheme of betraying Jesus
into his heart (v.2).
His heart was not
upright ---- though the Lord
washed his feet, Judas was still unclean (v.10).
He was totally indifferent
to the Lord’s love, and even lifted
up his heel against the Lord (v.18).
He still did not
turn back when the Lord suggested that someone would betray Him (v.42-43).
He remained unmoved
at all when the Lord Jesus specially gave him a piece of dipped bread (v.26).
entered him and the whole man
was occupied by the devil (v.27).
He left the Lord
Jesus and fell into the darkness (v.30).
VI. The
Ignorance of Peter
His ignorance was
manifested in the natural humility (v.6).
His ignorance was
manifested in the natural mind (v.9).
His ignorance was
manifested in the natural affection (v.23-24).
His ignorance was
manifested in the natural will (v.37-38).
Caleb Huang《Christian Digest Bible
Commentary Series》
Translated by Mary Zhou