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1 Corinthians Chapter Twelve


1 Corinthians 12

The other branch of the truth, in reference to the assembly of God in general and to the assemblies, is the presence and the gifts of the Holy Ghost. These, as well as the Lord's supper, are in connection with unity [1]; the individual being responsible in each. It is the subject of spiritual manifestations which the apostle takes up in chapter 12. The first point was to establish the distinctive marks of the Spirit of God. There were evil spirits, who sought to creep in among the Christians, and to speak or act pretending to be the Spirit of God, and thus to confound everything. Christians of the present day hardly believe in such efforts of the enemy as these. Spiritual manifestations are, no doubt, less striking now than at the time of which the apostle speaks; but the enemy adapts his means of deception to the circumstances in which man and the work of God are found. As Peter says in a similar case, "As there were false prophets among the people, so shall there be false teachers among you." The enemy does not cease to act. "Forbidding to marry," etc., was the doctrine of devils. In the last days his power will be manifested still more. God can restrain him by the energy of His Spirit, and by the power of the truth; but if he is not bridled, he still acts, deceiving men, and that by such things as one would suppose it impossible (if not deceived oneself) that a man of sober sense could believe. But it is surprising what a man can believe when he is left to himself, without being kept by God, when the power of the enemy is there. We talk of common sense, of reason (very precious they are); but history tells us that God alone gives them or preserves them to us.

Here the Spirit of God manifested Himself by the effects of His power, which broke forth in the midst of the assembly, attracting the attention even of the world. The enemy imitated them. The greater part of the Christians at Corinth having been poor Gentiles, without discernment, and stupidly led by the delusions of the enemy, they were the more in danger of being again deceived by this means. When a man is not filled with the Spirit of God, who gives force to the truth in his heart, and clearness to his moral vision, the seductive power of the enemy dazzles his imagination. He loves the marvellous, unbelieving as he may be with regard to the truth. He lacks holy discernment, because he is ignorant of the holiness and character of God, and has not the stability of a soul that possesses the knowledge of God (God Himself, we may say) as his treasure-of a soul which knows that it has all in Him, so that it needs no other marvels. If a man is not thus established by the knowledge of God, the power of the enemy strikes him-pre-occupies him; he cannot shake it off, he cannot account for it. He is a victim to the influence which this power exercises over his mind; the flesh is pleased with it, for in one shape or another the result is always liberty to the flesh.

Long led blindly by the power of evil spirits, the converted Gentiles were hardly in a state to discern and judge them. Strange to say, this demoniac power exercised such an influence that they forgot the importance even of the name of Jesus, or at least forgot that His name was not acknowledged by it The enemy transforms himself into an angel of light, but he never really owns Jesus Christ as Lord. He will speak of Paul and Silvanus, and would have his part with Christians, but Christ is not acknowledged; and at last it is the breaking up and ruin of those who follow him. An unclean spirit would not say Lord Jesus, and the Spirit of God could not say Anathema to Jesus. But it is a question here of spirits, and not of conversion, nor of the necessity of grace working in the heart for the true confession of the name of Jesus-a very true thing, as we know, but not the subject here.

We come now to positive instructions. Nothing more important, more distinctive, more marvellous, than the presence of the Holy Ghost here below in the midst of Christians; the fruit to us, of the perfect work of Christ, but in itself the manifestation of the presence of God among men on the earth. The providence of God manifests His power in the works of creation, and His government which directs all things; but the Holy Ghost is His presence in this world, the testimony that He bears of Himself, of His character. [2] He is among men to display Himself, not yet in glory, but in power and in testimony of what He is. Christ having accomplished redemption, and having presented the efficacy of His work to God, Sovereign and Judge, the assembly, being ransomed and cleansed by His blood, and united to Him as His body, became also the vessel of this power which acts in His members. Thus she ought to display this power in holiness-she is responsible to do so. But in this way, as to its exercise, man becomes in fact individually the vessel of this spiritual energy. It is a treasure committed to him. Now the Spirit is, in the first place, the link between the assembly and Christ, as well as between the Christian and Christ. It is by the Spirit that communion is realised and maintained, it is the primary function of the Spirit; and man must be in communion in order to realise the character and discern the will of God, and that, according to the testimony intended to be borne by the Spirit come down to earth.

But if the assembly does not maintain this communion, she loses her strength as the responsible witness of God on earth, and in fact her joy and her spiritual intelligence also. God is ever sovereign to act as He chooses, and Christ cannot fail in His faithfulness to His body; but the testimony committed to the assembly is no longer so rendered as to make it felt that God is present on the earth. The assembly is not, perhaps, aware of the estrangement, because she retains for a time much of that which God has given, which is far beyond all that was according to nature; and in losing strength she has also lost the discernment of what she ought to be. But God is never mistaken as to the assembly's condition-"Thou hast left thy first love." "Except thou repent," says He, "and do the first works, I will take away thy candlestick"-a solemn consideration for the assembly, as to her responsibility, when we reflect on the grace that has been shewn her, on the fruits that have been-and those that ought to have been-manifested, and on the power given her to produce them.

The purposes of God for the assembly have their end and aim in heaven. They will be accomplished without the possibility of the least thing failing. All that is needful to bring her members there according to His counsels, Christ will do. They are redeemed by His blood to be His.

The ways of God are accomplished and unfolded on the earth for our instruction, both in the assembly and in individuals.

It is not only in His gifts that the presence of the Spirit of God is manifested. There are prophecies and miracles, men moved by the Holy Ghost, before the day of Pentecost. That which is attributed to faith in Hebrews 11 is often ascribed to the Spirit in the Old Testament. But the Spirit was promised in a special way in the Old Testament. He was never at that period the presence of God in the midst of the people, as He dwelt in the assembly. The glory came to take possession of the tabernacle or temple. His Spirit acted in sovereignty outside the order of His house, and could be with them when that glory was gone. But the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven to dwell in the disciples and in the assembly on earth, was the manifestation of the presence of God in His house, of God who was there by the Spirit. And this presence of the Spirit is so distinct, and so plainly noted as a thing known and realised by the first Christians, which demonstrated instead of being demonstrated, that it is spoken of in the word as being the Holy Ghost Himself. In John 7 it is said, "The Holy Ghost was not yet." In Acts 19 the twelve men say to Paul, "We have not so much as heard whether the Holy Ghost is." It was not a question whether there was a Holy Ghost (every orthodox Jew believed it), but whether this presence of the Holy Ghost Himself dwelling here below, the new Comforter and Guide of the disciples, of which John the Baptist had spoken, had yet taken place. When come down, it was the presence of God in His spiritual temple on earth. The place in which the disciples were gathered together was shaken to shew that God was there. Ananias and Sapphira fell down dead before the apostles for having lied to God. Philip is caught away by His power from the presence of the man who had received the knowledge of Jesus by his means.

Such was the presence of the Holy Ghost. In our chapter, the apostle speaks of the manifestations of His presence in the gifts which were exercised by the instrumentality of members of the body, whether for the calling out and edification of the assembly, or in testimony to those outside. Before entering on this subject, he gives the Corinthians-whom the enemy would have deeply deceived-that which would enable them to distinguish between the manifestation of the Holy Ghost and the actings of an evil spirit. He then speaks of gifts.

Now there were not divers spirits, as in the case of demons; there was only one and the same Spirit, but diversity of gifts. This gives occasion to bring in the different relationship (for he speaks of the order of the relations of man with God-the practical energy of which is in the Holy Ghost) in which men, moved by the Holy Ghost, are placed with regard to God and to Christ. The Spirit, one and the same Spirit, acts in them by various manifestations. But in the exercise of these different gifts they were administrators, and there was one Lord, that is, Christ. It was not therefore in them an independent and voluntary power: whatever might be the energy of the Spirit in them, they did not cease to be servants and stewards of Christ, and they were to act in this character, acknowledging in their service the Lordship of Christ. Nevertheless, although it was power in a man, and that it was man who acted, so that he was a servant (and a Man who was Head and who was served, although He was Son of God and Lord of all), yet it was God who wrought, one and the same God who wrought all in all. It is not the Trinity, properly speaking, that is presented here in its own character, but one only Spirit acting in Christians, Jesus Lord, and God acting in the gifts.

The gifts are manifestations of the energy of the Spirit thus committed to men, under Christ who is Head and Lord; men were to use them as serving the Lord. Now Christ thought of what was profitable to His people, to those that were His; and the manifestation of the Spirit was given for the profit of souls, of the assembly in general. The apostle notices several of these gifts; but he reminds us again that it is the same Spirit who works in each case, distributing to every one according to His own will. Let the reader remark this passage. The apostle had said that God wrought all these things, and had spoken of the gifts as being manifestations of the Spirit. It might have been supposed that the Spirit was some vague influence, and that one must attribute everything to God without recognising a personal Spirit. But these operations, which were attributed to God in verse 6, are here attributed to the Spirit; and it is added, that He, the Spirit, distributes to each as He will. It is not therefore an inferior Spirit. Where He works, it is God who works; but these operations in men are gifts distributed according to the will of the Spirit, the Spirit being thus presented as acting personally in this distribution and according to His will.

Some of the gifts may require a short observation. Wisdom is the application of divine light to right and wrong, and to all the circumstances through which we pass-an expression which has a wide extent, because it applies to everything with regard to which we have to form a judgment. The Holy Ghost furnishes some in a peculiar way with this wisdom, with a wisdom according to God-a perception of the true nature of things, and of their relationship to each other, and of conduct with regard to both, which, coming from God, guides us through the difficulties of the way, and enables us to avoid that which would place us in a false position towards God and man.

Knowledge is intelligence in the mind of God as it is revealed to us. Faith is not here simple faith in the gospel; that is not a distinctive gift which one believer may possess and another not. This is evident. It is the faith, the energy, given by God, which overcomes difficulties, which rises above dangers, which confronts them without being alarmed by them. The discerning of spirits is not that of a man's condition of soul-it has nothing to do with it. It is the knowing how to discern, by the mighty energy of the Spirit of God, the actings of evil spirits, and to bring them to light if necessary, in contrast with the action of the Spirit of God.

The other gifts require no comment. We must now return to the unity of the Spirit, with which is connected that which the apostle says after having spoken of the gifts. The Spirit was one, he had said, working diversely in the members according to His will. The importance of His personality, and the immense import of His divinity (if we reflect that it is He who works in and by man) is very evident when we observe that He is the centre and the living power of the unity of the whole body, so that the individuals, in the exercise of their gifts, are but the members of the one and the same body divinely formed by the power and the presence of the Spirit. This point the apostle develops largely, in connection with the oneness of the body, the mutual dependence of the members, and the relationship of each one to the body as a whole.

The practical instructions are easily understood, but there are some important points in the general principles. The oneness of the body is produced by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and the connection of the members depends upon it. By one Spirit we have all been baptised to be one body. The Lord's supper is the expression of this oneness; the Spirit is He who produces it, and who is its strength. The distinctive character of Jew and Gentile-and all other distinctions-was lost in the power of one Spirit common to all, who united them all as redeemed ones in one only body. The apostle in this verse (13) speaks of the baptism of the Holy Ghost; but the word suggests to him the supper, the second ordinance of the Lord, and he speaks of drinking into one spirit, alluding, I doubt not, to the Lord's supper. He does not speak of the Holy Ghost: one spirit was the state of the believers, the word being used in contrast with one body, associated in one heart and mind by the Spirit-participating in Christ.

It is not faith which is union, nor even life, though both are the portion of those united, but the Holy Ghost. The baptism of the Holy Ghost, then, is that which forms Christians into one only body, and they are all made partakers of, are animated individually by, one and the same Spirit. Thus there are many members, but one only body, and a body composed of these members, which are dependent the one on the other, and have need of each other. And even those gifts which were the most shining were comparatively of the least value, even as a man clothes and ornaments the least honourable parts of his body, and leaves the more beautiful parts uncovered.

Another point which the apostle marks, is the common interest that exists among them in that they are members of the one and the same body. If one suffers, all suffer, since there is but one body animated by one Spirit. If one is honoured, all rejoice. This also depends on the one self-same Spirit who unites and animates them. Moreover this body is the body of Christ. "Ye are," says the apostle, "the body of Christ, and members in particular."

Observe, also, here that, although that assembly at Corinth was only a part of the body of Christ, the apostle speaks of the whole body; for the assembly there was, according to the principle of its gathering, the body of Christ as assembled at Corinth. It is true that at the beginning he speaks of all those who call on the name of the Lord Jesus; but in fact he addresses the Corinthian assembly. And the general expression shews that, in the walk of the assembly, and in its general interests, a local assembly cannot be separated from the whole body of Christians on earth; and the language employed here shews that, as to their position before God, the Christians of one town were considered as representing the whole assembly, as far as regarded that locality; not as independent of the rest, but, on the contrary, as inseparably united to the others, living and acting, with respect to that locality as members of the body of Christ, and looked upon as such in it, because every Christian formed a part of that body, and they formed a part of it likewise. From the verses that follow we see that the apostle, while looking upon the Christians there as the body of Christ, the members of which they were, has in his mind the whole assembly as the assembly of God. In the New Testament there is no other membership than that of Christ, except that they are members of each other,. as forming the entire body, but never members of a church; the idea is different. The word speaks of the members of a body, like that of man as a figure, never of the members of an assembly in the modern sense of the word. We are members of Christ, and consequently of the body of Christ; so were the Corinthians, as far as that body was manifested at Corinth.

Moreover the body of Christ, the assembly, is looked at here as a whole upon the earth. God has set in the assembly, apostles, prophets, etc.; miracles, healings, tongues. It is very plain that this is on the earth, as were the Corinthians, and that it is the assembly as a whole. Healings and tongues were not in heaven, and the apostles were not those of an individual assembly. In a word it was the Holy Ghost, come down from heaven, who had formed the unity of the body on earth, and who acted in it by the especial gifts which distinguished the members.

The apostle then points out these gifts, not to give a formal and complete list of them, but to mark the order and importance of those he mentions. Tongues, of which the Corinthians were so proud, are the last gifts named in the list. Some gifts then, were more excellent than others; they were to be estimated according to the measure in which they served for the edification of the assembly. Those which served this end were to be desired.

It is interesting to remark here the difference of this chapter and Ephesians 4. Here it is simply power, and men are told in certain cases to be silent, when the power was there; it was the Holy Ghost working as power. In Ephesians 4 it is Christ's care as Head of the body. No gifts which are signs of power to others are mentioned; only what founds the assembly, edifies the saints, and builds the assembly up; and then there is promise of continuance till we all come. For Christ cannot cease to care for His body; but sign-gifts may disappear, and they have. Apostles and prophets were the foundation, and in that sense they were, when the foundation was laid, no longer in exercise.


[1] We have seen this with regard to the supper, in chapter 10:17. Here, chapter 12:13, we see it with regard to the Holy Ghost.

[2] It is a very striking truth that God's dwelling with men is the fruit of redemption. He did not dwell with Adam innocent; He could walk in the garden, but did not dwell there. He did not dwell with Abraham.

── John DarbySynopsis of 1 Corinthians


1 Corinthians 12

Chapter Contents

The variety of use of spiritual gifts are shown. (1-11) In the human body every member has its place and use. (12-26) This is applied to the church of Christ. (27-30) And there is something more excellent than spiritual gifts. (31)

Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

(Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11)

Spiritual gifts were extraordinary powers bestowed in the first ages, to convince unbelievers, and to spread the gospel. Gifts and graces greatly differ. Both were freely given of God. But where grace is given, it is for the salvation of those who have it. Gifts are for the advantage and salvation of others; and there may be great gifts where there is no grace. The extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit were chiefly exercised in the public assemblies, where the Corinthians seem to have made displays of them, wanting in the spirit of piety, and of Christian love. While heathens, they had not been influenced by the Spirit of Christ. No man can call Christ Lord, with believing dependence upon him, unless that faith is wrought by the Holy Ghost. No man could believe with his heart, or prove by a miracle, that Jesus was Christ, unless by the Holy Ghost. There are various gifts, and various offices to perform, but all proceed from one God, one Lord, one Spirit; that is, from the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the origin of all spiritual blessings. No man has them merely for himself. The more he profits others, the more will they turn to his own account. The gifts mentioned appear to mean exact understanding, and uttering the doctrines of the Christian religion; the knowledge of mysteries, and skill to give advice and counsel. Also the gift of healing the sick, the working of miracles, and to explain Scripture by a peculiar gift of the Spirit, and ability to speak and interpret languages. If we have any knowledge of the truth, or any power to make it known, we must give all the glory of God. The greater the gifts are, the more the possessor is exposed to temptations, and the larger is the measure of grace needed to keep him humble and spiritual; and he will meet with more painful experiences and humbling dispensations. We have little cause to glory in any gifts bestowed on us, or to despise those who have them not.

Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12:12-26

(Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-26)

Christ and his church form one body, as Head and members. Christians become members of this body by baptism. The outward rite is of Divine institution; it is a sign of the new birth, and is called therefore the washing of regeneration, Titus 3:5. But it is by the Spirit, only by the renewing of the Holy Ghost, that we are made members of Christ's body. And by communion with Christ at the Lord's supper, we are strengthened, not by drinking the wine, but by drinking into one Spirit. Each member has its form, place, and use. The meanest makes a part of the body. There must be a distinction of members in the body. So Christ's members have different powers and different places. We should do the duties of our own place, and not murmur, or quarrel with others. All the members of the body are useful and necessary to each other. Nor is there a member of the body of Christ, but may and ought to be useful to fellow-members. As in the natural body of man, the members should be closely united by the strongest bonds of love; the good of the whole should be the object of all. All Christians are dependent one upon another; each is to expect and receive help from the rest. Let us then have more of the spirit of union in our religion.

Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12:27-31

(Read 1 Corinthians 12:27-31)

Contempt, hatred, envy, and strife, are very unnatural in Christians. It is like the members of the same body being without concern for one another, or quarrelling with each other. The proud, contentious spirit that prevailed, as to spiritual gifts, was thus condemned. The offices and gifts, or favours, dispensed by the Holy Spirit, are noticed. Chief ministers; persons enabled to interpret Scripture; those who laboured in word and doctrine; those who had power to heal diseases; such as helped the sick and weak; such as disposed of the money given in charity by the church, and managed the affairs of the church; and such as could speak divers languages. What holds the last and lowest rank in this list, is the power to speak languages; how vain, if a man does so merely to amuse or to exalt himself! See the distribution of these gifts, not to every one alike, verses 29,30. This were to make the church all one, as if the body were all ear, or all eye. The Spirit distributes to every one as he will. We must be content though we are lower and less than others. We must not despise others, if we have greater gifts. How blessed the Christian church, if all the members did their duty! Instead of coveting the highest stations, or the most splendid gifts, let us leave the appointment of his instruments to God, and those in whom he works by his providence. Remember, those will not be approved hereafter who seek the chief places, but those who are most faithful to the trust placed in them, and most diligent in their Master's work.

── Matthew HenryConcise Commentary on 1 Corinthians


1 Corinthians 12

Verse 1

[1] Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

Now concerning spiritual gifts — The abundance of these in the churches of Greece strongly refuted the idle learning of the Greek philosophers. But the Corinthians did not use them wisely, which occasioned St. Paul's writing concerning them. He describes, 1. The unity of the body, 1 Corinthians 12:1-27: 2. The variety of members and offices, 1 Corinthians 12:27-30: 3. The way of exercising gifts rightly, namely, by love, 1 Corinthians 12:31; 1 Corinthians 13:1. throughout: and adds, 4. A comparison of several gifts with each other, in the 1 Corinthians 14:1. fourteenth chapter.

Verse 2

[2] Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

Ye were heathens — Therefore, whatever gifts ye have received, it is from the free grace of God.

Carried away — By a blind credulity.

After dumb idols — The blind to the dumb; idols of wood and stone, unable to speak themselves, and much more to open your mouths, as God has done.

As ye were led — By the subtlety of your priests.

Verse 3

[3] Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

Therefore — Since the heathen idols cannot speak themselves, much less give spiritual gifts to others, these must necessarily be among Christians only.

As no one speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed — That is, as none who does this, (which all the Jews and heathens did,) speaketh by the Spirit of God - Is actuated by that Spirit, so as to speak with tongues, heal diseases, or cast out devils.

So no one can say, Jesus is the Lord — None can receive him as such; for, in the scripture language, to say, or to believe, implies an experimental assurance.

But by the Holy Ghost — The sum is, None have the Holy Spirit but Christians: all Christians have this Spirit.

Verse 4

[4] Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit — Divers streams, but all from one fountain. This verse speaks of the Holy Ghost, the next of Christ, the sixth of God the Father. The apostle treats of the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:7, etc.; of Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:12, etc.; of God, 1 Corinthians 12:28, etc.

Verse 5

[5] And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

Administrations — Offices. But the same Lord appoints them all.

Verse 6

[6] And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

Operations — Effects produced. This word is of a larger extent than either of the former. But it is the same God who worketh all these effects in all the persons concerned.

Verse 7

[7] But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

The manifestation — The gift whereby the Spirit manifests itself.

Is given to each — For the profit of the whole body.

Verse 8

[8] For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

The word of wisdom — A power of understanding and explaining the manifold wisdom of God in the grand scheme of gospel salvation.

The word of knowledge — Perhaps an extraordinary ability to understand and explain the Old Testament types and prophecies.

Verse 9

[9] To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

Faith may here mean an extraordinary trust in God under the most difficult or dangerous circumstances. The gift of healing need not be wholly confined to the healing diseases with a word or a touch. It may exert itself also, though in a lower degree, where natural remedies are applied; and it may often be this, not superior skill, which makes some physicians more successful than others. And thus it may be with regard to other gifts likewise. As, after the golden shields were lost, the king of Judah put brazen in their place, so, after the pure gifts were lost, the power of God exerts itself in a more covert manner, under human studies and helps; and that the more plentifully, according as there is the more room given for it.

Verse 10

[10] To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

The working of other miracles. Prophecy — Foretelling things to come.

The discerning — Whether men be of an upright spirit or no; whether they have natural or supernatural gifts for offices in the church; and whether they who profess to speak by inspiration speak from a divine, a natural, or a diabolical spirit.

Verse 11

[11] But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

As he willeth — The Greek word does not so much imply arbitrary pleasure, as a determination founded on wise counsel.

Verse 12

[12] For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

So is Christ — That is, the body of Christ, the church.

Verse 13

[13] For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

For by that one Spirit, which we received in baptism, we are all united in one body.

Whether Jews or gentiles — Who are at the greatest distance from each other by nature.

Whether slaves or freemen — Who are at the greatest distance by law and custom.

We have all drank of one Spirit — In that cup, received by faith, we all imbibed one Spirit, who first inspired, and still preserves, the life of God in our souls.

Verse 15

[15] If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

The foot is elegantly introduced as speaking of the hand; the ear, of the eye; each, of a part that has some resemblance to it. So among men each is apt to compare himself with those whose gifts some way resemble his own, rather than with those who are at a distance, either above or beneath him.

Is it therefore not of the body — Is the inference good? Perhaps the foot may represent private Christians; the hand, officers in the church; the eye, teachers; the ear, hearers.

Verse 16

[16] And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

The ear — A less noble part.

The eye — The most noble.

Verse 18

[18] But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.

As it hath pleased him — With the most exquisite wisdom and goodness.

Verse 20

[20] But now are they many members, yet but one body.

But one body — And it is a necessary consequence of this unity, that the several members need one another.

Verse 21

[21] And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.

Nor the head — The highest part of all.

To the foot — The very lowest.

Verse 22

[22] Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:

The members which appear to be weaker — Being of a more delicate and tender structure; perhaps the brains and bowels, or the veins, arteries, and other minute channels in the body.

Verse 23

[23] And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.

We surround with more abundant honour — By so carefully covering them.

More abundant comeliness — By the help of dress.

Verse 24

[24] For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:

Giving more abundant honour to that which lacked — As being cared for and served by the noblest parts.

Verse 27

[27] Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

Now ye — Corinthians.

Are the body and members of Christ — part of them, I mean, not the whole body.

Verse 28

[28] And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

First apostles — Who plant the gospel in the heathen nations.

Secondly prophets — Who either foretel things to come, or speak by extra-ordinary inspiration, for the edification of the church.

Thirdly teachers — Who precede even those that work miracles. Under prophets and teachers are comprised evangelists and pastors, Ephesians 4:11.

Helps, governments — It does not appear that these mean distinct offices: rather, any persons might be called helps, from a peculiar dexterity in helping the distressed; and governments, from a peculiar talent for governing or presiding in assemblies.

Verse 31

[31] But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

Ye covet earnestly the best gifts — And they are worth your pursuit, though but few of you can attain them. But there is a far more excellent gift than all these; and one which all may, yea, must attain or perish.

── John WesleyExplanatory Notes on 1 Corinthians


Chapter 12. Spiritual Gifts

Every Part Suffers
Every Part Rejoices

I. Confess "Jesus Is Lord"

  1. The Trinity
  2. The Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit
  3. Nine Gifts

II. Interdependence of the Parts

  1. Position of the Parts
  2. Functions of the Parts
  3. Feelings of the Parts

III. Function and Order of the Parts

  1. Instituted by God
  2. Eight Posts
  3. The Greater Gifts
── Chih-Hsin ChangAn Outline of The New Testament
Chapter Twelve General Review
1) To be aware of the many different spiritual gifts enjoyed by the
   early church
2) To appreciate the interdependence of the members of the Body of
In this chapter Paul begins to address the issue of spiritual gifts.  
From what we read later in chapter fourteen, it appears the jealousy 
and envy that characterized their division mentioned earlier also 
expressed itself in their use (and abuse) of certain spiritual gifts.  
Expressing his concern that they be not ignorant about these matters, 
Paul first emphasizes that spiritual gifts, though diverse, come from 
the same Spirit and are to be used for the benefit of all (1-11).  To 
demonstrate that every person (and spiritual gift) is important, He 
compares the church to a body with many different yet essential members 
(12-27).  The chapter closes with Paul pointing out that not all serve 
the same function and have the same gifts, encouraging them to 
earnestly desire the best gifts, and preparing to show them a more 
excellent way in the next chapter (28-31).
      1. Paul does not want them to be ignorant concerning spiritual
         gifts (1)
      2. For as Gentiles they had been misled by dumb idols (2)
      3. Two general principles to bear in mind:
         a. No one speaking by the Spirit of God will call Jesus 
            accursed (3a)
         b. No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit
      SPIRITUAL GIFTS (4-11)
      1. They all come from the same Spirit (4)
         a. Just as there are different ministries, but the same Lord
         b. Just as diverse activities proceed from the same God (6)
      2. Each "manifestation" (spiritual gift), though given to one, is
         to benefit all (7)
      3. A summary of the different spiritual gifts (8-10)
         a. The word of wisdom
         b. The word of knowledge
         c. Faith
         d. Gifts of healing
         e. Working of miracles
         f. Prophecy
         g. Discerning of spirits
         h. Different kinds of tongues
         i. Interpretation of tongues
      4. But it is the same Spirit who works all these things,
         distributing to each one as He wills (11)
      1. Just like the human body, the body of Christ with its many
         members are yet one (12)
         a. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body (13a)
         b. And we have all been made to drink into one Spirit (13b)
      2. No member can say that they are not important (14-19)
         a. The body is not one member, but many (14)
         b. As illustrated with parts of the human body (15-19)
      3. No member can say that others are not important (20-26)
         a. Though many members, yet one body (20)
         b. As illustrated with parts of the human body (21-24a)
         c. God has composed the body to be one, and its members to 
            have mutual concern for each other (24b-26)
      1. You are the body of Christ, and individually are members of it
      2. God has appointed various functions in the church (28)
      3. Rhetorical questions to illustrate that not everyone has the
         same function (29-30)
      4. Certainly it was proper to desire the best gifts, yet Paul
         will show them a more excellent way (31)
1) List the main points of this chapter
   - Spiritual Gifts:  Unity In Diversity (1-11)
   - The Need For Diversity In One Body (12-31)
2) Why were the "manifestations" (spiritual gifts) of the Spirit given?
   - For the profit of all
3) Who determined who received what gift? (11)
   - The Spirit distributed to each one as He willed
4) What part does the Holy Spirit play in our conversion and
   sanctification? (13)
   - By the Spirit we are all baptized into one body
   - We have all been made to drink of the Spirit
5) Can any member of the body say that they are not important? (15-19)
   - No!
6) Can any member of the body say others are not important? (21-22)
   - No!
7) What indication is there in this chapter that at least some of the
   spiritual gifts or functions were temporary? (29)
   - The reference to "apostles"; even most charismatics would agree
     that the office of apostle does not exist today, that it was only
     a temporary but necessary part of the establishment of the Lord's
     church (Ep 2:20-22)
8) Was there anything wrong with the Corinthians desiring the "best
   gifts"? (31)
   - No, Paul encouraged them to do so, yet he would have them know a
     more excellent way (the way of love as expounded in chapter


--《Executable Outlines


Spiritual Gifts

Every Part Suffers

Every Part Rejoices


I.  Confess “Jesus Is Lord”

1.    The Trinity

2.    The Sovereignty of the Holy Spirit

3.    Nine Gifts

II.Interdependence of the Parts

1.    Position of the Parts

2.    Functions of the Parts

3.    Feelings of the Parts

III.       Function and Order of the Parts

1.    Instituted by God

2.    Eight Posts

3.    The Greater Gifts

-- Chih-Hsin ChangAn Outline of The New Testament