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1 Corinthians Chapter Two


I. Content of the Chapter


How to Preach and Understand the Mystery of God?

A.  To preach the testimony of God in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, not with excellence of speech or of wisdom (v.1-5);

B.  None of the rulers of this age knew the wisdom of God in a mystery (v.6-9).

C.  Principles of receiving the deep things of God (v.10-16);

1.    One can know the things given to us by God freely through the Spirit (v.10-12).

2.    We should preach these things according to the teaching of the Spirit (v.13).

3.    Only the one who is spiritual can know these things (v.14-15).

4.    Because he who is spiritual has the mind of Christ (v.16).


II. Verse by Verse Commentary


1Cor. 2:1 “And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God.”

   YLT: “And I, having come unto you, brethren, came -- not in superiority of discourse or wisdom -- declaring to you the testimony of God,”

Meaning of Words: “excellence”: prominence, superiority; “speech”: declare, preach, show, speak of, teach; “wisdom”: philosophy;

The Background: “did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom”, here, “to you” is emphatic, i.e. to Corinthians; Paul’s words are not polite remarks, but descriptions of facts. Some of the Corinthians criticized Paul that “his bodily presence is weak, and his speech contemptible” (see 2Cor. 10:10). Therefore, Paul had not preached the gospel with excellence of speech or of wisdom.

  Some Bible exegetes think Paul had ever been to the capital of Greece, Athens, where he debated with the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers and announced a thoughtful message to preach the gospel named “the unknown God” (see Acts 17:18-34), but only few people received the gospel. Therefore, Paul decided he would no longer preach the gospel by talking about philosophy.

  However, there is another element that should not be neglected: the Corinthians were famous for the flowery wording and excellent reasoning. If someone had gorgeous wording and surpassing reason, it would be judged as “the Corinthian wording and techniques”. The apostle Paul shifted from the external wording to the internal content in order to draw man’s attention. He no longer preached the gospel by eloquence or vivid wording, though they were not worthless.

Literal Meaning: “when I came to you”, it referred to the condition that Paul firstly appeared before the Corinthians as an evangelist (Acts 18:1-11).

“Did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom”, “excellence of speech” relates to excellent wording and utterance; “excellence of wisdom” refers to mysterious wisdom or philosophy.

“Declaring to you the testimony of God”, “the testimony of God” is Jesus Christ and Him crucified (see v.2; Col. 2:2).

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Paul has much learning (see Acts 26:24). He does not lack excellent wording nor understand deep knowledge, but he does not preach the gospel through them. There is only reason why he gives up excellent manner of preachment, techniques of expression or conception of content ---- the mystery of God cannot be understood by man’s wisdom.

2)    To the great majority of men, what shall really enter the depth of them is not through touching their brains, but their hearts.

3)    To preach the gospel is not to declare any artful topic, but to testify the salvation that God has fulfilled for us through Christ. Actually, it is of particularly impressive power to describe the story of Jesus simply without any modification.

4)    There is distinction between what is of flesh and what is of spirit. The so-called fleshly work is to please, entertain or cater for man’s feeling. The spiritual word is to preach the truth of God’s word so as to glorify Christ and touch the spirit and conscience of hearers.

5)    Once we use our own wisdom, the Holy Spirit shall not work. If we are willing to abandon our own wisdom, political power, fair-sounding utterance…, the cross of Christ will manifest its wonderful and measureless power. The Lord would not descend from the cross by His own wisdom or power. When He yielded up his spirit, the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom, and the earth was shaken, and the rocks were rent, and many bodies of the saints fallen asleep arose, thus manifesting the surpassing power of the cross.


1Cor. 2:2 “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

   YLT: “for I decided not to know any thing among you, except Jesus Christ, and him crucified;”

Meaning of Words: “determined”: decide, judge; “know”: be aware of, perceive, see;

The Background: “know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified”, at that time, the city of Corinth was a corruptible heathen city filled with lusts. The literature and philosophy that the Corinthians were good at could not reverse the atmosphere but even abet it. Only the cross of Christ is the right way to deal with the problems of the lusts of the flesh.

Literal Meaning: “for I determined”, “determined” showed that Paul did this choice after consideration.

“Not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified”, “know” is not objective knowledge, but deep subjective knowledge after experience. “Jesus Christ” is His person, and “Him crucified” refers to His work.

The whole verse indicates that Paul takes Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the theme and content of his preachment of the gospel after he has really got profound knowledge of the person of the Lord Jesus and His great redemption.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)    Here, it is not “preaching” Christ and the cross, but “knowing” Christ and the cross. How much one “knows” Christ and the cross decides how much he can “preach” Christ and the cross.

2)    What is really important is not objective “knowledge”, but subjective “knowledge” in one’s experience. Only those who have experienced and known the cross in daily life can manifest Christ and the cross in public.

3)    What God really pleases is not the one who “preaches” the cross, but the one who “has personally known” the cross. Only those who have been really dealt with by the cross can help others know the cross.

4)    Christ is the goal of God’s work. And the cross is the way of God’s work. One can only gain Christ more if only he lets the cross get rid of all that of the natural man (John 3:30).

5)    Christ and the cross are two great ways of God’s works in men: in the passive aspect, the natural man shall be removed by the cross; in the positive aspect, Christ Himself shall be built in the new man. 

6)    Christ is our life, and the cross is our way. What we have received is not only Christ, but also His cross. What we have received is not only a life, but a way. We have obtained Christ as our life and also received the cross as our way.

7)    The words that Christ is our life are known and spoken by many people in the church. However, it is rare for us to experience that Christ is our life in our daily.

8)    Many believers can only say the knowledge of the cross but are willing to walk in the way of the cross. It is hard to see that one can prove that he lives in the cross and walks in the way of the cross through his life and work.

9)    The work of the cross in us shall decide the position, the stature of Christ’s life in us as well as the measure of the overflowing of Christ’s life from us.


1Cor. 2:3 “I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling.”

   YLT: “and I, in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling, was with you;”

Literal Meaning: “I was with you in weakness”, the previous verse mentions the content of his preachment, and this verse refers to the physical and mental condition when he preaches. “Weakness” might show that his physical condition was not very strong. Possibly, since he was repeatedly persecuted, his body was fatigue and there was given to him a thorn for the flesh (see 2Cor. 11:23-29; 12:7-10).

“In fear, and in much trembling”, “fear” was the inside feeling, and “trembling” was outside attitude. It might not describe that Paul was coward or weak before the Corinthians, but that condition made him anxious about his responsibility ---- on one hand, he was afraid in his heart that he could not fulfill the Lord’s work. On the other hand, he had to deal with the conditions in the church at Corinth carefully, lest he mislead the Corinthians into seeking after the wisdom of the world.

The Lord understood and sympathized with Paul’s condition and heart, so He revealed to him by a vision at Corinth and encouraged: “Fear not, but speak” (see Acts 18:9).

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     The natural life of Paul was stronger than the common people (see Phil. 3:4-6). And he still felt “to be in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling”, and this was the mark on him of the work of the cross. Thus, the power of the Holy Spirit would manifest through him thereafter. Therefore, what is primary in our service is not the power of the Holy Spirit, but the death of the cross. Just as a hymn goes like this: “I pray not for greater power, deeper death is all I need”.

2)     Weakness, fear, and trembling are not outside attitudes that can be pretended, but one’s inside condition. We should know the experience of the cross generates that attitude. If we have only attitude of the cross without the experience of the cross, there will be of no spiritual value.

3)     Paul said that he was “in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling”. He really knew the cross, so he had such attitude. He who knows the cross knows God is willing to work through men but God never lets man know he can do anything.

4)     The secret of the preachers’ successful works is that they dare not rely on them and are afraid of losing covering and relying on the help of God in trembling.

5)     Facing with a great work, one can not be successful if he is not in fear and trembling in his heart. A great actor is bound to be trembling and excited before his performance. The speed of a good preacher’s heart rate may be fastened before giving a message. Maybe one who is not trembling or nervous also has good achievements. However, the accomplishments of those who are trembling only are not obtained through their own skills.

6)     The treasure of the gospel hides in humble vessel. What is really manifested is the power of God, not that of man. 


1Cor. 2:4 “And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power,”

   YLT: “and my word and my preaching was not in persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power --”

Meaning of Words: “persuasive”: enticing; “demonstration”: proof;

Literal Meaning: “my speech and my preaching”, “my speech”: the wording and language that he used; “my preaching”: the massage that he expressed and its manner; there were also some Bible exegetes who thought “his speech” mainly referred to his words in his daily life and “his preaching” mainly related to the message of his preachment.

  “Were not with persuasive words of human wisdom”, “words of human wisdom”, it points that the words are of significance. “Persuasive words”, it shows that the manner of expression is attractive and pleasant to listen to.

“But in demonstration of the Spirit and of power”, “of the Spirit and of power”, it is the power of God (see v.5), because God manifests His power through the Holy Spirit (v.10). Therefore, the power of God is also called the power of the Spirit (see Rom. 15:13).

“Demonstration”, a word used by the philosophers at that time in debate. It means the presentation of words and reasons is too perfect to make men submit willingly and convinced completely. Here, it shows that the power of the Spirit is all-conquering. 

Controversial Clarification: some people hold that “persuasive words of human wisdom” are of man’s mind and “demonstration of the Spirit and of power” is of man’s spirit. Therefore, they infer that one shall forsake their mind in his preachment but only rely on the instant feeling in spirit and the Spirit shall give them what they shall speak (see Matt. 10:19). Actually, such explanation is too extreme. Seeing from the whole Bible, God has not asked believers to forsake their thoughts or mind, but pay attention to pray, sing hymns and preach with understanding (see 1Cor. 14:15, 18). If one prepares his messages in written form well before preaching, he has no fault. What is faulty is that one does not confide in God in prayers but utterly rely on the written words. Messages with thoughtful mind are good. However, if one seeks and boasts of the thoughts of the message only but ignores the power of the Spirit, it is wrong.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     Man shall show himself by preaching the persuasive words of human wisdom. Only through the demonstration of the Spirit and of power, God can be manifested and man can thus know God.

2)     If man uses words of wisdom, the cross of the Christ may not be made vain (1Cor. 1:17). Therefore, the messages cannot be cleared explained by words of wisdom.

3)     He who preaches the words of the Lord and does the Lord’s work should not rely on man’s mind and thoughts, but spare more time to rely on the Lord by prayers (Acts 6:4).

4)     The weakness of us is that we tend to convince others of believing Jesus by our own words, but not let others see Jesus in our experience of God.

5)     We may lose the influence power of the truth because of the excessive emphasis on the elegancy of words, thus becoming artists rather than prophets in this age.

6)     The faith of those who are persuaded by wisdom and philosophy may be built upon man’s rationality. However, the faith of those who are gained through the power of the Spirit must be established upon the great power of God.

7)     If one obeys the Spirit, when he comes out to preach the gospel, the Spirit shall be with the message and prove the message. That’s not man’s work, but His. Man’s responsibility is only to preach.

8)     Paul did not preach the gospel with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power so as to avoid manifesting himself and divisions in the church and magnify Christ only so that man’s faith shall be in God only.

9)     Paul was unwilling to preach the message of the cross by the excellence of speech or of wisdom, lest the cross of the Christ should be made vain. Because one can only deliver rationality, if he preaches the fact of the cross by knowledge. The power and life of the cross cannot be preached out, if one has not preached the cross by the spirit of the cross and the life of the cross.


1Cor. 2:5 “that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”

   YLT: “that your faith may not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

Literal Meaning: “that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men”, “that” shows that the words above have a purpose. “Faith” means believing Jesus Christ and Him crucified (see v.2). “Not be in the wisdom of men”, not in persuasion in reason.

  True faith is neither rational cognition nor emotional identification, but a kind of spiritual insight (see 2Cor. 5:7), so it cannot be fulfilled by man’s wisdom.

  “But in the power of God”, “the power of God” is opposite to “man’s wisdom” here. Only the power of God can subdue the hardened and disobedient heart of man. And only the power of God can bring man into spiritual realm and see the hidden mystery of God (see v.7), namely, Christ (see v.1-2).

  Paul intends to let believers be rooted in the power of God, not in man’s wisdom, because there is a great danger of relying on man’s wisdom ---- it makes men admire the preacher more than the true living God.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     Faith that comes from intellectual inference shall be destroyed in acuter arguments. However, faith produced from the power of God shall never be fallen down.

2)     Let us flee from the words of wisdom and make our faith root in God.

3)     The theological knowledge can only illustrate God, but not let man obtain God. It can render God an object of research, but not establish close relationship between man and God.


1Cor. 2:6 “However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.”

   YLT: “And wisdom we speak among the perfect, and wisdom not of this age, nor of the rulers of this age -- of those becoming useless,”

Meaning of Words: “mature”: perfect, complete;

The Background: “those who are mature”, the original of this word at that time was often used to refer to a kind of secret religion. “Those who were mature” were only those who received the complete training of the religion’s regulation and then became mature members.

Literal Meaning: “however, among those who are mature”, “however” shows that the following words relate to “not be in the wisdom of men”. “Those who are mature” refers to those who are mature in spirit and mind.

“We speak wisdom”, this verse indicates that there are three kinds of “wisdom”: the first is the wisdom talked by those who are mature in spirit, namely, the wisdom of God in a mystery (see v.7), which is of the revelation of God (see v.10).

“Yet not the wisdom of this age”, the second is “the wisdom of this age”, namely that can be seen by eyes, heard by ears, imagined by hearts (see v.9). In other words, it is wisdom obtained from observing various phenomena by men, e.g. science. 

“Nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing”, “nor of” shows that such wisdom is different from the second one. This is the third one, namely, “the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing”, its feature is “to know” (see v.8). This is wisdom obtained from man’s logical reasoning, e.g. philosophy.

“The rulers”, the plural shows that it is not Satan nor principalities and authorities in the heavenlies (Eph. 3:10), but the authorities that are above (Rom. 13:1); “Who are coming to nothing”, who shall perish;

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     The wisdom that we shall pursue abides forever. But the wisdom of man is transient and shall be done away (see 1Cor. 13:8-10).

2)     Spiritual wisdom makes man fear and know God and increases his life. But the wisdom of man makes man come to nothing.

3)     The wisdom of Christians is in the church. The church is the place where the wisdom is deposited and thus has the responsibility of preaching the wisdom to the world.

4)     Science in this age is originally set to increase man’s physical life so as to bring higher physical enjoyment to man. However, it makes man indulge in physical pursuit more but ignore the value of soul.

5)     The rulers in the world are of no special value toward spiritual things. Many people have the sense of exalting famous people, thinking that the words of those who have reputation and status must be right. Christian should be a good lawful citizen, but our attitude of having faith in God’s words should not be affected by the utterance of the rulers in the world.

6)     The wisdom of man in the world is the outcome produced from the limited mind of man in a limited period of time. That’s wisdom in the world.

7)     A basic feature of Christianity is that she is not restricted by the age but surpasses the restrictions of all the ages. She belongs to all ages.


1Cor. 2:7 “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,”

   YLT: “but we speak the hidden wisdom of God in a secret, that God foreordained before the ages to our glory,”

Literal Meaning: “but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom”, “hidden”, the present participle of perfect tense shows that the condition is still continual. It means that it has been hidden to those who do not believe God in the world in the past and at present.

  “Mystery” refers to things that are covered and have not been uncovered.

  “The wisdom of God in a mystery”, it indicates that the wisdom originates from God Himself, and is a hidden mystery, which is only made known to those who believe. Men in the world can not understand the salvation that God prepares for men beyond man’s imagination.       

“Which God ordained before the ages for our glory”, “before the ages” refers to the past eternity; “ordained”: predestine, it stresses the counsel and sovereignty of God. “Our glory”, in particular, it is to obtain Christ, for He is the Lord of glory (see v.8).

Christ is our life today (Col. 3:4) and our hope of glory in the future (Col. 1:27). God calls us in Christ to his eternal glory (1Pet. 5:10) and will bring us into glory (Heb. 2:10). This is the counsel that God ordained before the ages.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     The grace of God given to us is not a provisional almsgiving, but was ordained by God before all the ages. Therefore, it never changes even after all the ages.

2)     The blessing that believers have obtained today and the hope in the future are exceedingly glorious. Therefore, we shall not look down upon ourselves and waste our time and life on those corruptible things.


1Cor. 2:8 “which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”

   YLT: “which no one of the rulers of this age did know, for if they had known, the Lord of the glory they would not have crucified;”

Literal Meaning: “for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory”, “they” refers to the rulers of this age. According to this verse, it referred to the governors of the Roman government and Jewish leaders in the Sanhedrim. Paul intended to set them as the representatives of rulers of this age. The meaning of “them” can also be extended to all those who oppose the gospel because of the ignorance of the will of God’s redemption

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     The most amazing part of this mystery is the cross, which uncovers the darkness of the rulers and also becomes the way of bringing light to men. The wisdom of God is revealed on the cross to men.

2)     Though the epochs are different, and the knowledge, learning and philosophy in the world change with each passing day in different epochs, the ignorance of men in the world about spiritual things has not been changed because of the development of the ages. Though men’s hostility toward the truth of the gospel has various forms in different ages, the degree of the hostility has never been lightened.

3)      The more one has the earthly and worldly authority (no matter social or religious), the more difficult shall he have spiritual wisdom and the revelation of the Spirit. Finally, such people may kill Christ and become the enemy of the Lord’s glory.


1Cor. 2:9 “But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."”

   YLT: “but, according as it hath been written, `What eye did not see, and ear did not hear, and upon the heart of man came not up, what God did prepare for those loving Him --'”

Literal Meaning: “as it is written”, it is quoted from the Book of Isaiah according to its meaning (Is. 64:4).

“The things which God has prepared for those who love Him”, it does not mean that only those who love God can enjoy the salvation. Paul here emphasizes that the foundation of the relationship between man and God is God’s love, not the wisdom of the world. We love, for God has firstly loved us (1John 4:19). The love of God has touched our heart so that we shall put aside the inference in my mind and love Him simply.

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man”, the general meaning in this verse is that the salvation of the cross and blessing therein that God has prepared for men are in no wise a theory that man imagines in the wisdom of the world.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     What God had prepared for those who believe Him is the eternal life. What God had prepared for those who love Him is in future. The blessing in the future can be only known by God. In other words, those who love the Lord can enjoy the blessing that man has never seen, nor heard, nor imagined the heart.

2)     Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies (1Cor. 8:1).

3)     Whether a believer is mature or spiritual is not decided by his intellect or ability, but by love. Love is the touchstone.


1Cor. 2:10 “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.”

   YLT: “but to us did God reveal through His Spirit, for the Spirit all things doth search, even the depths of God,”

Meaning of Words: “search”: seek, investigate;

Literal Meaning: “God has revealed them to us through His Spirit”, “the Spirit” makes us understand and receive the gospel. When the Spirit works in man’s heart, He makes man know sin negatively and guides man into the truth positively and helps man know Christ (John 16:8, 13-14).

“For the Spirit searches all things”, the Spirit thoroughly knows all things.

“Yes, the deep things of God”, “the deep things” refer to fathomless things; “the deep things of God” are spiritual things (see v.13), namely, “things of God” (v.11); “the things that have been freely given to us by God” (v.12); “the things of the Spirit of God” (v.14). Man cannot understand these things through his own wisdom, so they think they are deep.

The Holy Spirit is one person of the divine Trinity. He has infinite wisdom and knows all the truth of God and can teach the truth to men.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     God reveals the truth to humble Christians, not to learned philosophers. Since it is revealed, there is not any sense of superiority. Since all is of God, there is not any place of boasting. Believers cannot pretend to have any particular profound knowledge or penetrating insight, for it is God that reveals the truth to man.

2)     The Holy Spirit abides in our spirits. Therefore, if we desire to know the deep things of God, we need not use our head too much, but touch the feeling in our spirits more by prayers.


1Cor. 2:11 “For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.”

   YLT: “for who of men hath known the things of the man, except the spirit of the man that in him? so also the things of God no one hath known, except the Spirit of God.”

Literal Meaning: “even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God”, only the spirit of the man knows the things of a man. Only the Spirit of God knows the things of God.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     Only God knows Himself. We can only know God through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

2)     We mustn’t understand the spiritual mystery of God through our own wisdom. And once we have been saved, the Holy Spirit has dwelt in us (Rom. 8:9) ---- He teaches us in everything so that we can know the things of God (John 16:13).


1Cor. 2:12 “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.”

   YLT: “And we the spirit of the world did not receive, but the Spirit that of God, that we may know the things conferred by God on us,”

Literal Meaning: “we have received, not the spirit of the world”, “we” refers to believers; “the world (kosmos)” refers a system that makes all things in order; “the spirit of the world”, it makes the world become what is of the world, namely, the spirit that works in those who do not believe (see Eph. 2:2). Though such spirit makes man clever in the world, it has no effect on man of knowing the things of God.

  “But the Spirit who is from God” refers to the Spirit of God (see v.14), namely, the Holy Spirit.

  “That we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God”, “we” refers to the writer of the scriptures as well as all believers who have received the Holy Spirit. “Things that have been freely given to us by God” are spiritual things (see v.13).

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     Spiritual wisdom can be obtained through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, and is not like wisdom of the world that can only be obtained through man’s labor, diligence, learning.

2)     It is God’s grace given to us freely that we can understand the spiritual things


1Cor. 2:13 “These things we also speak, not in words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”

   YLT: “which things also we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Holy Spirit, with spiritual things spiritual things comparing,”

Meaning of Words: “compare”: judge of one thing in connection with another, combine, collate;

Literal Meaning: “these things we also speak”, “these things” are things given to us by God (see v.12), namely, the things of God and spiritual things.

  “Not in words which man’s wisdom teaches”, it relates to words judged by man’s wisdom.

  “But which the Holy Spirit teaches”, words spoken under the power of the Spirit. The Scriptures are generated by this way (see 2Tim. 3:16; 2Pet. 1:21). However, what we should pay attention to is that the revelation of the Scriptures had been finished two thousand years ago. And after that no one could list their words or writings into the Scriptures (see Rev. 22:18) by making an excuse that he was “taught by the Spirit”.

  “Comparing spiritual things with spiritual”, there are different explanations as follows:

1)    Illustrate spiritual truth in words which the Holy Spirit teaches;

2)    Deliver spiritual truth to spiritual ones (see Matt. 7:6);

3)    Compare one point of the spiritual truth with another point of spiritual truth, namely, interpret the scriptures by scriptures.

According to the context, the first one is the most appropriate one among the three above-mentioned kinds of explanations.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     If we are really Christians, we have received the Holy Spirit. If we are called Saints, the Holy Spirit is ours and then we will obtain witness. We are called to bear witness, so we speak “these things” to men ---- things given to us freely by God.

2)     We preach out what we have received. Believers do not preach the revelation of the truth to others with the words that man’s wisdom teaches. The wisdom of this age is not the right way of preaching the truth of God.

3)     The words that the Spirit teaches are not only a general idea (see Mark 13:11) but also provides exact and detailed words.

4)     Only words under the power of the Spirit can make men understand the truth and obtain life.

5)     If we interpret spiritual things by spiritual words, we shall see clearly what is of the Spirit and thus keep in balance of the truth. This is an important today. It is no doubt that some Christians are really pious, but they persist in the truth too much to see any other thing. Finally, that point of truth helps him in nothing and becomes a hindrance.


1Cor. 2:14 “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

   YLT: “and the natural man doth not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for to him they are foolishness, and he is not able to know , because spiritually they are discerned;”

Meaning of Words: “receive”: take, obtain; “discern”: prove clearly, search thoroughly;

Literal Meaning: “but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God”, the natural man is governed and controlled by his soul, and his vision is restricted in his soul and lacking in spiritual judgment. “Receive” carries the meaning of “welcome”. The natural man does not welcome spiritual things, but rejects them.

  “Nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”, “these things” are things of the Spirit of God, namely, spiritual things. “They are spiritually discerned”, it means that they will be discerned according to spiritual principles and ways. “Discern”: clear understand;

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     The life of the natural man seems to be of nothing except for the fleshly life. What he needs is only physical need, and his value is totally fleshly and physical. Such man cannot know spiritual things.

2)     One who regards the satisfaction of the lusts of sex as the most important cannot know the meaning of purity. One who takes physical enjoyment as the highest cannot understand the meaning of benevolence. One whose mind is only confined in the world cannot know the things of God.

3)     God not only reveals us the mystery of the gospel by the Spirit, but also makes us welcome and receive the gospel through the Spirit.

4)     Everything shall be changed in the presence of the Spirit. Man has no discernment without the Spirit. Man shall know the essence of things with the Spirit.


1Cor. 2:15 “But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.”

   YLT: “and he who is spiritual, doth discern indeed all things, and he himself is by no one discerned;”

Literal Meaning: “he who is spiritual judges all things”, “he who is spiritual” refers to the one who is fully filled with the Spirit and walks according to the Spirit (see Rom. 8:4). The Lord Jesus on the earth was a model. “All things” include natural things as well as spiritual things.

  “Yet he himself is rightly judged by no one”, “no one”, “one” refers to any natural man. The natural man knows nothing about the spiritual man (see v.14), and can not understand spiritual men, for their performances are different from that of men in the world.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     Spiritual things can only be discerned by spiritual men. One who has the Spirit may also not know God, for he does not live in nor by the Spirit.

2)     “Judge”, it means the first trial in the original. Only a spiritual man can evaluate spiritual things. It may remind us that all the judgments of men are merely preliminary judgments and yet the final judgment is from God.


1Cor. 2:16 “For "who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?" But we have the mind of Christ.”

   YLT: “for who did know the mind of the Lord that he shall instruct Him? and we -- we have the mind of Christ.”

Meaning of Words: “mind”: thought; “instruct”: assuredly gather, knit together, teach;

Literal Meaning: “who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?”, it is quoted from the Book of Isaiah (40:13) according to the meaning. This verse means that the whole world does not understand the counsel of God, let alone any suggestion to God.

  “But we have the mind of Christ”, “we” refers to believers; “the mind of Christ”: the thought of Christ. Once believers have been born again, they will have the life of Christ and the feeling and perception of spiritual life, thus being able to receive and understand spiritual things. Such perception of spiritual things is the mind of Christ.

  The natural men and men in the world have no basic conditions of understanding things of God or spiritual things on account of the difference between natural life and spiritual life, just as animals to things of man ---- their life is also different. However, since we believers have got the spiritual life, the hindrance in life of understanding things of God or spiritual things has been eliminated. Therefore, we are able to understand the counsel of God.

Enlightenment in the Word:

1)     The will of God is objective on the throne. The mind of Christ is subjective in us. The will of God is outside of us, and the mind of Christ works in us continually to enlighten us His will.

2)     Though we Christians cannot full know all thoughts of Christ, we have at least obtained the spiritual instinct of knowing the thoughts of Christ. What is important is that we shall often apply and develop this instinct so as to know the thoughts of Christ increasingly.

3)     Spiritual man sees things according to the opinions of Christ, not according to earthly opinions.

4)     Christians governed by the Holy Spirit can research, inquire and meditate the Scriptures and can also understand the meaning therein.


III. Outlines of the Spiritual Lessons


Sound Teachings

A.   The sound teaching is not with excellence of speech or of wisdom (v.1).

B.   The sound teaching is according to the theme of Jesus Christ and Him crucified (v.2).

C.  The sound teaching is not through one’s own power (v.3).

D.  The sound teaching is in demonstration of the Spirit and of power (v.4).

E.   The sound teaching gives man right faith (v.5).


The Example of Paul’s Preachment

A.  The main principle of his preachment (v.1):

1. Not preach with excellence of speech or of wisdom;

2. Declare the testimony of God;

B.  The theme of his preachment (v.2):

1. Jesus Christ;

2. Him crucified;

C.  The attitude of his preachment (v.3):

1. He knows his weakness;

2. He is in fear and in much trembling, and dares not fail to fulfill the Lord’s duty;

D.  The reliance of his preachment (v.4):

1. Not with persuasive words of human wisdom;

2. But in demonstration of the Spirit and of power;

E.  The goal of his preachment (v.5):

1. Faith should not be in the wisdom of men;

2. But faith should be in the power of God;


Know the Wisdom of God

A.   What is the wisdom of God:

1.  Not the wisdom of this age (v.6);

2.  The wisdom of God in a mystery (v.7);

B.   Who can know the wisdom of God:

1.  None of the rulers of this age knew (v.8);

2.  Those who love God can know (v.9);

C.  How to know the wisdom of God:

1.  Through the revelation of God (v.10);

2.  Through receiving the Holy Spirit (v.11-12);

3.  Through the teaching of spiritual words (v.13);

D.  Who understand the wisdom of God:

1.  The natural man does not receive (v.14);

2.  They are spiritually discerned (v.15-16);


The Steps of Knowing the Truth of God

A.   Rely on the revelation of God (v.9-12);

B.   Receive spiritual teaching (v.13);

C.  Receive enlightenment (v.14-16);


How to Know the Things of God?

D.  One can only know the things of God through the Spirit of God (v.11-12).

E.   One can speak of the things of God in words which the Holy Spirit teaches (v.13).

F.   Only those who are spiritual can discern things of God (v.14-15).

G.  One can only know the things of God in the mind of Christ (v.16).


── Caleb HuangChristian Digest Bible Commentary Series

   Translated by Mary Zhou